
August 19, 2010

Little changes with the blog

No, this isn't going to become a blog about (my new) Chinese Water Dragon, but some things are going to change.  I'm probably not going to be adding as many Sims and stuff just because it's out there.  Especially Sims with no links to CC used. Brandon will no longer be doing the majority of the updates.  He will still be updating under my account, just not  adding EVERYTHING.  I'm only going to be adding things that I'd use, things I think people will actually use, and good quality content in general.  I'm sorry about this but I really need to organize this blog.  You can still add your stuff in the "your updates here" section above and I'll leave what I don't add up for a week or so.  In the process, some of the older stuff will go.  Hair, of course will still pretty much all be posted.  I know I should have had this done a while ago, but this summer has been the worst for allergies, sometimes to the point where I can barely keep my head up .  I've never had to take medication for allergies until last month.  I don't know what's going on, but for the first time in a long time I'm actually looking forward to snow storm after snow storm.

Anyway, this is Dexter or Rita, depending on what S(censored)xe he/she turns out to be.  I bought him/her three days ago and he/she's just a baby.  I was told he/she is two months old... So, if there's any CWD experts out there that want to offer advice about them, go right ahead:)


  1. Aww, well that's a shame. No matter, a little less custom content will probably be good for my game. It starts crying everytime I turn it on, begging that the GBs of CC can be unloaded.

    Anyways, hope your allergies clear up, they're always bitches. And loving those dragons, they look so good. :P

  2. Good on you, MS3B. Do what you need to do. This is YOUR blog after all.

    It will also stop a lot of the creators with mediocre pudding Sims (*cough* mm38/bunnybite/precious sims) from begging for their shit to be featured all the time.

    Your new pet is wonderful and I hope your new allergies clear up as well!

  3. Aww dude! Love how you set up the tank. I have a thing for lizards. Ive got a bearded dragon and two leopard geckos myself. :)

  4. I'm glad that I'm not the only one really suffering from allergies right now!

  5. That lizard is adorable! Love the name, I hope it's a male because he sure looks like a Dexter to me. God, I can't wait for the new season to start.

  6. Its a shame,you gotta live your life. Perhaps post some other finds sites for those who do not know of more.

  7. Oh my. Your pet dragon is adorable. I won't say I'm not disappointed that my favourite site won't be updating as much or as often, but I certainly understand that as priorities go, real life comes first. Best of luck in all your endeavours and wishing you relief from your allergies.

  8. I'm sorry about your allergies. Do whatever you need to do to get yourself back on your feet. (metaphorically speaking)
    I enjoyed reading and commenting on your blog, and I wish you best of luck in the future.

    As the first anon said, my game will probably be very grateful for all the lag you've saved me. :)

  9. I'm only going to be adding things I'd use or things that are really interesting, etc.

    Well, there goes any point to this place. Nobody comes here because they want to see what YOU like, they come here to see quality updates without having to go to 500 sites a week. Limiting it to only stuff you like and use is just going to kill the whole point.

    And thus was the death of MS3B. :\

  10. ^Oh shut the fuck up, Claeric. A good 8 times out of 10, you are ragging on people's stuff because it's not to YOUR tastes or up to your standard of quality.

    MS3B has a life and other priorities. Maybe you should try it. If you want so badly to have things continue the way they were, then why don't YOU take up the job and go to those 500 different sites and compile the stuff instead on your own version of a Sims 3 finds blog.

  11. Calm down Shivar. I think what he's saying is no more crap.

  12. "I think what he's saying is no more crap."

    Which should please Shivar since he always posts with the arrogant attitude that anything he doesn't like/approve of is indeed crap.

    All he does here is spend his time insulting other creators anyway. He's just really angry because there will be fewer posts for him to have an outlet to bring others down.

  13. Joe has a pet dragon....why does that sound so wrong?

    Good luck with those allergies, me and my bf suffer too but eh...i live in doors anyway. Nothing to do when the only money you can spend is on an EP.

    BTW Shivar, WAY fucking rude.

  14. The fact of the matter is that this is not the Exchange, nor is it TSR. It is a Sims Finds blog and thus the finds posted have and should always have been at the discretion of the creator of the blog and those who help him run it. This is not a free-for-all blog, despite the butthurt that I'm sure will commence. I, for one, am glad that MS3B is instilling a greater sense of quality control here.

