
August 15, 2010

Snow Fox Sets-Headdress by Luluke

Download at Imminent Sims


  1. She looks like those gross sims mastering and himikosims make.

  2. i like it but i wount have any use for it in my game.

  3. whre can I find the last sim? shes soooo cute

  4. ^ lol u have terrible taste in women.

  5. I want this person's graphics

  6. I like the model's features, if not her face shape. However, as this is a post about an accessory, and not the sim, I won't get hung up on that.

    It makes me wish I had more asian themed hoods. It's lovely, but I have no place for it in my game.

  7. "She looks like those gross sims mastering and himikosims make."

    Gross? Hardly, these sims are beautiful, better than most on this blog.

    " lol u have terrible taste in women."

    Coming from someone who probably thinks lady gaga is gorgeous, lol.

  8. The top sim looks so delicate

  9. Actually anon, I don't think Lady Gaga is gorgeous. Making assumptions only makes an ass out of yourself. You may need to take some lessons on how to be clever.

  10. And lmao, if you think these sims are the most beautiful sims you've seen on this blog I suggest you go look through some of the older entries.

  11. ^Nobody said these sims are the most beautiful/cutest sims. Making assumptions only makes an ass out of yourself. ;)

  12. "Actually anon, I don't think Lady Gaga is gorgeous. Making assumptions only makes an ass out of yourself. You may need to take some lessons on how to be clever."

    Well suggesting that somone's opinion on beauty is wrong makes you sound pretty dumb as well. There is no right or wrong when it comes to opinions.

  13. ^ Your passive aggressive use of the ";)" emoticon makes you come off as a complete juvenile. Talk to me when you have something at least clever to say in response. Otherwise don't speak at all, you're honestly embarrassing yourself. In fact, I got second-hand embarrassment reading your reply.

  14. Anon, it wasn't an opinion. It was a complete matter of fact. Silly child.

  15. omg it's like she/he read my mind, i needed an accessory like that to make Nohime, Oda Nabunaga's wife, and this is really great! thank u!! :D

  16. I do think Lady Gaga is gorgeous.
    My opinion might be weird, but it's not less right than yours.

    And I think these sims are really pretty... the first one has a bit of a pudding face but the features themselves are beautiful.

  17. Omg. Gross taste in women?

    These sims probably look better than most of the girls who use this blog,lol. Just saying! Anyway, they're pretty and I don't really see use for the ornament.

  18. Those are Mastering's sims btw, and they're beautiful.

  19. ^I agree, the headdress looks really nice too.

  20. So, what are those big yellow balls suppose to represent..... lemons? Bells? What?

  21. They're reaaally big bells.

  22. Good god, the level of butthurt 12 in this thread is positively astonishing.

    The headdress looks very nice. If I had Sims who could use it, I'd probably download it.
