
August 21, 2010

Night Dreams ~ Top for Teens by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun


  1. Horrible, as always... ^^

  2. Brilliant, as always... :)

  3. Yay, cute yet non-slutty teen clothes! Thanks, Nubie. :)

  4. This is non-slutty?... Haha!

  5. I still really love this top, and it IS actually pretty realistic for teens

    Where's the blond hair from in the first picture? It looks like the Ambitions hair but it's not.....

  6. "Anonymous said...
    This is non-slutty?... Haha!"

    You're joking, right? I seriously hope you don't consider this slutty. Omg, that wanton vixen! Look at that cleavage! And those ARMS! HOW DARE SHE!

  7. Anyone who considers this slutty must live in some country where women are stoned for showing any skin below their eyebrows...

  8. "Where's the blond hair from in the first picture? It looks like the Ambitions hair but it's not....."

    It's from the store.

  9. My problems with this top is the same as for the adult version -- it makes the boobs looks so low and flat. Especially obvious for the teen version. Teens certainly have higher, perkier boobs than this don't they? I did.

  10. Yeah it does look like they have pectorals, almost.

  11. "Anonymous said...
    This is non-slutty?... Haha!"

    You're joking, right? I seriously hope you don't consider this slutty. Omg, that wanton vixen! Look at that cleavage! And those ARMS! HOW DARE SHE!
    Idiot! It shows way too much cleavage. A wannabe slut would definitely wear it.

  12. The cleavage isn't as noticeable with a different skintone. The one Anubis uses (Aikea Guinea's) just has a more defined one.

    To me, this is Victorian-era clothing compared to the stuff most teen girls wear now.

  13. Asshats.

    The boobs looking low and flat is the skin Anubis uses and the way the skin defines the boobs, not the shirt.

    So please, get a general clue about this game before you run your mouth off.

    Nice top Anubis, I have a very similar looking one irl.

  14. ^ Um, no it doesn't. Are you afraid the scary boobies will come out and bite you? You sound like a closeted homosexual.
    That's what you and Anubis are.

  15. Lol at the trolls, the level of stupidity on here never gets old...
