
August 27, 2010

Pure eyes : big pack! - DF & NDF ~ by Flajko UPDATED Aug 27

These have been updated so I moved them up.

Download at Lady Frontbum


  1. These are very cool!

  2. Nice, but too small for me.

  3. I love these eyes! They're beautiful.

  4. I didn't know that about simette's eyes :o thank you Flajko! They're beautiful eyes, and your models and presentation rock!

  5. They look pretty in the blue. I love small eyes too.

  6. Quite pretty, but a little too glassy looking for me. They also don't get quite as dark as I like.

  7. That is a big pack! They are awesome!

  8. has any one actually tried these? they look so prettym they remind me of the ts2 default eyes, can any one post in game screenshots? i'd do it myself but my computer is down so i cant even play. im just planning ahead.

  9. I tried them in default and I was really hoping I would like them but, for me, they were just too light. I mean, all my sims that had lighter eyes looked a bit like zombies. I also thought the iris looked oddly shaped.

  10. I haven't seen any like these for Sims 3. They look gorgeous, but I'd be worried about what the anon above posted. I'm just not sure how they'd work in the game.

  11. These are my standard game eyes now <3 great job!

  12. awwboo don't worry about them being too light!Pure eyes as defaults can still achieve any light/dark range as you want to!They only have a bit too light range for light colors because I didn't knew better,so all of your previous sims with light eyes need to darken them to get the same color and stop looking like a zombie! ;) These are my first defaults and that's why I didn't see that mistake! On the other hand contacts doesn't have the same problem:the color you choose is the color you'll get!

  13. I actually tried these in game, the defaults that is. And when I went into CAS I was like WTF! These eyes are just weird. The dont at all look like real eyes, they look like weird glass beads or something. Maybe for a race of zombie aliens, but not for regular sims sorry, but they looked way too fake

  14. Ok Anon that's your taste,if for you they look like beads,that's how you see them and I'm not going to try to change your mind about that but if your talking about them being too bright I already said that you need to darken them so they look normally,try it and you'll see it!

  15. They do look nice, but not my style for TS3 eyes.

    Then again, I haven't changed my default eyes in over a year, so apparently not many eyes are my style >_>;

  16. I just don't want to have to darken the eyes of the the light eyed sims in all my towns. That would take me a long time and a lot of trouble. These looked weird an all my sims that have grey eyes, including the townies.

  17. Ok guys I've fixed the defaults and they're not so bright now! You can download the updated version here :

  18. these look amazing! do you think you could make a second version with the eyes a bit bigger? and maybe (depending on what other people might want to make it easier for you) make the pupil just a tad bigger too :)

  19. There already is a bigger version - I made them first and then I made these eyes! Go here : and see! They are only contacts in centered positions and not the Defaults or Moving contacts

  20. I really like these. But the only problem I have is the outer edges of the eye, whenever a sim looks in a different direction the eye looks red, kind of bloodshot. I know it's supposed to add to the realism, but for me it looks kind of creepy. Maybe less redness and it would look more normal.

  21. Nice, but not nice enough to make me give up my Aikea Guinea defaults.

  22. Tried them out and they are nice but too small.

  23. I just tried out the updated version and it is a huge improvement. I agree wuth everyone who thinks they are a bit too small. But they do make really gorgeous grey blue eyes. Unfortunately they look a little off on other shades. I think they sparkle just a tad too much. But great job.

  24. I tried the older version (default) and these as well, this is a nice improvement on the colors. Very pretty eyes but just too small for my personal taste. Thanks for sharing them. :)

  25. I tried the older version (default) and these as well, this is a nice improvement on the colors. Very pretty eyes but just too small for my personal taste. Thanks for sharing them. :)

  26. Hey Flajko, as a fellow eye designer I know how frustrating things can get, especially on this site. I think they're nice (no offense for not downloading them since I design my own lol) and I think the detail you put into them is excellent. Very well done. Enjoy your fan-base, because you're going to earn one with such beautiful eyes. They ARE a little small though... but the reality of it is, some people IRL DO have eyes this small lol They'd only need to be perhaps 5 pixels bigger or even less and they wouldn't look so bead-like. But well done, I'm extremely impressed :D

    Briddy G (Find me on GOS)

  27. Hey look... it's Lady Gaga circa late 2008!

  28. Yeah I'm still a learner and beginner in making eyes! I guess I didn't see how small they are :S I'll correct it with my next eyes!Thank you very much Briddy G it means a lot to me! :D I know all of your eyes,they're looking great! ;)

  29. I tried these out and I really like them. I don't if I'll kepp them or not yet. I'm still testing. I have kept my old eyes since the game came out and I love them, but these are the first ones I tried out, so that's saying something!

    here is an in game pic:

    I have a few pics there comparing these to my old ones...

  30. They look nice in game. I have them as defaults.

  31. I think you did a great job on your eyes. Since I like sims with dark eyes anyway, they didn't look too bad colorwise.
