
July 25, 2010

Savio 12 Retexture by Robodl95

Download at Look it's a Plumbob Over my Head

File name: Robodl95_Savio12_T-E

Savio's version here


  1. Uh, horrible sims :/

  2. RoboDL, white is your friend, try it sometime

    (when it comes to the backgrounds)

  3. I agree that was a bad choice for a background color. The hair kind of blends in with the background and it doesn't show off the hair too well.

  4. UGLEE Savioz iss bettre

  5. We are talking about the hair, not the sims, so, STFU first Anon.

    I love it! Thanks.

  6. Hair's OK, but that blonde sim needs to be killed with fire.

  7. At least the background isn't as dark as the last, lol.

  8. Will definitely work on the blond sim, thanks for the feedback guys :)

  9. No.

    The sims are the least of your problems. Work on using a brighter background, that isn't the same color as catshit. :/

  10. Yes thank you I've read what everyone else had said, I'll change the backround... out of 10 comments only about 2-3 mention the actual hair, I know that presentation is important but the work is what really matters

  11. Just ignore the anons that are being needlessly critical. They're trolling. /hint

    The hair is awesome, by the way. I was going to download the Savio one, but realized that a Pooklet'd version would be soon available. :)

  12. Robodl95-

    I thought I posted this earlier, but apparently blogger ate my comment. If possible, it would be helpful if you can include a picture displaying the roots/highlights/etc. for future recolors, as these are usually the most important details.

    As it is, it's difficult to gauge how this is different from Savio's version.

  13. ... and that's what I get for clicking the link AFTER I type. :P Ignore my earlier comment, the hair looks very nice. I prefer the EA-style highlights myself.

  14. Boring.. Already seen many times

  15. Where would that be ^

  16. Robodl95, I'm happy to comment on the hair. The retexture looks good to me. It can be a little hard to see because of the lighting/background, but if people would actually go to the site it's much easier to get a good look there.

    I will download these into my game as soon as I can. Right now I'm waiting on a new computer. Old one barely lets me surf the internet anymore.

  17. Oh one other thing. Your models are absolutely fine.