  15. Yay! Does this mean that Shivar is finally leaving!

  16. "Yay! Does this mean that Shivar is finally leaving!"

    Probably not.

  17. Water Dragons aren't really my cup of tea, but yours are very cute. And I quite like the name possibilities!

    As far as the change in blog, I don't see it as that big of a deal. I was always under the impression that this was more of a "finds" blog than an "updates" blog, and plenty of sites (including MTS, BPS, and SimsCave) have areas devoted to monitoring the community for new content. Considering how big the community has become, some quality control is needed.

  18. ^Enough, Precious Sims troll. She's annoying enough at the Cave on her own. You don't have to try to pretend to be her.

  19. This. Is. Not. Good.

    Every .blogspot CC creator needs MS3B.
    Without it, we wouldn't get downloads.

    Shivar is right.
    Not adding things because one person doesn't like it is bad.
    There will always be someone who downloads, and they need to find stuff.

    My sis trolled TSR and made a gigant, ugly hair mesh that went into the skull, creating bald patches.

    It got 40 downloads on TSR.
    All of them were probably jokes, but still.

    Creators needs an indipendent place to show their CC unless they want to join TSR, and plp needs places to find the CC.

    If MS3B stops uploading, the world of CC outside MTS and TSR is dead.

  20. Aw, that's so mean! That means that most of my incredibly awesome and useful contributions won't be featured any more, right? Am I correct in assuming that this is all about me? Because it should be. Everybody else makes total crappy crap. I am the best.

  21. "Considering how big the community has become, some quality control is needed."

    Exactly. As more people not only join the Sims community but delve into the world of custom content, the need for quality control will become greater. Everyone will think their stuff is awesome and needs to be featured, but it really doesn't. For instance, one of the easiest things to make is a painting. Scrolling through tons of posts with paintings that aren't new meshes, interesting unique themes, and are basically just generic stuff that anyone could do is really annoying.

  22. calm down people, they didn't say that they won't feature as much stuff. they just won't feature stuff just because it's new. to be frank, i always thought that ms3b could do with a little more selectivity.

  23. Maybe you could do a feed thing like Mariarita? If not, I check Mariarita's blog everyday anyways.

  24. I demand that you make him/her official MS3B mascot so that you have an excuse to post pics once in a while.

    And I approve of you upping the quality control a smidge. *hi5*

  25. I usually only downloaded hair anyway, so I have no problems :P I never download Sims/buildings/paintings/furniture, etc. And rarely download clothing.

    But anyway. Yes, hope your allergies get better and cute pet ^^

  26. "If MS3B stops uploading, the world of CC outside MTS and TSR is dead."

    Learn to fucking read, Twilightmoron. He didn't say he would stop updating, just that he would stop updating certain TYPES of things in an effort to organize this blog. If every fucking CC creator got featured on this blog, it would just be a huge mess with loads of crap for people to have to sift through and it would just become too much to maintain. MS3B has a fucking life and you have no idea how taxing it is to have to search for all these updates, post the pictures and descriptions every single day just because every creator thinks they are special snowflakes with fabulous work. Stop being selfish.

    You forget that Joe and Brandon are real people with real responsibilities and real lives. Let them live them.

  27. What a cool creature! I wonder how big it's going to get :O Are they really from China? To me, that is very exotic! Congrats and take good care of them :)

  28. Oh, and you also forget that this is something they do on their own free time out of kindness, so drop the entitled "but what about MY PRETTIES?" attitude. They don't have to cater to you, me, or anyone else.

  29. OMG Joe is a Dexter fan!

  30. I will be sad to see less on here but if its good quality stuff, it will be worth it. I have to agree though that it would be a pity to post only what you would use. Maybe only the quality good stuff instead, even if not your personal preference. That would cut down a lot of what is here.

    As for Shivar/Claeric, he likes 1 out of every 10 things posted here so really I doubt he will be affected at all.

  31. For all those whining about Joe's new policy, if you have a problem, the solution is simple - take it upon yourselves to create a blog of this nature and then post the things that you think should be featured. Once you have people coming at you from every corner with their "updates," you will realize just how much work this is. MS3B does not work for EA and has not been appointed by anyone as the end-all, be-all for daily Sims 3 finds.

