
August 24, 2010

Louis & Lestat by Miss Lochness

Download at Sim Style Parade


  1. The dark haired guy is nice =D

  2. Before everyone gets all nit-picky about how "Louis didn't have tattoos" or "They're not dressed right" I would like to point out that on the site it blatantly states that these are modern interpretations of Louis and Lestat and that they aren't based off of Anne Rice's versions or Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.

    That said...I think these are wonderful and very unique! I haven't seen anything like this for Sims3 yet and they are going to be a welcome edition in my game! :)

  3. Well they are far more similar to Anne Rice's version given that Lestat had long blond hair. I prefer Stuart Townsend as Lestat instead of Tom Cruise. The Lestat from Queen of the Damned movie was far more resembling of the character from the books in actions & personality.

    I know others will have a different opinion but that is what makes characters from a book so great. It is still the same character no matter how different all of our mental pictures appear to be.

    I love these sims though I am not a huge fan of Louie from the novels. I just see him as a pedophile that judged those around him harshly. I think the reason he was so judgmental was because he couldn't stand to look at himself or admit his own inner demons.

    Thank you for these sims!

  4. These are neat :) I usually don't like DLing sims but if I ever have time to play again they're going into the game

  5. That first one is a sexy hunk of man meat. That first picture of him looks all come hither seductive. Very nicely done.

  6. They luk lik girlz is zat intended? No gay content in mah game!

  7. +|-|3Y |-|@\/3 5 - |-|3@D$


  8. How can they not be based off Anne Rice's versions? They have to be, at least a little, they're her characters.

  9. Look at this picture
    This guy looks almost like a blond guy.

  10. I kinda like this modern take on these characters. I mean do we really want Tom Cruise with fangs, again??

  11. Stuart facking Townsend has brown hair. Queen of the Damned makes my brain melt from the epic fail.

  12. They do remind me of the characters as they were in the books, however, Louis looks too attractive for what was one highly annoying character.
    Just the fussy opinion of one anon who is actually rather happy to see that these were not based on the appearances of either Tom Cruise or Stuart Townsend. :)

  13. @^ I always found Lestat to be more annoying. xD, Louis was all emo, but, Lestat was emo, ultra-powerful, and had wayyyyy too many books that he starred in. But eh, different opinions.

    As for Stewart Townsend... I liked him better as Lestat than Tom Cruise, even with the wrong hair color business. Still didn't like either movie over the books though.

  14. I can read your mind and there is no good in it, just endless failure.

  15. I quite like the Louis sim, and I'll probably download him but I'm not a big fan of this Lestat. He just doesn't look like I imagined he would when I read the books. Still, I'd have to agree with others that a version not based on the movies is pretty sweet.

  16. hey guys I want to ask a question I love Miss Lochness' sims but when I try to open some of them in cas the game quits to the desktop. do you have a solution for that?

  17. ^ Sounds like a possible CC issue. I've had that problem too. It happens to me when I don't have some of the CC she used, it's usually the hair or the skin. Try downloading them, usually fixes the problem all the time for me. I then re-save the sim without the CC and delete her version. I don't know why that happens, cause it's not with all of them. I remember her posting once that she was investigating why. Hope that helps. :)

  18. Tom Cruise is scary enough without fangs.

    I like them. Nicely done :)

  19. Lestat is hot! Love your work on them, modern twist to an old favorite.

    Downloaded for my female sim, lucky gal.
