
August 04, 2010

Please Sit Down by Lisen801

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Like the concept, but it looks too much like the sims lean-back into imaginary back-support that isn't there.

  2. That's not the creators fault though, the design is really cute!

  3. They could've easily made it 3 pieces based on dining chairs or something.

    To make a backless chair based on seating with an angled back is the creator's choice, they aren't forced to do that.

  4. Actually, 3 pieces based on barstools would make the most sense, because sawhorses just simply are not as short as the ones used here. Sawhorses the height of a bar stool, however, are reasonable.

  5. Shivar what the heck are you talking about? The creator has no control over how the sim sits, animations are still WAY in development. And even then it's not THAT bad.

    Seriously sometimes you make no sense at all, who sits on a bench as high as a barstool?

  6. ...I didn't say the creator has control over the animations. Did you even read what I said? You are really stupid. I do not have a problem saying that because so many people agree.

    The creator has control over what they base the object on. If you base a chair WITHOUT a back on a chair WITH a back, that is your fault, and nobody elses.

    Which is why I suggest that they should be made from a barstool, because

    1. That would fix the leaning back problem
    2. That would fix the really irregularly tiny sawhorse problem

  7. Hate to say it, but everything Shivar said is correct (along with what was said about Robodl95; not only Shivar is making ABSOLUTE sense, he's giving great advice about the barstool).

    I too would love seeing this made from a better-suited chair because it looks great already... but that laid-back sitting animation just isn't cutting it for me.

  8. Is Robodl95 becoming 'the new Claeric'?!

    Never thought I'd see the day...

  9. i can't seem to access mod the sims days now...anyone else have that problem?
