
July 17, 2010

Rose 89 and 90 by Savio

Download at Savio's Stuff

File names:

Rose 89_S3_TF-EF_Savio
Rose 89_S3_TM-EM_Savio

Rose's version here

File name: Rose 90_S3_TF-EF_Savio

Rose's version here


  1. cuteeeeeeeeeeeee!

  2. O I love you for fixing the second one! I loved that hair, but it had so many issues... this looks much better


    Yet again they want us to pay to advertise them

  4. hurray for fixing rose's hairs that look crappy on blondes! :D


  6. ^ Dude, seriously, if you're going to post a sim, there wouldn't be a worser place to post it than T$R. The exchange is better than that crap website. Nice sim though.

  7. Why is TSR crap? Lol. It's a good place to find stuff and if you have a sim or anything you want to share and get some exposure, it helps out there too. Seriously, it's like people just hate stuff just to hate it or because of the rep/name.

  8. I hope you check all the sim3packs you download from there with Delphy's tool.

    My game has been corrupted by things I've downloaded from there, and I'm not the only one.

    Other than that, users at TSR don't like crappy things, that sim above, awesome, unique, yet has only 20 downloads. wth? Yet this sim
    over 600?

    idk, seems like a crappy sim to me.

  9. Where can I find the necklace on the 1st pic?

  10. Where is the dress on the first picture from? It's so cute! :D

  11. I was about to say, what are you guys all smoking thinking that Sim looks good? Compare it to an actual shot of Blake Lively and you will see it doesn't look a thing like her. People upload shitty Sims like that to TSR for the only reason that TSR accepts whatever schlock is uploaded.


  13. Um, the exchange IS a better place to upload sims however. I have a friend that is pretty skilled at making attractive sims and her sim got 150 downloads in 1 day. Lol. From the sims offical site exchange alone.

  14. Oh & it was one afternoon, past 7 pm when she uploaded it and she had 150 or some dl's by the next morning. But the sim was cute. Lol.

    We're both sims nerds.

  15. i think i know how to become the best villian EVER!

    fashion,dark clothes,dark pants,socks shoes...all dark

    look,bald,dark eyes,dark skin,thin

    for possibly better results,have 2 parents like this to and have them raise the baby evily(but not too evil that socail services will steal him!

    any other ideahs?

  16. ways to most lkely save money,
    1.traits,lucky,fugel(or what ever its called)natural cook,work aholic,kleptomatic
    2.get highest paying job for these traits and try to REALLY impress the boss
    3.take a big risk and do something risky with your money(what ever you want:D )

  17. These are great :) I'm really hoping someone will fix the pigtails soon. That is my absolute favorite.

  18. how do you install a sim downloaded in .sim format? where do i place it?

  19. "Um, the exchange IS a better place to upload sims however. I have a friend that is pretty skilled at making attractive sims and her sim got 150 downloads in 1 day. Lol. From the sims offical site exchange alone."

    No, it isn't. The Exchange is filled with moronic custom content creators and borked files (long before that hideous doll) and it accepts anything and everything. That's the reason people get so many downloads - because there are no restrictions on what can be uploaded (save for things containing nudity). So you have kids like 12/13 and up (as well as naive adults) uploading anything and everything and also DOWNLOADING anything and everything because so many people only look to the official site for downloads because they think it's better and it really isn't. Most of the older, more skilled creators do not upload anything to the Exchange nor do they download from it. You can find much better content on other sites.

    I wouldn't advise anyone to use it either. Like I said, from reading the official forums, MOST of the problems come from bad custom content someone got from the Exchange (or that originated somewhere like TSR, with the doll and other things).

  20. ^^^ Your comment reeks of ignorance. Simply because things are uploaded to the exchange does not mean everything there is crap. Not everything gets SO many dl's because people are "naive". Lol. Jackass. People like what they like regardless of where they dl it.

    You sound exactly like a snob who thinks their opinion is about reproach. And age has nothing to do with it, skill is subjective, you do not have to be a creator of a freakin sim for long to make an attractive sim. There's no such thing as an expert sim maker.

    These skilled, well known creators sims looks are still subjective.

    Just read the opinions under their posts, its hit and miss. Sorry.
