
August 20, 2010

TS2 Female Hair conversion by Kiara24

Download at Mod The Sims

File name: TS2ShortFemaleHair Conversion

This looks like an updated version of this recent one - this has the same file name but is a slightly larger file:)


  1. The highlights and the back look much better.

  2. Doesn't looks like a real hair!

  3. I prefer the original less shiny one. Thanks for the link.

  4. i dont like this hairstyle at all

  5. It's a pretty hair imo, it looks like EA hair though, but everyone has to start somewhere.
    To give some constructive feedback, not like the other maggots here: I think it could work if you give the hair a little more pepper, adding more definition to it. As it is now it looks a bit better, because of the new texture, but it's looks too flat somehow overall. It lacks something which makes it stand out.

  6. it would be nicer if it was fuller in at the face area

  7. Kiara24 should never do hair. I'm sad that she's still trying and it still looks like shit, when her talents clearly lie elsewhere.

    The hair looks like a blocky mess, the shine makes it look like a sheet of plastic, and the part makes it look like a wig.

  8. I like the hair.
    But OMG look at the last pictures. That must be a drag queen? If not she must've done some pretty mean stuff in her past life.

  9. You do all realize that this is a conversion of a maxis hair from M&G right???

  10. I think the hair looks alot better now than before. And I think it will probably be a really cute hair with a retexture. Maybe some nubification :)

  11. ^ Don't waste your energy, it's just the common fat basementdwelling troll who shits on others work without giving a reason why it's bad. These people are indeed the lowest lifeforms and it may take some time for them to realize it.

  12. It's an inprovement.

  13. Looks far better than her last one, this one is actually worth downloading! Good job Kiara keep at it! You're getting better.

    And HEY this DOES look like real hair because I had my hair cut like this and it laid the same, very straight and not poofy, so yeah. Dur get out of the house once in a while.

  14. Oh yeah I DO remember this hair from Mansions and Gardens!

    That explains a LOT! You did a KICKASS job. Sure, I'll download it.

  15. Anonymous said...

    People like you are the scum of the Earth. I think you should post your creations here so you can get back some of that vitriol you dish out. I'm all for constructive criticism, but to shit on someone when they try to incorporate changes really just shows that you are a miserable person with no life outside of the internet.

    Holy overreact batman.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
