
July 27, 2010

Shuji Ikutsuki - New Sim and Facial Hair by Shivar

Download the Sim here and facial hair here


  1. Looks good :D Btw, Shivar, where does that hair come from? I like how it looks on male sims (although I want it for my female sims, hehe)

  2. Looks like the PERFECT punching-bag sim to test-out my martial arts on!! :P


  4. I say we all give Claeric a dose of his own medicine and nitpick every.single.little.thing. wrong with this creation. Then when we're attacked, we can hide behind the phony mask of "constructive criticism" and "our opinion."

    In all seriousness, the facial hair looks absolutely horrible. It looks painted on and as if it has no texture. It certainly is not realistic at all.

  5. The facial hair is an alpha edit of an EA facial hair, so it's a "maxis-match" kind of thing. The hair colors might muck it up a bit too, I didn't check how it looked with other colors, and IIRC I made his hair colors very similar to each other.

    The hair is the jeanette hair that the anon above linked, and it is awesome. :D

  6. Hes got a weird bit under his nose..

  7. Tsk, tsk, you didn't write the creators name for the body and chin sliders. How can anyone who is going to download your sim know who they came from? I don't think you gave them proper credit.

  8. I imagine the name on the site in the links would tell them...

    Hes got a weird bit under his nose..

    Yeah, he does. It's hard to notice unless you're up close though. I'm actually working on a face mask right now that will hide things like that, because they're really common if you fiddle with noses/mouths too mcuh.

  9. The facial hair just doesn't look good. Okay, its maxis match, but fact is most people hate that maxis facial hair for a reason. Looks horrid, especially when used with that terrifically realistic JB hair. Also, your sim is rather boring looking. But again, the hair rocks.

  10. Funny how he has a Japanese name, yet blonde hair, blue eyes, and shitty anime-ized Western features.

  11. His eyes are brown. And his hair is brown. Though that stuff is not my doing, anyway, since he's based on a character.

    Feel free to retexture the facial hair. I don't mind EA textures.

  12. He looks kind of spot-on, though I don't know Persona 3 so I only know from the comparison picture.
    I'd say the eyes of the sim look blue rather than brown, but oh, well.
    It's not the kind of sim I'd download anyways.

    And I like the beard.
    Though I dislike Maxis' textures, they don't look too bad on this particular beard.

  13. "Funny how he has a Japanese name, yet blonde hair, blue eyes, and shitty anime-ized Western features."
    This Sim is based on a character moron. READING is fundamental

    Shivar, sim looks very much like him!

  14. The blue of the eyes is from the tint of his glasses, I think. In the one pic, one looks blue and one look brown, but both are browner in the other pic. It's also probably the contacts, they're suppoesd to be "sparkly".

    You never see his face in-game up close so it's really hard to compare to anything but his portrait there...Once I got the eyes sorta close, I felt satisfied :P His eyes are very particular, they look disinterested and unfocused.

  15. He looks like he could suck a golfball through a gardenhose..

  16. ^ What on earth does that mean?

  17. It's supposed to be a sexuality insult.

  18. You know, even when someone is nice and compliments something Shivar does, he never says 'thank you'.

  19. Absolutely didn't recognize him from he pictures alone, despite the love I have for this game. And the nosethingy weirds me out.

    "Shuji is a young adult. Apologies for any personality inaccuracies, I have not beaten the game and for all I know he's the ultimate bad guy. ;p"

    Reader, I loled.

  20. All of the trolls here are getting extremely obnoxious.

    Good job, Shivar. :)

  21. i mean, i was just dropping in to say that i think it looks totally unrealistic - like a pre-pubescent boy took a magic marker and went to town - but now i'm just blown away by how much claeric can talk about himself and his 'creations'. zounds! boy likes to hear himself talk.

  22. ^We're assuming Shivar is a boy... I would have said angsty, opinionative, teenage girl...

  23. "^We're assuming Shivar is a boy... I would have said angsty, opinionative, teenage girl..."

    LMFAO. That is certainly what he sounds like.

