
August 17, 2010

Red County - A Southern California Inspired World by Coasterboi

Download at The Exchange

Thanks, Teddybearmafia:)


  1. ...The exchange?

    They WISH people are stupid enough to download from there.

  2. Omg....what exactly is wrong with the exchange now? I swear some people will always find a damn issue.

  3. Well, the exchange isn't the most "safe" place to download stuff, if you ask me..

  4. Is there anyway he can put the download link to mediafire?

  5. I been playing this world for a few months now. its freaking AMAZING. thing is it takes like 6-10 minutes to load and you have to have a pretty decent computer to handle it

  6. ^so it fucks up your game and makes it slow? Ya, i can see how amazing it is.

  7. Omg....what exactly is wrong with the exchange now? I swear some people will always find a damn issue.

    Well, for one thing, it's an unregulated piece of shit populated by morons and full of content with excess bloat crap packed with it, and anybody who creates something to share there rather than on their own page or somewhere else clearly doesn't care too much about what they've made, but apart from that, yeah, it's a freaking utopia.

  8. I never said it fucks up your game. What im saying is you just need to have a decent computer to handle all those lots being so close together. As for the load time, yea it takes a while, its because theses SO much to load. its like having 3 worlds in one. Hands down top 10 ever created

  9. Funny. I posted the link to this town yesterday in comments for another world. So why does this Teddybearmafia person get the credit for the find? Joe hates Anon?

  10. I was actually thinking of suggesting this hood too! OMG. It is so beautfiul. The skyscrapers and lighting are just pure artistry.

  11. Maybe because you put it in the comments of another post instead of the newly designated updates area. If you need help finding where "your updates here" is located ,it is on the top left corner of the page. I'm sure you'll figure it out next time.

  12. Cause I'm awesome like that? But for reals this is a beautiful addition to the game, for the damn desert alone.I wish there were more desert towns.Has anyone come across any that are well made? Plus a mediafire file would be nice if anyone would be so kind as to share. If not, no biggy.

  13. I put it in comments because it was relevant to the discussion going on there. Someone asked for a town like LA. I posted the link.

    So, Anon, your patronizing attitude is unwarranted. It's okay, I understand it's hard for people to be decent around here, I won't hold your idiocy against you this time.

  14. Zakkp8 said...
    " At least I can pick where all the people live. Blacks/Mexicans go in the ghetto/Trailor Park, Aneorexic barbie whit girls and pourta rican's go in the beachy area. And the cool/snobby people in the city!"

    I use to support your site and downloaded Shantell Moore, but now I had the heifer died by drowning and took her out my sim bin.

    People usually show their true self, especially when they think their statements are being humorous. Not funny.

  15. if you guys can't download from the exchange either cuz you have a irrr'd copy of the game, or for whatever reason, use this method:,15330.0.html

    then you'll be able to dl anything u want from the exchange

  16. They aren't sterotypes, there true. I've seen like 1 white person in "the projects". Go to the two beaches near me and what do you see, skinny white girls and possible fat old men in speedos. And go to the city, you find young snobby people. I'm not trying to offend anyone, I'm just staing what I was doing with the town, if you don't like it too bad. You don't have to agree. And to B, I don't really care if you download my sims or not, its not like I've updated in the last few months. Guess I'm just hated here like everyone else who was banned from the sims cave.

  17. ^ Yes, because you are rude, snobby, stereotypical, prejudiced, racist and mean. What you said offended a LOT of people, so instead of being oblivious to how offensive your comment was, please, think before you post something. That wasn't nice, it was just plain racism.

  18. Continued from my post, look at how prejudiced you're being. You are saying you've seen one white person in 'The Projects' -racism, stereotypical. 'Skinny white girls at the beach' -stereotypical. Not trying to offend anyone, oh with all the racism and prejudice and stereotypes you've just shown. What you were 'doing' with the town? Making all these offensive remarks about the real life city? If we don't like it, too bad? Oh what, so now that we are offended by the racism and stereotypes you've used in your post, you just say too bad? Oh, and of course we don't have to agree. And yes, because of your offensive post, you are also hated here like everybody at Sims Cave. Instead of making offensive posts and making excuses that it isn't racist or prejudiced, take another look at it and get your head out of your ass before you talk.

  19. Zakkp8 said...
    " And to B, I don't really care if you download my sims or not, its not like I've updated in the last few months. "

    Don't worry, I will completely ignore you in the future, you do not exist to me. Also, you don't count enough in my world to hate you. Just letting you know, I do not recognize the stupid!

    You are right, you can play your game anyway you want, I am not telling you to do anything different, but you did not have to announce your plans unless you wanted to say something offensive. Yes, you meant it, otherwise you wouldn't say it. I do have the right to take offense and ignore you.

  20. EA is cleaning the exchange, if some of you are talking about the doll.. I don't think they allow downloads which could cause troubles in games.. the exchange is EA's property..

  21. "I don't think they allow downloads which could cause troubles in games.. the exchange is EA's property.."

    Please tell me you are not that naive. This is how that doll and all that corrupted custom content that you saw FuryRed and crinrict list on the official forums got spread in the first place. People mistakenly have the attitude, "Well, it's EA's official site, so it won't cause me any problems."


    If you read the forums, you will see multiple posts a day where people talk about the borked custom content they have and beg how to get rid of it. It's not just the doll, but it's stick/monster babies, naked tops and bottoms and 100s of other clothes categorized wrongly which results in problems in the game.

    Listen, the majority of borked custom content has either come from the Exchange or been distributed by naive users unknowingly on the Exchange after they got it from another site famous for borked content - TSR. The reason so much bad custom content ends up on the Exchange is because there is no quality control - anyone can upload anything, no matter how inexperienced they are. That in itself is dangerous and the reason you have so many stupid people who don't know how to properly categorize their stuff, which leads to game problems. The moderators DON'T check uploads to see if they will cause problems in the game. The only thing they will look out for is to make sure no nudity arrives...and posters generally have to end up reporting a bit before stuff like that is even taken down.

  22. @B

    If I "do not exist to [you]", then why comment? You really think I care what ANY of you(B + Anon) think? Then please, think again. I don't care if I offend you, though I didn't origionally intend to. I am by no means racist, if you actually knew me you would know that. But none of you do know me, and so, none of you should be talking/typing. You know if I black or mexican none of you would even think twice.

  23. Greetings, This is Coasterboi - the designer of Red County. I've read these comments and have noticed some concern regarding my world being downloaded from the exchange. Please rest assured that I made absolutely sure my world is clean and hazard free. I used no custom content in the making of my world, and have no CC installed on my computer that would otherwise attach itself to the world. Downloading my world is safe and secure, so i hope this does not further hinder you from enjoying a fantastic map. Thanks =]

  24. Hmm, my comment was removed. I live in America, here we have freedom of speech.

  25. Hey Zakkp8. Maybe you need to LOOK UP the definition of "free speech".

    Free Speech ONLY MEANS that the government can't punish you for what you say. It doesn't mean that I can't call you a moron for what you say. Nor does it mean that the administrator isn't allowed to remove your comments. Their site, their rules. Either accept or it shut up.

  26. I LOVE THIS WORLD!!! It is so great! I have added some dance clubs, but other than that it is perfect! I just discovered it about a month ago and I really enjoy it. The school is awesome! There are rooms you can decorate and have your sims interact in a classroom setting. I am a teacher in real life and I just love that!!! The beach is great too.
