
August 09, 2010

Selene Dragulia by Miss Lochness

Download at Sim Style Parade


  1. her skin looks like alabaster! wow, I really like her

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. either my nose isnt straight enough or her nose is too straight....

  4. I love her eyes! It's also nice to see a nontraditional nose on a sim.

  5. nontraditional, unique? Here sims all have the same nose, can't you see?

  6. Just another repackage of the same sim she always makes. New clothes, hair and makeup don't make it unique.

  7. ^ Of course you love it, because you're an unobservant twat.

    She does this nose on almost all of her sims. She moves the bridge slider and all of these special snowflaeks have a frenzy. It's pathetic. "O WOW AN ALTERNUTIV SIM SO UNEEK I R SUCH REBEL LOL LOL"

  8. I do like her nose, there's no need to be such an ass about it, but it's true that most of her sims have a similar facial structure.

  9. "Nontraditional" commenter here:

    I wasn't familiar with this particular creator's body of work, and looking at the rest of it, can definitely see the similarities between her sims. However, my compliment on the "nontraditional" nose still stands. Most sim creators tend to fall into a specific facial pattern when creating, simply because we each have our own idea of what's attractive. Most creators give their models cute little button noses. Miss Lochness clearly prefers a wide bridge, and keeps falling back into that pattern. Thus, even if not a unique sim within her body of creations, her "style" so to speak, is distinctive and recognizable. It looks different enough to merit acknowledgment of it.

    I like this sim, and complimenting the specific features I like is hardly having a pathetic frenzy over it.

    That said, the fact that all her female sims look the same remains. If you're reading this, Miss Lochness, it may be a fun exercise to try to create something truly new. Take a pudding sim rather than your usual base, and go the opposite direction you normally do. If nothing else, it'll shut up your detractors.

  10. I think she is a very attractive Sim.

    Sometimes even the hair used can make the Sims look familiar. I use pudding on every Sim yet sometimes once I add the hair I get a little disappointed when I see similarity.

    I don't use facial sliders either so it takes a lot of work to make each Sim look unique.

    And as mentioned above, each creator has their own style.
    I check out magazines, look on the internet and just mix and match features. The lips on my Sims are kind of my trademark. Something that can be easily changed in CAS.

    Just my thoughts...nothing more. :)

    I can tell this creator put a lot of time and effort in this Sim and any feature you don't like can be easily changed to suit your taste in game.

  11. Its not that serious people its a video game. Why does it matter that they're similar. If you want it dl if its not ur thing, dont end of discussion. seriously!

  12. i love that second hair. it's peggy but i never noticed how cute it would be on a sim until now

  13. Just to summarize the situation:

    Every post ever on MS3B.

  14. Thanks guys for the comments, support and also for the very valid criticism. I do highly favour a widened bridge and I often don't think my sims look right without it. I will definitly take what you guys have said on board and try some different nose shapes.

  15. And that, creators, is how to handle criticism of your work.

    I understand the "not looking right" thing completely. Almost all my sims have the same face shape, even when I start with a different model. It's a very hard habit to break, but you have a good grasp of facial anatomy. I'm sure you'll be able to create something lovely. There's always something very exotic about your faces.

  16. "Its not that serious people its a video game. Why does it matter that they're similar. If you want it dl if its not ur thing, dont end of discussion. seriously!"

    Can I get an Amen!

  17. Looks like one of those fortunetellers, she just lacks the wart on her nose. Woooo!
