
August 31, 2010

Now Announcing Barnacle Bay - Coming soon to The Sims 3 Store!

A Whole New World for your Sims to Explore! An island nestled in the Simuyan Sea, Barnacle Bay is a vibrant vacation getaway with stunning beaches, campgrounds, parks, and a curiously modern downtown. First settled by pirates, fisherman, and artists – the world’s inhabitants now enjoy relaxing at Smuggler’s Beach and letting loose at The Wanderer’s Watering Hole. Will your trip be a vacation or a staycation?

- The Sims 3


  1. Yeesh, could they be any more misleading with the description?

    The rabbit holes imply that it's not a vacation world. THe description implies it is. The description elsewhere seems to imply it's just a very gimmicky world, which is normal for the most part but has pirate-themed tourist crap all over, but as well has a downtown the locals frequent, for Late Night.

    I doubt it'll be a vacation world.

  2. SimPoints to buy this?

  3. Looks EXTREMELY bland and run-of-the-mill judging by the first screenshot... which shows most of the town.

    There may be a few interesting items that come with the town (MATY here I come), but other than that I couldn't care less about this.

  4. ^ Agreed 100%. Sunset Valley and plenty of player-made worlds look far more interesting than this mediocre world.

  5. They want us to pay money for this?


  6. Pay world? No thanks EA, no thanks.

  7. buying a world is laughable

  8. Blasphemy!

    They hast stolen my pirate ship..ness...

  9. Agreed! Should see the sheeple at the BBS. They are already begging for money to buy sims points. Yeah, right!

    I was called entitled at the BBS for saying that EA was using us by making us pay for worlds. Their worlds are crappy anyway, I spend most of my time emptying out their worlds so I can place my lots and families in it.

  10. ^ lol "entitled" that is funny...

  11. Wow, lots of hate considering nobody has even seen the town yet :) If it's full of rabbit holes and ugly people (ie, Twinbrook and all the inbred people), then sure. Let's hate it.

    But until we know how much it is, the quality and what actually comes with it, why get retarded? Speculate, yes. Hate without knowledge, no.

    We can tell by the description that it most definitely is NOT going to be all rabbit holes, however. They do mention at least one likely hang-out area: The Wanderer's Watering Hole

  12. Oh brother.... This looks downright horrible, some of the objects look cool but the town is downright horrible, even SV & RV look fantastic compared to it!

    I bet it'll be 10$

  13. I am waiting on a link to confirm this, but someone posted that the cost is $16.50 (USD).

  14. I knew they had that Worlds section up there for a reason...even though they quickly took it down the other week or so.

    EA will never stop milking people, will they?

  15. "I am waiting on a link to confirm this, but someone posted that the cost is $16.50 (USD)."

    That has to be wrong. They are greedy, but I don't see them charging almost $17 (more than a stuff pack some places) for a fucking world...

    Then again, this is EA.

  16. Crap it's 1650 points!!!! And IGN's preview does nothing but make this look like more crap than it already appears! The guy avoided nearly every question! So we get 7 new pirate themed accessories and clothes with the town, great but the question was about hooks and peg-legs....

    Oh and they'll also be another pirate themed set at the store for us to buy IN ADDITION to the town, ain't that peachy???

  17. "We can tell by the description that it most definitely is NOT going to be all rabbit holes,"

    Who the hell said otherwise?

    What was said it was NOT going to be a vacation world as it have rabbit holes, its a gimmick neighborhood.

    Nobody is claiming otherwise as, after all, a entire world composed of rabbit holes lots would be STUPID BEYOND BELIEF!

    "however. They do mention at least one likely hang-out area: The Wanderer's Watering Hole"

    That as far as we know, its a restaurant rabbit hole, after all what does picture 2 looks like?

  18. Yeah, that is where I got for a link on the price.

  19. 1600 points? WOW. Not going to be downloading this. Greedy much, EA?

  20. ""however. They do mention at least one likely hang-out area: The Wanderer's Watering Hole"

    That as far as we know, its a restaurant rabbit hole, after all what does picture 2 looks like?"

