
July 29, 2010

Veronika Living Room Set Part 2 by Astra

Download at Astra Sims3


  1. There is so much going on here and nothing really goes well together. Very poorly coordinated. Just looks like a bad attempt at opulent living...

  2. Yeah but individually you can do a lot with these objects. As stand alone items I like them.

  3. I actually think the loveseat, chairs and rugs do indeed look very opulent. However, I went to her site and it appears that those items are part of the "part 1" Veronika living set and not this one? I dunno.

    Anyway, thanks Astra.

  4. I want the wall, and the television looks great as well.

  5. Ah, maybe it's a curtain. Anyway, the individual pieces do look quite nice and my simmies would enjoy them.

    Check out the kitchen, it has a nice flower arrangement and a tablecloth! Been wanting a tablecloth... :)