    There is also Check it daily or create your own Sims 3 finds site.

  32. I was referred to watch this blog because it is thorough and non-discriminating in the content it posts, and it's going to be quality controlled into something that's VERY uncertain? Uh... okay.

    I'll keep watching, but if it's extremely filtered in its updates, I'm watching another blog.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Wooh! I think this is a good move. I think that you should feature what you think is not going to crap up everyones game and actual effort went into, and not just generic, crappy "bigeyessmallnosebiglips" types of sims. And I don't download the objects/furniture featured here at all, so thats fun.

    Claeric you fool. MS3B isn't dying, its just not featuring mediocre things that suck in game but have awesome pics or what have you. This is a positive thing, so I really amn't suprised you had to crap all over it.

    Aww, man. Allergies suck. I always get nasty hives and break out when I eat like, more than two squares of chocolate. :( I love your dragon too! I love reptiles. My mom dosn't like them though, so I can't have one.

  35. This breaks my heart a little bit...

    If this is due to the fact you don't have time to update as much, then I understand.

    Yet if this is due to the fact that you're getting too much pressure and what not from others, it breaks my heart even more.

    Seriously... trolling and impatience kills good things in the end. :(

  36. Now where is everyone supposed to find out where to get their custom content? >:-<
    Wont be coming to this blog anymore....

  37. "I was referred to watch this blog because it is thorough and non-discriminating in the content it posts"

    This blog has never been "non-discriminating in the content it posts." Where in the world did you get that idea? If you will notice, most of the TSR updates do not get featured here as well as most of the stuff on the Exchange/official forums and multiple other places. Even in the "your updates" section, MS3B has always used his discretion on what to post, so not everyone's updates always get posted. It has always been discriminatory to a certain extent.

  38. "Wont be coming to this blog anymore...."

    I'm sure MS3B is crying and shaking on his bed at this shattering news.

  39. ^
    This blog has never been "non-discriminating in the content it posts." Where in the world did you get that idea? If you will notice, most of the TSR updates do not get featured here as well as most of the stuff on the Exchange/official forums and multiple other places.

    See, I wouldn't know that. I'm a novice in the Sims CC scene, and whatever has been posted here so far since May of this year have given me great leads on where to go. I never go to TSR, or Sims Cave or piss else unless a specific outstanding piece of content has been featured here. It took a while but I know of all that drama, and if MS3B has been fair in what it has posted so far, then I applaud them all for it. Just know that I haven't been here long, and detail on "quality control" has not been really explained here. So again. How could I possibly know.

  40. awwe...while I probably will miss some of it, it'll be nice not to have to look at some of the useless junk some people post. Like sexy maternity wear (i think you all know what im talking about). Why would my pregnant sim need a belly-shirt?

    So while this probably means my sims won't get featured unless I can make em' super duper, I guess it's for the best :) otherwise you wouldn't do it!

  41. "Like sexy maternity wear (i think you all know what im talking about). Why would my pregnant sim need a belly-shirt? "


  42. Or terrible Sims who look like they're cracked out, and let's also not forget mysterious CC that the creator won't share. Who needs that in their game, right?

  43. Or houses with 10 million files of CC that don't even tell you where to find it all

  44. Joe you be you!! :) I had 'started' a blog that was going to feature cc that I basically found appealing but I gave up on it because I just didn't have the patience to track every blog and site for new material and then have to post.
    You have been a wonderful Host to this site and I will still visit it on a daily basis as usual.

    I'm trying to let more people upload their Sims and other creations to my site, but holy cow I'd could never handle what you do here and wouldn't even try.
    If I could impress upon them to 'upload' their stuff to the proper category..problem solved!! Otherwise... :(
    On the allergies...ugh...hate them, I had them so bad I had to see a specialist and get all those shots and still I suffer. Just not so bad!!

    Feel better!!

  45. OT, but did anyone notice that EA added a "Worlds" section in the Sims 3 store? The section has now been taken down (guess they were just testing it) but not before several Simmers on the official forums saw it. I guess EA will start selling worlds now...

  46. People, stop being so lazy. MS3B has been very kind gathering CC links up for us over the past year, but it's certainly not his job to do it and let's try to remember that.