  24. That's an insult to the womenfolk! D:

  25. I'm not allowed to discuss a creation with people talking about it? Do you guys bitch and whine about every possible thing?

  26. Your hatred for Shivar is irrational.
    He's had his rude moments, but that doesn't mean that everything he says is wrong.
    I don't know why would you be offended by anything he said here, but if he really bothers you that much, you could simply ignore him.

    I assumed Shivar was a guy because everyone refers to him as a he.

    But why must we teenage girls be always the example of stupidity?

  27. Freakishly unrealistic sim, the eyes are overly large and drooped, mouth is hideous, barely any lips there and what is that under the nose in the first pic?

    You should really google hair trends and color trends because you have the fashion awareness of a blind man. The hair looks like brown, limp seaweed.

    Get it together Claeric!

    P.s I believe SpaceChupi idiot is Claeric too, they are there on EVERY single one of his posts fighting anyone who has anything at all to say critisizing Shivar.

  28. I wish people would at least look at a download page before commenting. The sim is based on a character. Hair choices, color choices, all these things were not decided by me.

  29. I can assure you that I'm not Claeric, it's just that since I moved here I don't have much to do, so I comment a lot on MS3B.
    I just happen to think you guys hate him too much for what he's done.

    How does that make me an idiot?

  30. Anonymous said...
    "Freakishly unrealistic sim, the eyes are overly large and drooped, mouth is hideous, barely any lips there and what is that under the nose in the first pic?

    You should really google hair trends and color trends because you have the fashion awareness of a blind man. The hair looks like brown, limp seaweed.

    Get it together Claeric!"

    Hey Jerk-ass, it's suppose to look unrealistic. It's based off of a Japanese video game character. The game's artist gave the characters an anime look.

    Why don't you 'Google' this character BEFORE crawling out from under your bridge to be fed.

  31. cute how spacechupi "isn't claeric" but s/he somehow manages to post directly underneath him EVERY TIME

  32. ^ I'm a she.
    I think I already stated that in this blog but I assume you don't read all the comments on all entries.
    That's funny, though.
    Not intentional.
    If I really was Claeric, I wouldn't be that stupid, I'd wait some time to post as me.

  33. "I wish people would at least look at a download page before commenting. The sim is based on a character. Hair choices, color choices, all these things were not decided by me."

    I wish you would sink into a lake of fire, but you can't always get what you want.

    Maybe you should stop making sims based off of ugly fictional characters. Then your sims wouldn't be so ugly. I mean, you have the 'character' excuse for this one - what about all that other shit you make? Because, seriously - that beard should really go all the way up to his lower lip. Not to mention that it is lopsided on the top, and there is a huge problem with the skin under the nose. And the sim itself - you just clicked a generic head and made the eyes really huge. Make an effort next time, Claeric, and maybe your stuff won't look ridiculous.

  34. "I can assure you that I'm not Claeric, it's just that since I moved here I don't have much to do, so I comment a lot on MS3B.
    I just happen to think you guys hate him too much for what he's done."

    I don't buy it, but fine.

  35. Aww, some Anonymous at MS3B doesn't buy it when I say I'm not Claeric, I'll guess I'll have to go cry on a corner.

  36. ^Lol

    But anyways, its not that I hate him, I just find him super annoying and judgemental of everyone's work.
    All alot of people are doing on here by critisizing his work is giving him a taste of his own medicine.

    "But why must we teenage girls be always the example of stupidity?"

    Beacuse thats how teenage girls are usually stereo-typed. I'm a teenage girl too but I'm not like that. Its just that the teenage girls we see in media and such, well, are.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Yeah, I understand why would you think that. I've been annoyed by him at some points.
    But there is no reason to critisize his work here - unless you, indeed, don't like the sim.
    I get why would people would want to "give him a taste of his own medicine", but it doesn't seem like it's going to solve anything to me.

    Well, in fact I know lots of teenage girls that ARE stupid.
    But I don't think I am stupid (I might be wrong), I don't think you're stupid either, and there are also other young girls who aren't stupid.
    And I find it unfair to be stereotyped that way.

