
August 16, 2010

New Necklaces by Nik Sim

Download at Nele


  1. They look too flat and painted on.

  2. Because they are painted on. Personally, I prefer these to the floating meshes most custom necklaces are. They actually lay flat on the collarbone, like jewelry should. It makes no difference from further away.

  3. Plus they look Maxis-match, which looks way better than the floating necklaces <333

  4. Because technically, they are Maxis textures. I recognize most of them from the base game outfits.

  5. Yep, they just took the texture from the outfits and made it into an accessory, I'm assuming. Not too hard, but useful.

  6. As someone who does a reasonable amount of 3D, I can assure you, self-righteous anon, that this was not a difficult thing to make. It's simply extracting the game textures, removing the parts of the texture that aren't necklaces, then re-importing them under an accessory slot rather than a clothing slot. Each probably takes about ten minutes.

    That said, these are handy. Simply because it was easy does not make it bad, and no one implied they were.

  7. Yep, and I do make CC. Check mah blog.

  8. "It makes no difference from further away." Sadly, this seems to be the thought behind many things made for Sims3. Close up things look really ugly or lacks texture.

  9. painted on > Floating mesh, i like these, they are very useful and add variety to the outfits, nice work!

  10. Exactly what I'm looking for!