    If you go to the actual page for Barnacle Bay, it talks about Hogan's Deep Sea Diner in addition to the Watering Hole.

    Again, more information really should be gotten before random hating on something we don't even know much about.

    As for how much it costs... Not too happy about it. But it's similar in price to several of their other "sets" and you at least get a world with it, not just some overpriced furniture and hairs. So on the one hand, too expensive. On the other hand, at least it's a little better than their already existing stuff xP

  21. EA deserve more than just insults for their crappy work. They need to put more effort if they want ppl to pay. Selling mediocre stuff should be illegal.

  22. "Wow, lots of hate considering nobody has even seen the town yet"

    Wow, you really are quite the dullard aren't you? You DO know there's a screenshot that shows most of the town, right? Not to mention the price-tag compared to FAR better free cc out there. I'm going to react alright.

  23. Since I am not interested in Pirate stuff, I will not even try downloading it from MATY. I don't need more junk I don't use in my game.

  24. ^ Good point, a pirate cove town COULD be really cool and fun to play if done well but this looks really cheesy.

  25. Is Shitvar some kind of Sim worlds connoisseur? He must create complex worlds judging by the way he carries on every time one is featured here.

  26. ^There are so many things that could go wrong with even pirating (no pun intended) this world at MATY anyway, especially since this is a connected world ("Will your trip be a vacation or a staycation?")

  27. Oops, I was responding to B.

  28. What I read from the IGN article, nothing special about the world. Just some new objects, clothes and hair. All pirate themed. Meh.

    That new travel between worlds stuff is just hearsay, til I actually see this. I don't believe they would charge 1650pts. if there were new interactions.

  29. Oh god, I'm choking on the kitsch.

  30. There are things more expensive, and worse looking, than this in the sims store.

    Heck, they try to charge us $12.50 for a set of 9 items that are some bikes, and bike racks, but then only charge us $9.50 for a set with 20+ items.

  31. Lovely, EA makes an island and tries to sell it to us with the ocean still being a useless shitstorm of pixels.

  32. "Wow, lots of hate considering nobody has even seen the town yet"
    The hate comes from the disgustingly high prices EA wants for pixels on a computer. They are disgustingly high because unlike Stuff Packs, EA doesn't have to pay for copying CDs, packaging and shipping when they sell their Store items. Yet, the prices are still outrageously high even though their costs to produce the stuff is much lower than it would cost to produce a Stuff Pack.

    That's why people say EA is greedy.

  33. As a frequent lurker at PMBD, I was happy to see the pirate themed objects. Then I saw the price tag.....

  34. No the town is actually pretty ugly looking also :P

  35. Wouldn't it be nice if Ea did more surveys and asked what we want as a customer? And when are they going to make couches with throw pillows for crying outloud???

  36. Good god I've had it with you Jordy Jr.!

  37. I might get it if there were ships you could place in the water, sails unfurled or furled. Or maybe if they would give us the world for CAW so we can make changes. Or if they gave us some themed objects that fit better into the time period of pirates..rather than modern. But otherwise, its not worth buying. If I can PIRATE it, maybe...Arrrrr!

  38. Wanna bet this will be the most pirated store item? xP

    Side note: MATY stupidly slow for anyone else?

  39. Oh, there is several threads started at the Exchange, filled with anxious BBS'ers waiting breathless to pay for that world and the pudding faced, box living sims.

    Gawd, I am glad I have an independent mind.

  40. Yeah, it is very slow at MATY. Wonder if there was another attack.

  41. Here you can see more pics:

    Not interesting AT ALL! I've seen far better worlds made by community creators, and for free! (Because, besides EA, none made a pay world, right?)

  42. Tired of this shit!August 31, 2010 at 5:21 PM

    I didnt realize i was made of money EA!!!!
    ENOUGH ALREADY! just release the EP's and SP's and leave the world creating to us OR give us this stuff for free!

  43. nubie that site requires registration!

