
August 05, 2010

Tally Youngblood by jaylo2112

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I like the first sim. She looks pretty normal but at the same time it has something special.

    The second looks like an alien with those big eyes. And the third is not bad, I like the jaw shape.

    Anyone knows where I can find the last sim's hair?

  2. I. LOVE. UGLIES <3

    I thought Tally had curlier hair, but well, I read Uglies a year ago or so so I don't remember everything, and she does look realistic.
    Pretty Tally is very... bubblehead-like. And pretty.
    Special Tally is my favourite :D

  3. @Anonymous above:
    It says it on the download page.

    Pretty Tally's eyes do look very big, but that's one of the pretties' features.

  4. This sim is boring to look at.

  5. Uglies :D
    I remember Tally had curly hair...
    And I didn't quite imagine her that way as a pretty...

  6. something's very wrong with the 1st sim's hair

  7. Never read the books, but the first sim is realistic.... but not real special. Second sim is pretty, but not "perfect" like she should have been. And the last one, imo, is the prettiest. I like strong jaws on women!

  8. I think the special Tally is amazing! I'm not a fan of how pretty Tally turned out tho..But good job.

    I can't wait to see the casting for this movie :D!

  9. where can i find the first hair?

  10. :D I love those books. But the Pretty version of Tally looks like that purple-eyed premade. :/ *shudders* I might try to recreate her on my own, though. ;)

  11. I wanted to make an ugly Tally but could never find the right hair.

    I made a pretty Tally (who is in my studio), but I imagined her a LOT different. But then again I did base everything on the cover.

    The special Tally is creepy, so I guess mission accomplished. :D

  12. This isn't at all how I imagined Tally :/ But I do love the homage to the books so yay!

  13. Their descriptions make the books sound horrible. "It's a trilogy about a girl who isn't shallow, then decides to be shallow, then can't make up her mind"

  14. a movie? that's so exciting!

    and i love these :)

  15. "Their descriptions make the books sound horrible. "It's a trilogy about a girl who isn't shallow, then decides to be shallow, then can't make up her mind""

    mte. Then I looked it up on wikipedia and it still didn't sound much better.

  16. Where is the first hair from? :O
