
July 30, 2010

Newsea Lady's Diary Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. YAY! Thank you NewSea! It looks cute.

  2. I love newsea's sense of style.

    I will definitely be snatching this up ;)

  3. fuck newsea and their pay hairs, now i have to go get it from some one on the exchange

  4. Oh I wish someone could upload it

  5. ^ I concur! Someone upload it please. :)

  6. Charming.
    But i'd so love a retexture. It's not bad, it just would look so 'out' in my game.

  7. This is gorgeous

  8. This is possibly my favourite of Newseas hairs, Its beautiful, classy, glamorous and doesnt have any weird floaty bits or an awful back!

    Cant wait to steal this :D

  9. "Cant wait to steal this :D"

    Me too :D

  10. So pretty!! Newsea's textures are terrible in game though

  11. Very prety. Looks like it needs to sit just a little lower on the head, or newsea's models all have the facial features shifted down. But that's a small thing and doesn't detract much from this particular hair. Very nice :D


    I don't always like what Newsea does, but this is gorgeous! Can't wait until it's up on the Booty!

  13. "But i'd so love a retexture. It's not bad, it just would look so 'out' in my game."

    No one retextures TSR hairs. Missbonbon used to, but after the fiasco with TSR getting GOS shut down, she hasn't done anymore.

  14. Nobody wants to mess with TSR, if they can get GOS shutdown then they can destroy a little blog with no problem

  15. ^Thats horrible. I can understand why people hate TSR so much now.

  16. ^^isn't that terrorism? no legal basis, so they harass people into doing what they want them to do. they didn't even have to shut down GOS to strike the fear into small blogs.

  17. Even before their GOS attack, the TSR goons had other websites shut down and hacked into people's websites, MTS accounts, and even photobucket accounts because they accused them of being pirates. Sometimes they erased creators' entire sets of creations. They also leaked 600+ people's personal info (in some cases even address) because they thought they were pirates. A lot of the pay "artists" there are nasty, backstabbing cult-like fuckers with nothing but blind adoration for their evil hacker/intimidation leader Thomas and I'm glad that people like Pescado won't let them intimidate him.

  18. "I can understand why people dislike paysites but to 'hate' suggests that more is involved than just a pay policy."

    There is. Please read up on TSR's various attacks on members of the community and the lengths they've gone to in order to harm people. The hatred for them is valid...I'd hate someone too if my full name and other personal details had been leaked by these fuckers.

  19. ^Oh, BTW, I think that comment was more for the person calling you an idiot because you said you can understand why people hate TSR now.

  20. PSMBD dead?

    It's not dead. I just accessed both the PMBD forum as well as the Booty. But for the past several weeks, Pescado has been under DOS and other attacks, so that's why if you go there at certain times, it may be down.

  21. 'Oh, BTW, I think that comment was more for the person calling you an idiot because you said you can understand why people hate TSR now.'

    Haha, thanks :)

  22. This is very lovely... yeah TSR tho...
    the knot reminds me of brioche on her head a bit. I do like it, tho

  23. Looks like I will have to attempt to retexture this for personal use. It is gorgeous but the textures suck.

  24. Uhm, this hair has already been done, by TSR's Ulker.

    The bun's a tad different--Sure, why not?
    What's another hair to the massive collection?

    The bang thingy is cute. Nice alteration, Newsea.

  25. someone be kind and upload it, please

  26. I love the style but would like to see this one re-done/re-textured.

  27. Can't it be re-textured anonymously then posted on the booty or something? (clueless)

  28. ^The problem with that is that not everyone retextures well. If some anon does it, then it's likely something that most people will not want anyway. If Anubis were to do it and submit it to the booty, people would still know it was him because of the way he does the retextures. If someone else did it in the same style as Anubis, they would still suspect Anubis regardless of whether he did it or not and then the TSR morons could try to fuck with him. It's just not worth it over a hair. TSR has already shown on numerous occasions that they have no qualms about attacking people in the worst ways.

    I've never seen any hair retextures on the booty, just the originals.

  29. Also, the same goes for Savio and any other popular converters/retexturers. They all have their own style and people would be easily able to tell it was them and even if someone else did it in any of their styles, they'd still be the prime suspect.

  30. Has anybody found Newsea's Flower hair on the Exchange yet? The Booty hasn't got it yet.

  31. the only way to stop TSR is stop going to the site and stop downloading CC from a revolution against the pay sites....maybe it would work....

    ps: sorry for the english!!!!

  32. Beautiful! I am not sure where the 'lower on the head' thing is from. I think most sims have too low of foreheads. Many people have high foreheads. Are they out of style now? Used to be that most models and actresses had high foreheads because they were considered beautiful.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Even if everyone who frequents MTS, MATY and MS3B boycotts TSR, they will still get traffic from all the sheep who still primarily obtain custom content from the exchange. There will always be people stupid enough to subscribe to TheSimsCrapsource.

    Which is why supporting sites like PMBD is a good idea: because they can actually protect themselves from Thomas' bullshit.

  35. for the anon who asked if it was dead, my link stoped working a while ago and i thought it was dead too.
    Anyway, if anyone finds or uploads this please post, ive been looking and as soon as i find it ill do the same x

  36. 'Has anybody found Newsea's Flower hair on the Exchange yet? The Booty hasn't got it yet.'

    Yea, I've seen a couple. This one probably will

    I'm still hoping to find this hair ;P

  37. this is the first time that i seriously considered downloading something from tsr. this hair is just lovely.

    i know the general story, but does anyone know if there's a record of what, exactly, tsr has done in the past? or what they're suspected of doing? i just want to know so i can hate them more specifically.

  38. Yeah, just read Coconut's blog:

    Give all the info you need. :D

    I really like this hair, will be getting it at the booty though.

  39. ^^ Go to PMBD. There's a lot of information.

    On an unrelated note, does anyone know why Sexysims2 is down?

  40. "On an unrelated note, does anyone know why Sexysims2 is down?"

    If you're the same person from a few days ago, I told you that it was up and working fine for me. Next time, go to

    Try a different browser and see if you can get it to load.

  41. thanks for the link, b :]

  42. Pay no way, that's it. TSR is concentrated failure.

  43. Child!-


  44. Oh I hope this gets retextured soon, it's gorgeous!

  45. "Oh I hope this gets retextured soon, it's gorgeous!"

    No one retextures TSR hairs, since TSR shut down GOS. Therefore, you just gotta live with this.

  46. Meh, the hair is actually not bad. It's just the attitude that Newsea and TSR have that really turns me away from ever downloading anything there.

  47. "If you're the same person from a few days ago, I told you that it was up and working fine for me. Next time, go to

    Try a different browser and see if you can get it to load."

    Thank you so much. I must have missed your post earlier D:

  48. I love this one. I'm going to Arr it. Yay for the Booty!

  49. Anonymous said...
    I wouldn't be calling anyone else an idiot if I didn't even know the difference between your and YOU'RE, something you should've learned by age 8.



  51. THX bunches for the link!

  52. finally a link posted! thanks anon!
