
July 28, 2010

Testers Wanted* 12 new Cas Sliders *Remake* .. [ Eye Width , Neck Height , Shoulder Height , Jaw line Width ,Brows thickness ] + More !

Download at Mod The Sims

The sliders and locations

1. Brows Thickness ... [ Eyes ]
2. Eyebrow outer corner Height [ Eyes ]
3. Eye Length [ Eyes ]
4. Eye Stretch [ Eyes ]
5. Eye Width [ Eyes ]
6. Jaw line width [ Head and Ears ]
7. Lower Jaw Height [ Head and Ears ]
8. Chin Width [ Head and Ears ]
9. Neck Height [ Head and Ears ]
10. Shoulder Height [ Mouth ]
11. Uppear Lip Height [ Mouth ]
12. Lower Lip Height [ Mouth ]

*Updates* V 1.1

1. i fixed the locations of the sliders .. Example [ From Head and ears ] To [ Eyes ]
2. i fixed the eyebrow thickness slider .. from scaling only the eyebrow edge .. to scaling the whole eyebrow ...
3. i made 2 new sliders .. uppear and lower lip height ..
4. I fixed some mistakes with the names of the sliders ..


  1. I use the originals on almost every sim I make...will it destroy my sims if I replace them with these new ones? :\ Seems silly to put out an update to something so many people already use.

  2. How is it silly to try and improve on you work? I would geuss that just like it you don't have certain sliders it won't affect the sims looks as long as you don't try to change them.

    I'm going to test these out though.

  3. I want to know the answer to that as well and no one answered it in that thread.

    What will happen to Sims we've already made with these sliders if we replace them with the new ones? These sliders are really indispensable if you want to make your Sims with unique faces OR model a celeb's face.

  4. ^
    Just played around with the sliders in game, the sims stay the same with the new version of the sliders, don't worry.

  5. You do realize that he never officially released these right? People sort of just clamored in and got them through his testing thread at MTS (keyword is testing) unless he realeased them some other time that I'm not aware of

    *off to test*

  6. Geez Robodl, you're annoying.

  7. "You do realize that he never officially released these right? People sort of just clamored in and got them through his testing thread at MTS (keyword is testing) unless he realeased them some other time that I'm not aware of

    *off to test*"

    Actually, one of his friends featured them at her site:

    Hello everyone! Today's update is a featured item by my friend Ahmad. He created some AMAZING facial sliders for TS3 and is having some trouble getting them approved at MTS. I offered to host his sliders at my blog so everyone can have access to them while he goes through the approval process.

    I know I got them off this site because the thread at MTS had been deleted and they hadn't been approved. So yes, they WERE officially released, just not on MTS.

  8. No, I mean it's silly because so many people already use them...and it's not like it's a replacement, a fix, it's completely redone. meaning anyone who uses the new ones instead can't use anything made with the old ones, and anyone who uses sims made with the old ones can't install the new ones.

    There were no problems with the old ones so I don't understand the point of re-making them...all it does now is screw up people's downloads. :(

    Unless it does in fact work with things made with the old ones, but that's really unlikely.

  9. I sure hope someone tells him to correct the misspelling of "upper" since it is misspelled each time he uses it. I don't want borked spelling sliders in my game.

  10. "Just played around with the sliders in game, the sims stay the same with the new version of the sliders, don't worry."

    That's good to know. However, what I'd like to know is what happens to Sims you are currently still working on if you replace the sliders with these? There are Sims I've been working on a very long time and I still need to take them back into CAS on a regular basis in order to tweak the features more.

  11. I just read the thread and I hate when people give false feedback to creators because all it does is create confusion.

    There is one moron saying that one of the sliders prevents his jaw slider from working. Idiot, this is basic knowledge if you are going to use several sliders - you need to have a mod that removes the limit on the amount of sliders you can have per section - such as Jonha's slider hack, Awesomemod, or AD85/BaXiM's mod.

  12. "I sure hope someone tells him to correct the misspelling of "upper" since it is misspelled each time he uses it. I don't want borked spelling sliders in my game."

    Oh STFU. Why don't YOU tell him about the spelling if it's so damn important! It's not like everything in the vanilla game has correct spelling and grammar...sheesh if one lousy misspelled word would keep you from using a slider..something you only see in CAS you are seriously snobby, and I say make your own damn sliders then.

  13. What is supposed to happen if you remove sliders? Don't the faces stay the same, but revert to normal values if you try to change them?

    Maybe to test you have to take a sim made with the old ones into CAS and try to edit one of these sliders. If it reverts...that means installing a sim that used the old ones won't work properly.

    The ones you have should stay fine, just like with any sliders (they stay the same until you try to change them), but anything you don't have yet won't work.

  14. *won't work if it doesn't work when tested that way


  15. This is a different anon, but what's misspelled in the vanilla game? I've never found anything...

  16. How about YOU STFU? Just because there might be EA errors doesn't mean there need to be added ones by CC creators and just because you don't care, it doesn't mean that others don't care about things being misspelled.

    For your information, you piece of shit, I already have had these sliders in my game for awhile and he did spell them correctly. But since he misspelled them in the description this time, I was wondering if he'd messed up. It is a valid concern.

  17. Actually, spelling does matter if it's something that will be widely distributed like these sliders.

    The fact of the matter is that there aren't spelling errors in CAS. It will look sloppy and out of place to have a misspelled slider amongst the rest.

  18. "Maybe to test you have to take a sim made with the old ones into CAS and try to edit one of these sliders. If it reverts...that means installing a sim that used the old ones won't work properly."

    Just tried this out, and the sliders work fine. Really surprised me, since bella3lek4 said over on Mod The Sims that he made these new ones from scratch, but as far as I can tell they're perfectly compatible with the old version. I messed around with a few different sims, and none of their faces reverted back to the original values.

  19. Tested these on a sim I have been working on in CAS for the last few days. Sim was made with the old version of sliders. Uninstalled old ones and added new ones. Sims values look the same as before I changed the sliders. Sliders work perfectly as far as I can tell. The outer eyebow slider is great to prevent clipping on some of my sims with low brows. The upper and lower lip sliders are nice too.

    Just so you know I'm completely patched and have all EP's and SP's.

  20. Thanks for the info, Jin-Ah. You've convinced me to try these out.

  21. Thanks for clearing that up.

    And to agree with many of you, Robodl95 indeed needs to learn when to shut his mouth. I couldn't help notice he ALWAYS chimes-in attempting to 'correct' people about the most insignificant things on this blog, and he's typically more wrong than the people he had to 'correct'. Smart guy...

  22. Ooh I need to beg him to make cupid's bow sliders and a slider for the bottom of the nose tip. *ponders*

    Jin-Ah what do the Upper Lip and Lower Lip height sliders do? (i cannae play with these today, boo)

  23. FYI, these do seem to replace the old ones perfectly.

    I have all my slider hacks archived into one huge package file. When I imported the new sliders on s3pe, the old ones were automatically crossed out.

  24. Upper and Lower lip sliders move each lip up or down separately. Allowing you to have a gap/open mouth with teeth still showing. You can make your sim look like it has a constant snarl if you want. Good for character sims I think.

  25. Knowing that these will not hurt sims made with the old ones, I'm going to replace now. Thanks all.

  26. I'm having a weird issue with the brow thickness slider. It will only thin the brow, even when I slide it to the maximum position. It worked fine with the previous version, so I'm probably downgrading one.
