
September 20, 2010

Contacts by Gary

Download at Imminent Fate


  1. I wonder if there's any chance of uploading some of the sims? I specifically like the two male models.

  2. He never uploads his sims.

  3. I like the Sims, too. Especially the second and fourth one.

  4. "He never uploads his sims."

    Pity. They're a good balance between being attractive but not generic.

  5. I love the contacts


    I need that sims T.T

  6. omg, sims 2 looking eyes, i love them!!

  7. i'm with everyone else on the sims, gorgeous

  8. I love the 3rd sim! And the contacts are very nice too.

  9. With the way people rip apart Sims here, I don't blame him for not sharing.

  10. He did have Sims up here once before and everyone ripped into them. Probably why he doesn't share.

  11. These are nice contacts! Is it me or does the first picture of that sim look kinda like Lemon Leaf's? LOL!

    The models are very nice looking!

  12. I think he's really improved with his sims. Before they used to look like longed faced horses, now they look actually decent and cute!

  13. I tried these in game- I want them as defaults, asap. xD They are just totally awesome!!

  14. Really want these as defaults. Anyone know what skin is used??

  15. where's the 1st male's hair from?

  16. Looks like Subaxi's newest skin on the males. (at least judging by the mouth corners) Can't tell about the girls though.

  17. ^ Pretty sure it's subaxi's female skin too, judging by the nostrils.

  18. Yea, both subaxi skins, not sure about the hair though

  19. The first male Sim sort of looks based off the CoolSims Sims2 Sim :) Nice! ♥ Beautiful contacts :D

  20. Are these contacts or sims. Only joking. I know it's contacts but you can see more of his sims than the contacts.

    I think if everyone stopped going on about how cute and unique his sims are. He may upload them.

    Right now we are just feeding his ego. He loves all the comments and people begging for his sims. The more we want his sims, the less likely he is to share them.

    I don't go on his website anymore because it's a bit like.
    "hey look at my sims. Do you like them. Good. Sorry you can't download them."

    In that case stop showing us your sims, it's not America's next top model.

    Before everyone says i am just jealous. I'm not. I have some great looking sims,I choose not to share.

    But I'm not going to take several photos of my sims and put them on a blog just so people can drool at them, but not download them. That's just mean.

  21. You know, you can try to make your own sims instead of downloading someone else's. It's more rewarding. Plus, the creator got bad responses on his last few sims, so why would he try again unless he wants more unwanted criticism?

  22. I actually got my sims to look like his b/c I got tired of waiting for him to upload one of them :P It's not that hard if you have the right cc so make your own instead of asking!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Can anyone make default of these contacts? It's lovely and remind me so much of sims 2 eyes..which I love!

  25. I could do that for you, Anon. Keep your eyes on my blog :)

  26. I got a life. I was making a point about the people who worship his sims and think they couldn't make a sim like that themselves.

    I agree with what qianyiting said.

    It is easy if you have the right CC. It's not that hard to do. Just imagine what his sims would look like without any of that CC.

    And for the record i don't want his sims or do i want to get into bed with his models, live with it you spoiled idoit.

    No you live with it, because you're the one who place his sims, yes they are just sims on a pedestal.

  27. Here are these contacts made default.

    Wow... they turned out a LOT nicer than I expected :D

  28. Thanks a lot Shyne! I shall put them over my game right now. *dances*
    I already love the pics you took!

  29. Thanks a lot :) I was really surprised as to how nicely they turned out. I may think about doing more contacts conversions in the future :)
