
August 25, 2010

Georgia Falls - New Neighbourhood by Babolat Built It

Download at Babolat Built It

Thanks, Anon:)


  1. This looks incredible! I can't wait to hear feedback from other players on this

  2. WOW, amazing im downloading!

  3. Real world, Real fun!

  4. Looks nice.
    Inspired me to carry on building my little world. If babolat can make 3 amazing worlds, then I can deffo make one.

  5. Wow, it looks really well done! I'm just not sure if my PC can handle it - it seems to be a big and very detailed world. :/ But I'll give it a shot - it's wqrth it. :D

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am from Georgia and I must say, from the looks of this, it is really well done.

    Amazing job!

  8. Im gonna download it and give it a try. It looks well done and the comunity lots look amazing.

  9. "If babolat can make 3 amazing worlds, then I can deffo make one."

    Not trying to discourage you, but it really isn't that easy. Lots of people make worlds but it takes a real amount of talent, patience, and careful planning and execution to make a world that is considered real quality. Lots of worlds are posted here and many just get skipped right over.


    This is GREAT. Worth having to insert families.

  11. It's gorgeous! I would live there myself if I could.

  12. No doubt, this is a world where the creator put alot of time and creativity into it, well done!

  13. tennis courts, so clever! I will give this world a try.

  14. This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for to get away from Sunset Valley. Downloaded and ready for testing. Looks awesome!

  15. Looks gorgeous. Will give this world a try. Thanks for the heads up on this creator, Joe.

  16. Please let us know how you guys like it and if it is laggy. I am very curious:)
    It's just so beautiful

  17. those are some super high end graphics right there!

  18. I just tried it. The world looks amazing but there's a few things that I didn't like.

    First is that the lots are all in perfect squares, and it makes it looks kinda repetitive. And the other thing that I didn't like, it's that every community lot had an insane amount of parking space.

    The rest is fine, and there are lots of great residential lots. And it didn't lag my game, but I have a new computer though.

  19. I kind of like that the houses are in perfect squares and repetitive. It gets this suburban charm, like Suburbia meets Little Whinging (Harry Potter) lol

  20. Any hope of a save file to go with this? I hate populating a world myself, and this is sooooo gorgeous! x

  21. It's nice, but there is too much CC in it. I'll pass.

  22. "It's nice, but there is too much CC in it. I'll pass."

    Oh...the creator used custom content? No thanks. Worlds are not things that should be loaded with custom content due to the problems many people have reported about lag and other issues with worlds that use a lot of CC.

    Then again, I feel like people make allowances depending on the person (not talking about you, I mean people in general). If a new creator had created a world with as much custom content as AweSims' Redcliffs (and that was WAY WAY too much CC), I don't think as many people would've been receptive to it, even if that person's world appeared to be the same in quality.

  23. "I hate populating a world myself, and this is sooooo gorgeous! x"

    I don't ever go through the trouble of populating my world. I let story progression kick in and do it for me.

  24. The creator only listed a few pieces of custom content. The textures are part of the world and thus don't need to be downloaded. Or do you mean that there is more CC than listed when you get inside the actual world?

  25. It looks like a livened up Twinbrook!
    Its gorgeous, thanks to the creators!!

  26. The CC is listed on the page and it only 8 things. 3 of them you can download or not.

    Is there anymore CC included that is not listed?

  27. Wow - so gorgeous and realistic

  28. 8 pieces of CC is 8 pieces too many. Sorry, it's nice but I like my worlds CC free.

  29. This world is gorgeous, and so realistic looking.

  30. It keeps crashing. Does anyone else have this problem?!
