
July 17, 2010

Taylor Swift by Maybeil

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Looks very much like her. I think the face is too fat in the cheeks though and the head too long.

  2. Doesn't look like her, really. Not even close. Lot's o' things need to be changed.

  3. The second I saw her, I thought of someone... just not Taylor Swift. It does look like her, though.

  4. I agree with the other anons. Face too puffy in the cheeks.

  5. I think the nose and face shape are wrong.

  6. Lol ohhh yeah!! and i look like angelina jolie.

  7. I think the eyes are good, though.

  8. It just looks off. I can't put my finger on it. I think the face is a bit too wide.

  9. Off. Way off.

    But of course the morons at MTS are giving the mindless praise of "you really nailed her!" and "looks just like her!"

    No, it doesn't "look just like her." The face shape is wrong, the cheeks are too fat, the head looks a bit too long. How can creators ever improve if they are getting nothing but mindless praise?

  10. I think it does look like her. I knew who it was before I read the title, and she looks like the singer without having to resort to photoskinning like everyone did in TS2. Nice work, and I hope you keep improving.


  12. It looks way off, and the blush and that... mustache need to go.

  13. hmm... overall i think it DOES resemble taylor swift

    just look at the pic in there,

    but the blush is overkill lol

  14. Is there any other celebrity to create? How many Taylor Swifts must a game have?

  15. This is way too pretty to be Taylor Swift.

  16. "How can creators ever improve if they are getting nothing but mindless praise?"

    I guess it doesn't make a difference there, once a sim is accepted the creator probably doesn't care about feedback in comments, so they stick to praise only. Pretty weird, but that's my impression. The trashtalk usually happens on MS3B anyways lol..

  17. how do you install a sim downloaded in .sim format? where do i place it?

  18. I don't think it's fair to knock mts. Sure, some people just see a sim and think they nailed the look but there are a lot of really good creators on there that give decent feedback in the creator feedback forums.

    Whether or not the feedback is followed is entirely up to the creator.

    Mts is similar to ms3b in that everyone has an opinion.

  19. ^To be honest, i wouldn't even class them as similar, the posts here and the types of posts at MTS are completely different!!

    I don't see the resemblance between Taylor Swift and this sim, i'd agree with the way off comment.

  20. Only thing it looks similar are the eyes, the rest is off. Pretty much what everyone said up there, cheeks, head and face shape are all wrong.

  21. "Sure, some people just see a sim and think they nailed the look but there are a lot of really good creators on there that give decent feedback in the creator feedback forums."

    There is a difference between those genuinely trying to give help in the creator feedback forums and the mindless people who leave mostly nothing but praise in the actual comments section. I've seen time and time again anyone in the comments section who leaves a critical comment get flamed. You're just less likely to get honest opinions there.

  22. I see some similarity but I must agree the cheek area is too thick. I feel the eyes and lips look quite good, tho

  23. If you would have used that extra curly hair that was flying around the website a few months ago, it would have been closer to what Taylor looks like. As it stands, the hair ruins it :\ ...

  24. it is a pretty sim. I can se its Taylor,but the sims nose and cheeks have someting that dont match. Also the sim looks older than Taylor Swift :S

  25. Well, i couldnt see who it was without being told. Now that i know i see a slight resembland, too chubs un the face tho?

  26. ^ *resemblance. Sorry.

    Or is it the nose?

  27. Looks like her, but the jawline is off, and she's got on a bit too much makeup. But she's close.

  28. Does anyone else think this sim looks like Anna Paquin?

    Not exactly of course, but moreso than Taylor Swift :\

  29. I thought it was her at first glance but I guess thats just me. I think the real taylor has a more slender structure but I think its fine regardless. Even though swift dawns this style I think people would have thought it was more spot on with a more culy style

  30. Actually, its mostly only teens who comment on sims like this on MTS, and they're the ones who go "OMFG" and have usernames like "TWiLiGhTrOcKs5454" and are fucking stupid and leave comments like "omg shez liek not showing in in game!!11!!3! Whut Doo I dooo? plz??!!11!? Upload her another fucking twenty times plz"

    The more mature, talented creators couldn't give less of a fuck about these teen sensations or know who they are or whatever so don't comment anyway, so thats why a good chunk of MTS threads' comments are mindless praise.

    So don't completely write MTS off as this place where everything is happy and smily, people just dont bother commenting cause when people usually give honest opinions, they go too far and theres a comment war (like on this site)

    Sorry for ranting like a prick, its just that MTS is a great site full of talented and intelligent creators, but unfortunately theres of course the stupid teenage girl users.

  31. On Mod the sims 2 you post positive comments or nothing at all, because feedback on an accepted sim will most likely be ignored and the creator might think "The sim is accepted, why should i make changes which some random person posts?" I lurk MTS for a long time now and feedback in comments is very very rare there.
    The feedback forum however is the place where feedback has an effect, but in comments, nah..

  32. the hair and the eyes are dead on, but i think the face is too long and her jaw is either too wide or too shaped, not sure.

    but nice try though, you did a great job!

  33. Ah ok I thought you were talking about CFF, not the comments after a sim is accepted.

    Yeah I don't think anyone bothers critiquing a sim after they are accepted. I mean there's not much point really lol.

    A lot of people make their sims purely for uploading so once they are accepted it's highly unlikely they would make changes if you critiqued them anyway.

  34. No, I don't think I could agree that all the feedback there is helpful, especially when you've got three different personalities trying to impose their version of how the character in question should be "sculpted".. the creator usually ends up confused, &, besides the fact that said three may all have given useful advice, the "moderators" are usually the ones responsible for what is deemed suitable enough for a "release"... Like many have said here before, they seem to prefer crap (usually designated the term "unique") over all the other tryouts...

  35. ^..having said that, you can't go wrong with many of their creators such as slipslop, lemoncandy, et al...

  36. where is that eyeliner/eyeshadow from?

  37. "Like many have said here before, they seem to prefer crap (usually designated the term "unique") over all the other tryouts..."

    If you think the stuff that's approved is 'crap'... lol.

  38. ..I agree, some of their stuff is shite that get's approved over many of the other entries...

  39. Way off? Really?

    I knew it who it was supposed to be but it definitely needs some work. The eyes and lips look good but the cheeks are too puffy. Chin is too big and overall the face is too wide. I wouldn't say is was WAY off though.