  39. oh shut up and go to bed, you have school in the morning

  40. It is unfair. But all stereotypes are unfair.

    And it really won't solve anything its just the knowledge that the "holier than thou" Claeric makes mistakes too.

  41. ^^^ Lol. Stop scolding people, mom!!!! It's not supposed to "solve" anything.

    He never solves a thing either with his pointless, mindless, ridicuolus statements either.

    Just stop acting like his white knight. A lot of people just don't like him and you're gonna have to deal with it!!!!

  42. It's only 8 PM here, and I didn't even had dinner. So even if I wasn't on vacation, why would I go to bed?

    True that.

    Yeah, he does make mistakes.
    I've seen some both in his creations and in his comments.
    He's just not always mistaken.

    By the way, do you like Metric? :D

  43. Heck yes I do! I alt+3 them. xD

  44. @Anonymous above:
    I guess I could mind my own bussiness, but, meh, having all of my friends across the ocean makes me pretty bored.

  45. I love them too :D

  46. Lol, this is so off topic. xD

  47. That's what it always ends up happening on the posts with too many comments.
    I'm going to play the violin, read, have dinner, maybe watch a movie and sleep, and tomorrow I'll wake up and I'll have brand new threads to troll up :)

  48. Looks good Claeric.

    A mask to cover those effing shadows would be awesome sauce.

  49. you guys arent any better because you know how to put shivar in his place, if anything you guys are just as bad as him maybe even worse.... and last time i checked lots of white people had THIN lips.

  50. I agree with the anon back up there that said that Shivar never says thank you! :( He's such a negative nancy.

  51. SpaceChump and Muse are so annoying. They're like the new Epifight and Jenipunch. Do. Not. Want.

  52. Wow MUS3 and SpaceChupi, you twats are the reason people think teenage girls are stupid.

  53. Watch it, douchenozzles, I'm right here and I can read every word you're saying!

    Thanks for revealing your deepest darkest secrets btw, I'm sure me and Epi'll have a ball trolling you idiots once she's back in town.

  54. why cant you do it on your own Jenipunch?

  55. Jenicunt is watching us how creepy!

  56. He looks good to me. I'd give him a bit more of an upper lip and move the slider some to cover the flaw with the nose, but I like his other features especially his eyes and hair.

  57. Sometimes you have to just start from scratch with the nose when you get that little irritating bump. Ladyfrontbum said...a mask.

    I don't know the character so I can't comment on how he looks or doesn't look like said character. Just offering some advice.

  58. I liked this sim at the second look (yesterday, running through updates it couldn't catch me), but when I saw his nose from profile view, I was disappointed. Otherwise, I had a look on his P3 pictures, and I think you did a good job. Yeah, I don't like the beard, but that can be changed ingame, and yes, maxis beards really look like this.

    Btw, you guys really should quit this 'letusallhateclaeric' cause it's getting very, very boring. And if you cannot write anything but pointless crap, then don't write at all.

  59. Argh Claeric is SO annoying. Any thread will turn to shit once he is in it. Pathetic that he keeps crawling back to MTS under different names.. apparently he can't be NOT obnoxious even when under disguise.

  60. Sorry for getting off topic, didn't mean to.

  61. The beard, as others have said, is textureless and also doesn't reach up far enough to resemble the character's. The forehead isn't big enough and the eyebrow shape is all wrong. The character's face shape is more angular while the sim's is doughy. I concur that the piece under the nose is wrong. Likewise, I feel that the anime character's personality isn't represented through the sim, because while the sim looks somewhat calculating and sardonic, the character is clearly absent-minded and free-floating, if you will. Moreover, the eyes and the eyebrows are too close together, and the character's eyelids are angled more upwards, which gives him that lost puppy look and is absent from this sim. Just my honest assessment :)

  62. wah <3 persona 3 is such an awesome game (I'm shocked hardly anyone here knows it! :p) and the sim definitely resembles Ikutsuki ("Hard to speak, isn't it?" xD)

  63. Looks like a british person.
