
July 13, 2010

Old Brickwood (III), Worker's House by nivaso

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Rule 1 of making CC: Don't photoshop the actual content of your example pictures.

  2. It's lightly photoshopped to give off a warmer feel. He didn't alter the pictures in any major way. As long as you can see the content clearly, it's fine to photoshop.

  3. I love this house.

  4. Shivar is correct. Photoshopping preview pics is annoying to most people, and utterly pointless altogether. The purpose of preview pics is to... PREVIEW the custom content!! ...not to make lame attempts at being "artistic".

    While at least it's "lightly" photoshopped, it's still pointless and silly to do it at all. Just show us the damn product as is.

  5. The house looks fantastic.

    And yeah, photoshopped previews are dumb, but I've seen far worse than this at least. As long as it doesn't get manipulated any more than this (see the vast amount of horrid pics on TSR), it doesn't bother me too much.

  6. Lighting changes a lot of how someone looks, and a significant chunk of the lighting in these shots is totally faked, so it's more misleading than you might think.

  7. Claeric is right on this, guys. Lighting DOES change how someone or something looks in a major way. Perfect example: CAS lighting compared to in-game lighting.

  8. There is nothing wrong with a bit of photoshopping. I personally liked the house and didn't even notice it at first.

  9. "Sigh" I wish the internet has a Claeric/Shivar/FuzzyCraptasticDishwasher option.