  44. ^Oh, nevermind then xD
    Original imagesare from IGN (there's also more info):

  45. The ONLY way I would pay $16.50 to buy a world from a store is if it were the quality of some of the best free user-made worlds...such as Neverglade and the like. Also, I wouldn't be paying that much just for a world, but it would have to come with a lot of new items as well to justify being practically the price of a STUFF pack.

    This world looks like a brokeass version of Sunset Valley. I know it isn't finished, but from what I see here, it still isn't worth it.

  46. Gawd. It looks so much like the failtastic Sunset Valley. And since can't set what styles are acceptable for which world, I'm not downloading since I want my city dwellers to look like city dwellers. Hopefully we can "take" some of the build/buy items though.

  47. Judging by all of the "fuck EA"comments all I have to say is that instead of complaining,why don't every single one of you just find another non EA made game to play?

  48. I'd also like to add if this looks so "shitty'to you then why the hell do you want to steal it from MATY?


    Even with the "temptation" of a pirate hat. (Isn't there already a pirate hat out there somewhere?)

  50. well i hope we dont need WA for it

  51. "Judging by all of the "fuck EA"comments all I have to say is that instead of complaining,why don't every single one of you just find another non EA made game to play?"

    Can you breathe with your head stuck so far up EA's ass? Just because people think this world looks like crap and it's stupid to charge an insane amount of money when there are better user-made worlds for free does NOT mean people hate the entire game and should find another one. Seriously, logic - you fail at it.

    "I'd also like to add if this looks so "shitty'to you then why the hell do you want to steal it from MATY?"

    If you had enough brainpower to grasp what posters were saying, you'd see that some were saying they WOULDN'T try to pirate it from MATY. I know I was one of them. Why the hell would I want to pirate something that a. looks like shit and b. might not even work after pirating? In fact, I would never pirate worlds.

  52. The complaints are a bit ridiculous. This isn't "EA defense", this is "shut your entitled baby asses up".

    It has a beach. Therefore, it's identical to sunset valley? Could you guys be more entitled? That's such a stupid thing to say. I swear half you people don't even use your EYES when looking at things. You immediately revert to bitch and whine mode, it's ridiculous.

    Sunset Valley is a lumpy little valley under some mountains. This is a beach by what looks to be rolling plains, and it's more east coast unlike west coast-like sunset valley. Not to mention it has fully built tombs included. That's not something you're going to get from a custom world.

    "Omgz der so many good custom wurldz y wuld i downlod dis one???!""!

    So don't download it. And note that most custom worlds are not very planned out, and you can tell this when playing them. They aren't professionally textured. THey're usually made by one person and feel very same-y all over, while EA worlds are made by a few people, are profesionally textured, planned out beforehand, and varied. It's also going to be fully staffed with premade families, houses, and again, tombs. You're lucky to even get houses with custom worlds.

    There's also a new bridge, which is cool. It seems like there's a few new CAW items. I'm sure you won't be whining and crying that they made this when someone uses any of those in a custom world,w ill you? Hypocritical whiny bitches, that's what almost every single one of you are.

    IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BUY IT OR PAY FOR IT, YOU LOOK LIKE SUCH A WHINY BITCH COMPLAINING ABOUT THE PRICE. What the fuck does the price matter to you, dumb shit? You're not buying it! So why care!?

    Is every single one of you incapable of using your damn brain?!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. A pirate-themed world, but our Sims can't use boats or swim in the ocean. Hmmm ....

  55. I love all the new content EA puts out, but they really want to make this a $600 game. Who the heck has that kind of money? I've already spent $200 on this game. (I did buy the base game twice, though ...) I'll stick with free custom content, which is made better anyway.

  56. Simsprogram has updated, they are reporting that a site stated it will be 600 pts and IGN amended their article, the cost will be determined at a later date.

    I am waiting on an official announcement before I say more on the matter. :D

    Let's see if EA read the forum.

  57. I certainly don't remember deleting the comment above..

    But the gist of it was even though there are custom worlds out there, they don't usually have

    -A few people working on them
    -New CAW items
    -Built-in tombs
    -Fully staffed town of sims
    -Completed houses (You're lucky to even get houses with most)
    -Professionally textured land

    And the comparisons to sunset valley are just downright idiotic.

