
September 18, 2010

Bathroom Tiles by HugeLunatic

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. i think im missing something...i dont see where the difference is between your tiles and EAs??

  2. The tiles were in the middle, but he lowered them... i think ;)

  3. He made matching tiles except his cover the bottom 2/3 of the wall, leaving the top for wallpaper or paint, instead of all the way from floor to ceiling in tile like EA's. JaneSamborski at MTS made a similar sort of 2/3 wall for tile to work for backsplashes, etc, only hers are in paneling and have a crown molding and don't have the tiles imprinted on them.

  4. I really needed this layout! Thank you :)

    Did anyone ever do a "backless/tiless" version of the tubshower?

  5. I haven't seen one yet, but I'd love one, esp one like WDS used to have with the shower curtain.
    HugeLunatic, iirc, did make backless showers, though.

  6. Very useful thanks.

    ^ Yep I need that too. Hope someone sees this and makes one! I have to do a search for the backless shower. I could use that.
