
August 25, 2010

New Everyday/Swimwear for Adult Females by Ekinege

Download at SimsTR

Top here and bottom here


  1. Love this! Awesome.

  2. It's a cute little go go dancer outfit!

  3. This will be great for Late Night!

  4. This is cute, but what kind of file is this? I'm attempting to open the file, but Winrar nor TS3Launcher can open this thing.

  5. Very cute and nicely done

  6. I would love more swimwear without one's ass crack hanging out. Not even kidding.

  7. AGREED x1938902845902!

    I seriously can't fathom how so many people are able to look past it. It's just a trend I can't get behind. (ba bum chhh)

  8. awwboo said...
    ^ ???

    I think anon meant he or she loves the suit but can't download because his or her laptop is messed up.

    As for the suit. LOVE the James Bond retro feel. Pussy Galore here I come!

  9. Jada said...
    This is cute, but what kind of file is this? I'm attempting to open the file, but Winrar nor TS3Launcher can open this thing.

    Hmmm...curious. It downloaded as a rar for me which contains a Sims3pack.

  10. "I would love more swimwear without one's ass crack hanging out. Not even kidding."

    The ass crack is hanging out depending on the skintone you use. That is Peggy's skintone, and she has a high ass crack on hers.

  11. I would love this if it WEREN'T enabled for everyday. Don't want townies walking around in this unless they're at the pool

  12. Oh! Well then I can relate! LOL That's what I get for reading comments first thing in the morning when my brain is still asleep. :)

    It is a very cute suit :)

  13. doesnt look like a swimsuit at all lol - if the bottoms werent shorts than yea sure, but so far it just looks like clothes a girl would wear when working the corner street

  14. because everybody needs more underboob