  47. The title "LITTLE CHANGES WITH THE BLOG" probably means less crap so I'm good with it.

  48. love the new water dragon. I have had chameleons and beardies. Love 'em!
    I will be interested in seeing how the changes in your blog play out...
    TY for all the effort in maintaining such a massive blog

  49. Oh, honestly. It's not Joe or anybody else's job to teach people how to use Google. This is a blog run for his own enjoyment on his own time. If somebody's upset because their site won't get downloads without being featured here, they're just going to have to suck it up.

  50. Claeric you fool. MS3B isn't dying, its just not featuring mediocre things that suck in game but have awesome pics or what have you.

    I said nothing about that.

    My problem is with the "I'm only going to post things I like" mindset.

    There is an enormous difference between only posting things that are nicely done and only posting things that one individual personally likes. The difference being that one individual likes a pretty small amount of the things that are nicely done.

  51. Joe, I am with you all the way, dude! I do recognize this is your blog and you are spending your time (for free, no less), you should do what you feel is right. I am appreciative that you are doing quality control and lots of old stuff do need to be pruned cause they were created early in Sims 3 release, they don't look appealing anymore.

    Hope you feel better and go to the doctor for drugs. Claritin is my favorite. Not too much into lizards, but glad you found joy in your new "friend". Take care, and still will be here every day.

  52. What of the older posts will be gone? because I always worry that I'll have to wipe my computer and then have to re discover or all my old cc. Will it be like make up and hair? or just lots and stuff?

  53. ^I would imagine that by older, he would mean stuff that has been replaced by better versions. For instance, I doubt he'd touch some of the older hairs if they are good and the only versions of those hairs available, but I imagine the borked hairs that were made early on and that have now been done by more talented converters/retexturers would probably be wiped.

  54. @lostinshalott
    I think he means he will be deleting the comments in the updates section of the stuff past a week that he doesn't add. At least I hope that's what he means...

    "I'm only going to be adding things I'd use or things that are really interesting, etc."

    I hope what you actually meant was, "I'm only going to be adding things that are up to my quality standards or things that are unique, etc."

    I like the way you've been running this blog so far and I'm glad you're is still going. I hope it doesn't change too much. I don't think you know how helpful this blog is to people in the sims CC community.

  55. ^Anon I'm afraid you might be right. I still have some crappy hairs I need to find the file names of though. :(

  56. "In the process, some of the older stuff will go. Hair, of course will still pretty much all be posted." (quoted from Joe)

    Joe is leaving the hair up. People still refer to those links.

  57. All of the older/borked hairs will still be here, or moved to one post so the file names are still available.

    It's not going to change much but I probably will not be adding things WITHOUT clear/closeup pictures of what we're getting. Things Photoshopped so badly that you automatically think what are they trying to hide under all that blur.

    I didn't really want to say I will not be adding what I think looks really bad, but there it is.

    I'm still going to add a little of everything, just less of what already gets a bad reaction.

  58. Good for you. I hope your allergies are helped by meds, I have been taking fexofenadine (antihistamines) for many years now, it's the best thing I ever did.

    Yey...Dexter is back here on friday!

    Now I wonder who would make a belly shirt for a pregnant lady? I can't think of

  59. I always thought this blog was about updating quality things and not crap. I mean I have seen some things here that I wouldn't personally use beause its not my style of game play and the like but that didn't mean it wasn't good and worth updating on. I guess if its going to be a significant drop in updates we'll just have to find somewhere else to go for a one stop shop.

    Did you think about putting up a call for updaters? I mean if you need more help keeping up with things instead of just limiting it to stuff that you will use in your game. At least that way the large majority of people that come here that might not have solely your taste in things can still get their fill of quality updates.

  60. I have a Jordy hair i cant get rid of because the file names arent on here and the file cant be downloaded, so annoying. What happened to him?

  61. I hope you don't just post hairs because they are hair and that's what people come for (most of the time)... because 75% of them are TRASH.

  62. "I'm still going to add a little of everything, just less of what already gets a bad reaction."

    Well that makes me have less of a sad face about the whole thing.

  63. Jordy dropped off the face of the earth, I haven't talked to him for a long time :/

  64. It's shit like Precious Sims that are probably the reason for this anyway. Joy.

  65. ^If I wanted to do my own blog I wouldn't be visiting MS3B, duh.

