
August 30, 2010

Tum's Anto 82 Retextured by Robodl95

Download at Look it's a Plumbob Over my Head!

File name:  Robodl95_Anto 83

Tum Tum's version here

Package and Sims3pack available


  1. I downloaded the original version of this hair right away and it is quite fine the way it is ;)

    Anyway, still quite a nice hair and I'm already using it pretty often.

  2. gosh your models look retarded.
    and way to enhance the hair dude.

  3. ^ these are his models after he spent so much time remaking them too...

  4. Nice try, but something about this version makes it look very flat, dull, and lifeless.

    I'll stick with Tum Tum's.

  5. I like it, thanks :)

  6. I think she should just use a plain white background, and maybe dwnld some sims for her models. Cause these models aren't cutting it. No effense.
    I just want her to improve.

  7. He. I think it's a he.

    And I don't.

    I feel like he's very jealous of Anubis. Has anyone seen the way Robodl always nit picks over Anubis's creations? He finds a flaw with every single thing and then acts like he's just being helpful. Like on Anubis's latest dress over in the creator forum at MTS, Robodl is all like "ZOMG IT HAS NO SHAPE AND MAKES YOUR SIM LOOK LIKE A WOODEN BLOCK NOT MY STYLE" Yet the dress A. Clearly has a shape (Empire waist is a shape Robodl) and B. Is the farthest thing from blocky ever.

    Your head, dear Robodl is far more blocky than that dress will ever be.

  8. Okay so I put this in my game...and did not display properly at all. It looked like a giant charcoal turd on my sims head :( And no other hair does that. I am going to try Tum's version and see if it works better