    Sunset Valley:
    -Valley by mountains
    -Lots of hill area, town gets higher on edgges
    -West coast vibe

    This place:
    -Beach (omg identical worlds, right?)
    -Looks to be by some rolling plains
    -Not too much hill area, town gets a bit higher and has some cliffs and rocky edges
    -East coast vibe

    Just because both have a beach doesn't mean they're the same place, people.

  58. I just read this article on IGN:
    It confirms that this world will include new items and clothing, but no swimming or sailing in boats.

    One of the points the article mentioned was that there would be new minerals to find. Yawn. The most exciting thing about it seems to be a restaurant on a docked pirate ship. I'm not thrilled about this world so far.

  59. LOOKS LIKE HORSE SHIT. I'd rather download a bigger, and more detailed world for free.

  60. Oh, and if someone from MATY is reading this, please upload the pirate ship rabbit hole & etc content seperate. I will bow down before you and makeout with your feet.

  61. I bet that if you, Shivar, see that a custom made world has all those new features, you would probably complain about all the CC that is needed to run it.

  62. @B,I think it takes a lot of nerve to call people that are part of the Sims 3 official forums "sheeple".I see you post a lot on those very same forums.

    Aren't you a mere "sheeple"yourself?

  63. "@B,I think it takes a lot of nerve to call people that are part of the Sims 3 official forums "sheeple".I see you post a lot on those very same forums.

    Aren't you a mere "sheeple"yourself?"

    I see you have reading comprehension problems as well as problems with logic. B posting on the forums doesn't make her a sheep; following and defending everything EA does (which SEVERAL at that forum do and they try to chastise you if you say anything negative) DOES make you sheeple.

  64. I think it's a little ridiculous to bitch and complain about every little thing that EA does.

    They are a corporation and they are allowed to sell products and make a profit,so fuck you.

    And if people have so many problems with The Sims franchise and EA then I seriously suggest that they go find another game made by another software company.

    It doesn't make any logical sense to piss and moan about how much they hate a corporation and then continue to buy/pirate their products.

    That would be the same thing as a member of PETA frequenting fast food restaraunts and buying non organic products made by factory farms.

  65. ^Bah, sheep, baaaaahhhhh!

  66. i first thought this post was just for kicks but theyre serious. no one is going to pay for their pos world. it doesnt even look good that's why they didnt even include more than 3 pics of it

    i guess the creators dont frequent the cc forums or they'd be put to shame!

  67. Anonymous said...
    "@B,I think it takes a lot of nerve to call people that are part of the Sims 3 official forums "sheeple".I see you post a lot on those very same forums.

    Aren't you a mere "sheeple"yourself?"

    The Anon below you explained it best. Thank you.

    I do frequent the BBS, to get information, and to correct the wrong information they give out. Also, it's good entertainment when I am bored during the night. ;)

  68. "Fuck you,you ignorant troll,why don't you follow my suggestion and go find another game to play?"

    So tell me, what does EA's ass smell like? Does it smell like roses, oh wise one?

    Here's a newsflash: things can be mutually exclusive. You can like certain parts of a corporation and dislike other aspects. It doesn't have to be all or none.

    And you call yourself smarter? Not by a long shot...Logic clearly is not your strong point.

  69. This is a pathetic attempt to make more money with the idiodic sheeps who play Sims 3, Fail EA, Epic Fail...

    I hope they don't earn a cent with this ugly mess of a world, there are so many nice worlds for free, do yourself a favor and download them instead, or pirate this shit as always.

  70. Shivar: You must be downloading horrible worlds then

    A few people working on them- people are perfectly capable of doing great things on their own

    Built in tombs- 1st off have we had confirmation that this town even has tombs? If it does then it requires WA which is unlikely, second of all yes I've seen quite a few GOOD worlds that do

    CC: That would be because the research behind that is only in development..... FP has managed to get CC into CAW but it hasn't gone mainstream yet

    Sims- This is true except EA's sims are pretty horrible, most people like to fill towns with their own anyway

    Houses- Most quality worlds come with houses which are better than EA's

    Terrain: Are you kidding me??? Ea's terrains are terrible!!!!!!!!