  66. I think Joe has made it pretty clear that quality things will still be posted, it's just the crappy stuff that's being cut which most people hated anyway and won't be missed

    On the other hand people are allowed to voice an opinion without having to create their own dream blog... just saying ;)

  67. Opinions are fine, I was speaking of the people that were clearly BITCHING! :P

    When & If I make CC I want opinions, but if you want to BITCH at my work then I won't tolerate it.

  68. I guess this is biased, but why don't you just do free content? At least you won't be advertising Peggy or TSR and save some time and posts this way. Leave that for us to do.

  69. This Anon likes your dragon, its very cute :) And if less bad things are featured on this blog, then all the better. Feel better Joe, allergies really suck.

  70. I think everything needs to be featured, some people will like something, everybody's taste varies.

  71. I like your new pet is so cute!

  72. that lizards house is awesome!

  73. "I think everything needs to be featured, some people will like something, everybody's taste varies."

    Multiple websites already do this, including three listed in these comments alone. It is up to Joe how to run his own blog.

  74. I hope that you are feeling better soon, Joe. I deal with some serious health stuffs on a daily basis, and you have to do what is best for YOU. Do not let a bunch of strangers on the internet tell you how to live your life. Take care of yourself first.

    Quality control is a good thing. I'm looking forward to seeing less of the crap. Thank you for that :)

    I don't know much about lizards, but he looks cute! I do love Dexter though <3

  75. Chinese Water Dragon? Now we have proof that MS3B is asian.

  76. Yay!!! You do listen to comments!!! :)

  77. "Chinese Water Dragon? Now we have proof that MS3B is asian."

    Stop hijacking my style!

  78. Well, I don't like where this is going. I know I don't have a following of any kind, so when you start filtering, I have even less.

    Like for instance, I posted my first sim, and I was quite proud. I thought she was unique enough to be posted here. Apparently not. My post was deleted from "your updates here".

    I love coming here and I felt comfortable enough to post my stuff here, but now.. Now I won't anymore. I'll still come here to see what's new though.

  79. Awwww, Dexter or Rita is soooo cute!!!

  80. Wow MissSkitty hasn't most or all of your stuff been featured here? chill out it's one sim.

  81. I think you're making the right choice. Real life certainly takes priority and the fact that you've kept it up for so long is astounding. Adorable pet, and best of luck to you!

  82. Sorry about your allergies - it's a real pain getting older, you find that you're allergic to things that you never used to be before!

    Love the Water Dragon!

    This is also the first time that I've ever commented but I visit your blog every day and appreciate the time and trouble you've gone to to provide links to custom content.

    If you're planning to change it to feature content that you actually like and use then that's your perogative - this is your blog. I'm just pleased that you're continuing to share.

    Thank you.

    Oh - I do have one request - please updates on the Water Dragon!


  83. i liked all the daily updates. this was my daily dose to all things sims. i actually visited the blog to see what was new whether i played the game that day or not. cant you just get someone else to do it for ya

  84. Oh, allergies suck indeed. I've had them since I was small and they gradually got better, but earlier this summer, they were worse than they had been for years. And if you take the medication, you have the side-effects of that to fight. I hope you find something that works for you!

    Thanks a lot for the updates you provide here - I've found some nice things through this blog, and I'm sure I'll continue to do so.

  85. I don't blame you. Some people really need to step it up.

  86. That's okay. My game is about to explode from all the custom content. And I can relate about the allergies. Mine are year round! Btw, your CWD is cute. :)

  87. I just hope ''bad reaction'' doesn't mean ''attacked by trolls'',
    because even if the anons doesn't like it (and I'm not talking about photoshoped shit etc., only stuff they don't like even if the quality is good) it gets downloads and it should be uploaded.

    Turn of anon commenting instead if that's the problem.

  88. " Wow MissSkitty hasn't most or all of your stuff been featured here? chill out it's one sim. "

    I am allowed to voice my opinion just as everyone else. I do know Joe has posted my stuff before, that's why I didn't understand why I was just deleted. I think maybe if he's going to 'filter' what he posts, maybe comment saying why he didn't post it or why he deleted it. Not just my stuff, but for others too. At least then it gives us the opportunity to improve.

