
August 12, 2010

Sims by Mo Greekie

Download these Sims and more at Mo Greekie


  1. What rehab clinic did all these sims crawl out of?

  2. ^ lol.

    And WTF is up with the third sim's hair? Looks like his head is being devoured by giant spiders.

  3. I really like the second one a lot.

  4. I love the last one in green. Very unique and definitely interesting. She will make a nice addition to my game. Thanks for sharing her.

  5. The first and second ones are cute!

  6. Last two... Bug eyed, huge lipped, piles of meh.
    The third guys hair is one you get when you register Ambitions! Lol

  7. I thought the first one was a girl, holy trippin

  8. ^ LOL <3 Thanks for commenting guys, whether you hate them or not , theyre more original then some of the simmies out there :P

  9. I love how the first "rule" posted on her site is to always give her credit when using her sims, but she's too fucking lazy to post links to the custom content she uses to create them. Apparently she's the only one in the community who deserves credit for their work.

  10. Guys look good, girls not so much..

  11. the guys look better than the girls

  12. um im not lazy, i just dont remember/ feel like it. if you want to know so bad, get off ur lazy anonymous ass and ask me.

    the skin on the "tranny" (and idk why you wanna know if you think its tranny) is 234jiao's non default. see? just ask. insignificant anons...

  13. Um, actually, if you're putting Sims up for download, yes, it does help to know WHAT YOU FUCKING NEED IN YOUR GAME TO MAKE THEM SHOW UP. People shouldn't have to give your genitals a tongue bath just to put your Sims in their games, I guarantee you nobody wants them quite that badly.

  14. OMG WTF
    the first sim is sexy as hell!

  15. okay lazies, ill bottle feed you your custom content if it'll keep you from wetting your panties

    The only ones complaining about the custom content are you pesky anons.

    PS- you don't need the custom content for those of you who are too stupid to realize. it's not like i used any sliders.

    ...and i didnt make the man boobs you imbicile, go criticize 234jiao if it's making you that upset.

    anons are the mosquitos of the internet, i swear it.

  16. ^ What the hell with you?

    calm down.

  17. Well I love all these sims. They're all differant and unique. I've downloaded them all.

  18. "okay lazies, ill bottle feed you your custom content if it'll keep you from wetting your panties

    PS- you don't need the custom content for those of you who are too stupid to realize. it's not like i used any sliders. "

    Wow, first off, rude much?

    Second, some of the best Sim creators out there provide list of CC used, Lady Frontbum, Epi, etc.

    It's not bottle feeding, if someone wants the sim to look the same way in their game they need to know WHAT you used.

    Examples skin, make up, and hair, much more than sliders.

    And they shouldn't have to ask to find out, especially if your response is going to be anything like that.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. ^^...I guess you're right. I apologize for my outburst and I'm embarassed by it honestly. I'll try my very very hardest to post as much of the custom content links as i can remember from now on, guys. What can I say...I have a temper. brit.the.twit, i appreciate you reasoning in a calm way though haha. If people would criticize like THAT, i probably wouldn't go off the handle.

    Thanks to those who like them, and i'll try harder for those who don't

  21. It's cool, it's easy to misinterpret a situation via the internet.

    Plus "anons gone wild" seems to be a theme here.

  22. Personally, I find anons are good for the community as a whole. Yes, we're a rude, frequently hysterical lot, but we're honest. Brutally honest. If you want feedback on how to improve your sims, uploads, and establish some personal ethos, anons are going to give it you, like it or not. Some of us do suck, like the ones that pop in just to call your work ugly, but others, like most in this thread, post with incredibly valid criticism. For instance, the exclusion of your CC list. As you've acknowledged that this an issue and have admitted to and apologized for your previous attitude problem, I'm not going to beat that dead horse.

    However, you, as many of the creators who ask to be featured here, seem to possess a baffling naivety about the culture of this blog. You all get so butthurt when anons have anything critical to say. Simply because we choose to be anonymous does not automatically make us wrong. If you say something negative under a name, like Claeric, you're an instant pariah in the community. Had he remained an anon, I suspect no one would mind his posts so terribly much. While it's no excuse to be rude, it gives a certain degree of protection in what is largely a hugbox community.

    You'll find that a majority of the daily drama on the blog comes from thin-skinned creators responding immaturely to us. At that point, most of comments are about the creators attitude rather than their work. The best defense is to simply roll with the punches, put on your big girls pants, and fix whatever we're bitching about without taking it personally.

  23. I love the first sim, and one of those other top model sims too. Carlene or whatever. I don't really care about long lists of cc used. I will say this though, if you use a custom hair on the sim, you should atleast list what and where, because I am sure I am not alone in this. But when I download a sim and I don't have their hair installed whenever I bring them up in CAS they crash the game, making them impossible to use. BTW I bookmarked your site and look forward to more delicious males like Eli in the future :)

  24. If you do shit anon will let you know, that's the way it works here. Bursting out with negative emotions is not gonna help ya, it will feed the anon.

    The guys look unique indeed, not beauties, but they are unique. The girls have too overexaggerated features, they don't look very natural. So you seem to have a hand for guys, but you need practise with the girls.

    anon can also be calm and helpful, it depends, don't take the hate to heart, as this happens frequently, especially if you mess up, like with the CC, that's a no go.. list everything you used period

  25. Thanks guys .. You can probably tell this is the first time i've been featured on here, so all this new public input is new to me...I'll try to lighten up and definitely not underestimate the power of the anon army ;)

  26. ^ you have to be thick skinned to post your work on here. It is part of being a creator. Ya take the bad with the good. Disregard the trolls and do what you love.
    Be sure to ALWAYS credit your CC used. That is just the right thing to do. Otherwise TY for posting

  27. Okay, my honest opinion..I don't like the skin choice for the first sim. I don't know what skin you used but it looks really odd. The face is nice, a bit too feminine for my taste but its pretty and unique. The second one is cute and realistic. I suppose you did use the same skin but the chest is covered so not so odd looking. I like the face of the third one. His eyes give him a cocky look and I can see his personality. I like the hair on him too. I might just get that one although I would change the body skin. The girls are okay but a little to unrealistic for me. The fourth one has eyes that are too slanted and give her an elf look and the fifth has a chin that is far too narrow and a really skinny nose.

    However, they are all unique and show lots of talent. You can see the character of the sim. So while I might only choose one of them..with my own changes, I think you did a great job overall. Thank you for sharing.

  28. you are only asking anons to give out their names, so you can hunt down whoever criticizes your work. like ask to be featured here, and force people not to say bad things about your work? lol! what is wrong with you?

  29. These are uniqe sims indeed. Not my type of sims, but shows that you have worked on the sims. Well done.

    Now I have a question, you have to ask to be shown here, like say random person makes sims site/blogg, they will not be shown if they dont ask ? *_* They can have peace if they want and not be shown here?

    (I know I asked the same question like manny times but Im like kinda happy if its true :D)

  30. ^^ Um I'm not sure...I emailed the blog asking the same thing. They didn't respond to my question but they did feature my sims, so I guess you just have to ask? There might be some kind of standard but it's worth a shot, anon :)

  31. "And WTF is up with the third sim's hair? Looks like his head is being devoured by giant spiders."

    ... always a classic line here, that one...

  32. ahaha i was trying to duplicate the character Luke from the movie Cherrybomb. There aren't many good guy fro's out there xD

  33. Lila Lyttle- Like a Doll needs to be reupped on Mediafire (currently a bad link). Thanks.

  34. hmm will do asap. thanks for letting me know :]