    90% of worlds are pretty crappy but the worlds that people actually work on are usually far better than EA worlds.

  71. "B said...

    Oh, there is several threads started at the Exchange, filled with anxious BBS'ers waiting breathless to pay for that world and the pudding faced, box living sims.

    Gawd, I am glad I have an independent mind."

    sorry to say but you seem like a mere sheep.

  72. lol lol lol My hubby wants to get this world he does not care if it costs 16.50 He says he will start playing the sims if there is a pirate world

  73. For christ's sake.

    If EA was bloody smart, they'd start making a more "adult" EP. Like taxes, murder, drug addictions, and STDs. Not a damned... pirate world- no. I'll just get more upset if I go on.

  74. I noticed the crickets when I said that all of you should just find another game to play,LOL.

    Is that because,gasp,I'm right?

    It's simple logic,if you do not believe in a corporation/their policies etc,you are supposed to boycott them.

    Not continue buying/pirating their products.

    And I don't think it's right or fair to call people "sheep"because they like things that the idiots/trolls/jaded MATY crowd doesn't.

  75. This is lamer than Miley Cyrus' last CD.

  76. "I noticed the crickets when I said that all of you should just find another game to play,LOL."

    No, troll, you were too stupid to notice this response:

    So tell me, what does EA's ass smell like? Does it smell like roses, oh wise one?

    Here's a newsflash: things can be mutually exclusive. You can like certain parts of a corporation and dislike other aspects. It doesn't have to be all or none.

    And you call yourself smarter? Not by a long shot...Logic clearly is not your strong point.

    Read that until it sinks in, imbecile. YOU CAN LIKE CERTAIN ASPECTS OF A CORPORATION AND DISLIKE OTHERS. Only a fucking sheep like yourself would whine about people hating everything EA does: "I think it's a little ridiculous to bitch and complain about every little thing that EA does." No one here said they hated everything EA does and you have no proof that anyone here bitches about everything they do. But most intelligent people (unlike yourself) are very capable of praising a company for things they like while voicing their disapproval for things they do not. It's really not that hard of a concept. The world is not black and white.

  77. I noticed the crickets when I said that all of you should just find another game to play,LOL.

    No, troll, you were too stupid to notice this response:

    So tell me, what does EA's ass smell like? Does it smell like roses, oh wise one?

    Here's a newsflash: things can be mutually exclusive. You can like certain parts of a corporation and dislike other aspects. It doesn't have to be all or none.

    And you call yourself smarter? Not by a long shot...Logic clearly is not your strong point.

  78. Read that until it sinks in, imbecile. YOU CAN LIKE CERTAIN ASPECTS OF A CORPORATION AND DISLIKE OTHERS. Only a fucking sheep like yourself would whine about people hating everything EA does: "I think it's a little ridiculous to bitch and complain about every little thing that EA does." No one here said they hated everything EA does and you have no proof that anyone here has bitched about every little thing that they have done. But most intelligent people (unlike yourself) are very capable of praising a company for things they like while voicing their disapproval for things they do not. It's really not that hard of a concept. The world is not black and white.

  79. I don't think it's a true pirate world looking at the ghost's clothes in the last picture. You should tell your hubby to hold out for the midevil game next spring instead.

    Also, I'm sure some of the threads on the forum are started by ea employees themselves. How else do they get people excited about the game, and get their positive feedback?

  80. Yes, the world looks downright ugly in the first picture, but goddamnit I WANT ALL THAT COOL PIRATE STUFF!

  81. If everything that EA puts out is crap then why are you stealing it and if cc creaters are so good then why are you on here complaining that it fucking up your game.

  82. EA is so greedy beyond my expectation.

    Shamless corporate.

  83. Wonderful,if they are so "greedy"then you need to find another game to play.

  84. ^ Typical EA sheep, could punch you in the face.

  85. And your little threat about wanting to punch someone in the face because they don't agree with you was made either because you are 12,or you are a violent and unstable person.

