
August 24, 2010

23 Sci-fi Terrains by SaffronLane

Download at GCS Presents


  1. Thank you very much for doing these!
    Though I rather think you could've worked a bit more on those who seem to repeat the same pattern.
    Nevertheless thank you for your effort and for the free content. :)

  2. Um you mean like less repeat? I'm learning- let me know more specifically and I can see what can be done.

  3. I could not agree more with the first anon.
    I'm glad to see some constructive criticism in here, people here tend to troll on creators that it's really a shame.

    Thanks SaffronLane for the content.
    And keep practicing, because that leads to perfection.

  4. I appreciate the sound feedback, thank you.
    These sample pics were taken on a large terrain 8x16 tiles, to give some perspective. For my project that was perfect, I can post my texture .dds files (1024x1024) on my blog for anyone wanting to use them in CAW or re-size them :)

  5. These are pretty cool. It's terrains like these that add so much more dimension to our graphics. Great work! My particular favourite is number 13. It's smooth, clear, and not so repetitive. However, repetition is not a bad thing in some terrains, because that is how they are meant to be. That being said, high repetition rates generally mean that the terrain will likely be used in small doses.

    Since I am not a fan of boring, some of your terrains will suit me just fine!

    Keep going!

    Simmiller - MTS fan
