
July 08, 2010

Roland by Ariz

Download at Ariz, Larz and Cholez Sims3 Blog


  1. I want to make his eyes bigger, but oh my god ;-; he's so cute

  2. I adore him immensely. Him and Diane are so amazing.

  3. His eyes are too tiny for that big nose. I don't really like him.

  4. Wow. Ok. Nty. Dont get me wrong, i dont like caked face boy sims. Its just..His nose...

  5. LOVE him! His face's got so much personality :D grabbing right nao.

  6. Unleash the NOSE! haha... this guy is so rad! Ariz is rad!

  7. I think he's pretty cute. Just maybe without the sad eyes. AND THE GARGANTUAN NOSE, But still keep it big. Just not huge.

  8. Kayla, it's calling unique. Everyone perceives something differently. Hell, I could call you ugly irl and someone else might think you are pretty.

    Okay thanks, stupid 3 year old chick. :)

  9. Big nose = unique?


  10. If you want all of your sims to be sexy than don't download this one ? I like when my sims are not all the same, and this one IS unique. Come on, I'm sure you know someone with a big nose, but it doesn't make her/him ugly.

  11. Apparently being fuggly makes you unique.

  12. If all other sims are "pretty", then yes, an ugly one would be unique.

    Not that it isn't flagrantly obvious that this sim doesn't look like any others, but if you're going to use idiot logic, you're gonna be called on it.

  13. I haven't met anyone with a nose like that, that looked remotely pretty. An ugly nose can ruin a pretty face.

  14. That sim actually looks like those fugly sims that plague twinbrook, so I wouldn't call him unique.

  15. FINALLY, a sim that doesn't look like an anime super model. I like him, he's just what I need to spice up my town! I like my sims to look somewhat cartoony, like caricatures. :)

  16. Cool looking sim. I love that he is not gorgeous, but still I find his interesting features, cute. Need a few "cute" sims to thin out all the beauty. LOL!

  17. No, I had to agree with others... He is "unique", but I don't know anyone who looks anything like this. I don't mind having Sims that aren't super models, but I still for them to look normal. This is not a normal look, even for "ugly" humans. But does it matter? Each person has a preference. Let them create their towns with pretty/normal/"ugly"/unique Sims that they like.

    But he still is interesting, I guess. Nice job even if I don't like him. I can't make Sims for the life of me :p

  18. Ugly or not, he's extremely unique and not all that UNrealistic. I wished more sims were made like this, with the thought in mind that not everyone should look the same.

  19. He is not unique because of his weird nose, he is unique because people don't usually try to make something like that. :P

  20. "I wished more sims were made like this"

    Just let twinbrook's townies to have kids and you'll have lots to play with.

    And I don't think he's unique because people don't make sims like him, since EA did it first.

  21. You people are retarded.

    It is that simple.

  22. "shut the fack up"

    Go back to school.

  23. He looks like a Bayless but with smaller ears<3

  24. I don't need to fully cuss to make a point, its called class. Get some, or just go get some in general.

  25. I don't think changing one letter makes it classy.. somehow I think it makes you come off as a douche.

  26. ^It's called stupidity, if you don't wanna cuss don't do it at all. And I don't think saying "attention whoring douche" right after that shows any of your so called class.

  27. I loooooove big schnozes<3333 Half my sims have huge noses. I don't understand why "little" noses are considered attractive besides the fact that it's a societal standard.

    To the anon that said that an ugly nose can ruin a pretty face, it's all relative. Don't be so judgmental, brah

  28. ^I don't see how that person was judgemental, it was an opinion as much as a fact. Just look what Uma Thurman had to suffer for her big nose before she finally made it big.

  29. I don't get why people think he's unrealistic looking. I've known at least a few guys with pretty similar combination of features. I can see why some might not find him beautiful, though I actually like the way he looks.

  30. Lol Claeric.

    I like him. I think his face looks great.

  31. Ok, this is what I think:

    One, everyone has different face shapes and we are all unique.

    Two, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you can't please everybody.

    Three, I personally love his nose and love strange facial features in general.

    Thanks for the comments guys. I really enjoy your feedback :)


  32. I really like this sim to be honest!

    He's not all beauty canon and stuff and that's what I like about him!

    I'm pretty tired of the anime-beautiful guys we see all the time.

    Thanks Ariz

  33. I love him good job ariz :)

  34. Unique is good. Different is good. This Sim is awesome <3

  35. I hate how 2 or so people on this comment thingy have to check people and tell them not to criticize stuff. Lol. Wtf?! A lot of people just don't think this sim is all that unique because of his weird nose. What else is so different about him?

    Ugly sims do not equal cool sims. Lol. And better looking sims don't get featured because they're not made by known names like Ariz or something.

    I'd rather have supermodel sims than this junk.

  36. I hate how 2 or so people on this comment thingy have to check people and tell them not to criticize stuff. Lol. Wtf?! A lot of people just don't think this sim is all that unique because of his weird nose. What else is so different about him?

    Ugly sims do not equal cool sims. Lol. And better looking sims don't get featured because they're not made by known names like Ariz or something.

    I'd rather have supermodel sims than this junk.

  37. "You people are retarded.

    It is that simple."

    I agree.
    Taking custom content of a game so seriously (to the point of arguing over it) is an indication of nothing better to do.

  38. He's uuuuuuuuuuuugly!

  39. I like noses. I think big noses are hot. My boyfriend has a big hooked nose and it's way sexy.

    His eyes though. They look so sad.