    Either way,your comment is bordering on the edge of a threat.

  86. i'm planning on buying it and not because i'm a sheep who blindly loves everything that EA makes. i just want it and i have the money to spend. i see nothing wrong with that.

  87. I think some of you need to calm down. If you like it then buy it and if you don't like it then don't buy it. For the ones that know they'll pirate it; feel free to do so but with discretion.

    For those of you against EA, I think you should stop trying to be freewilled rebels trying to abolish the system when EA is a business; they will continue to do whatever is lucrative and I'm sure all the companies you favor and buy products from are just the same. Instead of protesting EA is corrupt in an attempt to rise up and create a revolution of some sort, you should go and protest something more important.

    I also find moreawesomethanyou really strange. The people there act arrogant and gruff as though they're the epitome of masculinity. This is funny when you consider The Sims is probably one of the most emasculating games and generally tailored to a female audience.

    I don't agree with charging 1600 sim points for this but I don't think you can honestly try to apply an ethical conduct to a company.

  88. ^ oh yeah, and here they're super nice. No trolling kids, no stalkers, nooooo all play nice in the sandbox here. Seriously. All Sim s blogs are rude. That is bc most are overrun with kids.

  89. I will wait for feedback from those that choose buy it. Then I will decide if I aquire it or not. Oh, and yes, they are just as rude here as they are at MATY. No difference other than no grammar police. Well there is that megalomaniac Actonthat who likes to correct everyone, but I truly do not care. Most sims sites I go to have trolls.

  90. It doesn't make any sense to complain about a corporation so much and then continue to use their product.

    Oh please. It would make perfect sense if you had a brain. It's called an OPINION, which last time I checked we are still free to have. While I like some of what EA does, I also dislike some of what EA does, and amazingly enough I am entitled to bitch and moan all I want. lol :)

    You are entitled to criticise my opinion and I am entitled to criticise yours, that's how opinions work in a free fucking country. It bears mentioning that whining about something FREE made by a player should be criticised quite carefully -- it's FREE after all. But it's perfectly okay to mention that some product is ridiculously over-priced for what it is -- and EA hit that point a long time ago.

  91. Yes it take a huge amount of highly trained personnel to create this game -- but the finished product is just a widget like anything else which is then sold to millions of people. I actually don't mind the prices for each game and ep, those could even be a tad higher and I still would buy it.

    BUT. The problem for me is the cost of the computer needed to run it. Already I need to drop another $600 or so on a new graphic card (memory is fine) and that is just in anticipation of the THIRD ep. (I purchased a new computer for the start of sims3) At this rate, I'll have to buy a completely new system for the sixth ep, which is the point I'll quit playing because I can't afford to drop that much money on a computer that frequently. And frankly, half the fun of this game is the cc -- without user made cc there is no reason to play this game at all so don't suggest that my computer would last longer if I went without cc.

  92. My last comment was sort of chaotic. I meant I understand why other people complain about the prices, and EA trying to soak every last dime out of us, especially in the beginning when no other sets were available, is really annoying. They should have made those cheaper, then it would have seemed churlish to pirate it. A million downloads at $2 bucks a pop is TWO MILLION more dollars in their pocket. I think thats enough goddamn profit, don't you? For something which took one staff member one week to make?

  93. I will always love the Sims games, have since the beginning. I think what make me enjoy it more is creations from the community. EA's actions with the Sims 3 was disheartening whe it first came out, I felt they wanted to push out the community creations and make us buy the store stuff for CC. I guess they relented when the community still was able to make CC, even with all the problems that was in the way.

    Sorry, but EA's store stuff just doesn't excite me, not like the CC that is imaginative, fantasy, changes game play, and downright beautiful. My argument has always been for the third party creations, admit it, they make the game more enjoyable. The best thing about it, you can get it free.

    I am not calling anyone who want to buy EA store items sheeple, but when you judge me for being negative cause I don't support everything EA releases, then I will consider you sheeple. I don't see the purpose of paying any amount of money for a world without having new interactions, or game play. Come on EA, you are the game creators.