    Also, I have always appreciated Joe featuring my stuff. I have thanked him multiple times.

    Anyways that's my two cents.

  89. Honestly, I've been wondering how long you could keep up the 30 posts a day pace. I love the blog, but I know that it's extremely time consuming to slog through all of the stuff out there and post links, pics, etc to everything properly.

    You owe us no explanation at all and could have dropped it back without a heads up, though I can imagine that there are those who would have been upset and thrown fits about you never featuring their stuff anymore.

    Heck, you could just disappear and never post again and I would be sad to lose this particular window into the community's creations, but you started to do this because you had found some interesting content and wanted to share and it has evolved into a significantly more massive task with 900 people demanding more of you.

    Do what you need to. To those who say that your re-evaluation means that they won't come back, you aren't compelled to answer to them. Do what is right for yourself and if you would LIKE to continue posting things but need to step it back to a more manageable amount, then do so.

    Good luck and thank you. Really, thank you for all of the hours of time you guys have spent pulling this stuff together.

    (And the dragon's super cute. Your terrarium looks very lush and wild.)

  90. Miss Skitty, the reason I didn't post your Sim is because there is one picture, all you can really see is green skin, tattoos and barely any eyes. I knew the comments would have been similar but not as nice, so I didn't post it.

    I'm not saying your presentation was the worst but I really don't want to post anything that people can't really see what they're getting.

    As for the cutback on Sims, it has more to do with the 'fuck you' attitude about crediting creators over the past few days, where I ended up shutting off the comments, then deleting the posts because people were on a mission.

    I guess that whole thing really got me fed up enough to go on my own... if people don't care enough to let people see what they are downloading, then I really don't care enough about posting it here.

  91. And thanks to everyone else:)

    I can't wait until it is old enough to to tell the sex, so I can get it a mate.

  92. I agree with everything that Spacerox said above and I really wouldn't mind if you only posted hair that you thought was worth downloading yourself either.

    Best of luck with your dragon-kid. :)

  93. I also agree with what Spacerox said. Frankly, there's been more and more posts here that make me go "meh", especially with the ever-escalating demand on the game, so I support your plan to tidy up. There is the thing about the hair though. There's just nowhere else that has this broad of a hair selection or keeps such perfect archives. I know that when Late Night arrives I'm going to completely re-install my hair selections and without this blog, it would be a total nightmare. In fact, you could decide to lose everything BUT the hair aspect of the blog and I wouldn't whimper. This is a good opportunity for me to say thank you for all you've done for the Sims3 community already! I don't know how you do it!

  94. Oh! And don't ever try to kiss your new pet. I had a friend do that with her iguana and she had to go to the hospital to get the lips pried off. Other than that, may he/she live long and be a great friend to you in your life!

  95. "As for the cutback on Sims, it has more to do with the 'fuck you' attitude about crediting creators over the past few days, where I ended up shutting off the comments, then deleting the posts because people were on a mission.

    I guess that whole thing really got me fed up enough to go on my own... if people don't care enough to let people see what they are downloading, then I really don't care enough about posting it here."

    I wholeheartedly agree, Joe! There was one moron the other week or so who left a comment saying that he/she didn't get the "consumerist" attitude of people having to "see" what they're downloading. It's actually 100% necessary for people to know exactly what they are downloading. Creators deserve to be credited in full AND people want to know if a piece of CC could end up damaging their game. This game is very sensitive - one error led to blue lots everywhere several months back and another led to a doll slowing down/crashing people's games as well as attaching itself to people's uploads.

    This also applies to people with horrid preview pics and those with overly-photoshopped pics. This is a Sims 3 blog, not an art gallery. Not only do most people with brains like to know exactly what they are downloading, but nothing is more annoying than seeing something look AMAZING in photos and then you get it in game and realize that it's shit.

  96. how come you do not know if its male or female? you should have ask from where you bought it.

    and whoever said its cute is correct, NOT!

    since when are dragons cute?

  97. Wait, let me get this straight: you'll still be posting sims, but only sims that are unique in some respect and have a CC list?

    And am I the only one who didn't know Brandon was still posting here? Lol

  98. Actually, there are seven pictures behind the cut. I put them behind a cut tag so I don't flood my friend's pages. I linked it to my name if you want to look again. But that's alright, I'm not worried about it.