  94. If the grass and trees were removed, added a bit of mist, maybe darker water and more dirt paths instead of concrete streets...that town would be much better looking.

    I still wouldn't pay for it but, just sayin'.

  95. No, I agree with you shower-scream. The terrain is very vanilla for the theme they are going after. And honestly, I terrain paint better than that. That's saying a lot...I really struggle with terrain paint.

    Never would be a real draw for me as I find EA's lots to be ridiculously huge and I prefer to make my own worlds. A few of the shown items are nice, though, so I can see ganking them over at MATY.

  96. I've been reading these comments keeping my thoughts to myself. Especially since there seems to be someone here that is determined to make everyone with a differing opinion feel inferior and even insulted. However, I'll add my two cents. Like it or lump it. Doesn't matter to me.

    I am perfectly happy to pay for the game and the expansion packs. I am less happy to pay for the stuff packs, but I do it because I like having the content. The store items pushed things over the top. I was disgusted when I originally saw that EA started this scheme. Its just another pay site. However I do recognize they have the right to do so. It is their game to do with as they wish. Do I have to be happy about it? Hell no. Now they release a world for a ridiculous amount of money, and we are horrible people for not wanting to pay for it? Give me a break.

    I love the Sims. Always have since the very first game came out. I have nothing against EA. However I am not made of money and I can't afford to dish out hundreds of dollars for pixels. Therefore I do not like the store items and I really do not like this silly world which does look, quite honestly, like crap. I think EA has taken things too far and is charging way too much. Once you pay $40 for the game, another $40 for the expansion packs, something like $19 - 29 for the stuff packs (mine was on sale so I'm not sure how much they usually cost), and they still want MORE it just starts to get utterly ridiculous. They should be providing some quality free items at the very least.

    Thank God for the free sites and custom content. Otherwise I doubt I'd still be playing.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. The comments on this particular world demonstrate how ridiculous this blog is,all I have to say is why don't you receieve an adult content warning?

    The problem is you can't report any of them because,guess what,none of them attack a "protected"group.

    Go ahead and attack my spelling/grammar,I'm not here to be a part of your childish fight.

    I'm just here to say that this is a poorly managed blog,and I woulden't care if it was about dolphins.

    This blog needs to be cleaned up,fast,I mean,at least give an adult content warning.

    And no,I am not some Glenn Beck following Christian,I'm not even a parent,I'm just concerned about other people's children.

    So,trolls,go ahead and attack me,once again,I'm not even vaguely interested in this "fight".

  99. yes I agree there needs to be more moderation here and to stop anon commenting. I have a blog. You can moderate every comment as well as not allow anyone without a valid account to comment. This is why I have gone anon here. There was a kid on here being very threatening to another person. It was shameful I have no idea why people would be so hateful over a game?!

  100. Just an adult content warning would be nice,it's the threats and racial things on here that disturb me.

    I also don't know why people have to get so worked up over this game,and try to push their opinions on others.

    Great blog,very useful too,just moderate it a little better.

  101. ^ I thought the comments section was specifically for voicing your opinion. oO

  102. It is,but other blogs on this network have the common courtesy to give an adult content warning,and I think with all of the language used here there should be one.

  103. As someone who only plays the legal version of this town (no thanks to crapified files which destroy my computer) I have to say it's worth every penny.

    Great variety with height of land and terrain, so the views are superb; and yet it's extremely easy to plop down all the extra lots you could ever want, because there's PLENTY of room and all the ground next to roads are flat enough.

    My ONLY complaint is that EA forgot to put seeds spawners in so I had to do that myself with the deBugbuy cheat. And there's supposed to be a tomb somewhere around but I haven't found it yet.

    Really honestly, I've been looking at user-made worlds and none of them are even close to the quality produced by a PROFESSIONAL team of graphic designers who are (obviously) extremely familar with EA tools. You guys are just mad you can't afford it -- it's only 15 dollars, sheesh. Eat rice for a week, I did! I will most likely buy EVERY world EA produces and can't wait til they release another.

    And no, I don't work for EA. I'm an adult with a job. :)
