
September 07, 2010

Dark Angel -Ultra-realistic non-default eyes- by Vampire_aninyosaloh

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. These are very pretty! I love all your contacts, and I can see how they're coming along as you design more and more :)

  2. They remind me a lot of escand's eyes. Then again, all of the smaller eyes do. It's why I prefer EA's size of eyes. It's easier to see textures.

  3. ^^ I was just thinking that they looked a lot like Escand's eyes as well. I don't think it's only the size, they colour the same way too. But since I already have Escand's eyes (love them!) and most of these pics aren't really closeups and use a hair that covers part of the sim's eyes, I couldn't be bothered to try these to find out how similar they really are.

  4. I checked out VA's profile on MTS... turns out she handpaints all her stuff. So I doubt she ripped off Escand. These eyes do need to be bigger though. And I also picked through some of her eyes on the .dds level, just to back myself up in what I'm claiming. Her MASK and OVERLAY are different to Escand's. Escand's are better, in a way, but who knows whether Escand handpaints theirs lol

  5. Yeah, I wasn't claiming she ripped off escand or anything. Just mentioning they look a lot a like.

    But there are so many eyes out there that most of them bear some resemblance to each other anyway.

    They are nice, but yeah. Just too small for my tastes.

  6. I noticed Briddy_G already posted on the MTS thread about What Ur Doing Wrong, People Who Aren't Me.

  7. I really like them too, Looks great and a hand painted. I also think that Briddy G should STFU and stop beeing so full of herself.
    These eyes are in my honest opinion better than hers.

  8. You guys are still going on about Briddy? Seriously, not enough happens on this blog! lol
    I like these eyes, they are very realistic.

  9. I think its funny how you all are all STFU Briddy G. When honestly she didn't say anything bad over on that post. All she said was that the eyes are a little small. Which is a sentiment that has been expressed over here as well. And yeah the eyes are a little small. My eyes are definitely bigger than this. If these eyes were bigger they'd be pretty darn perfect.

  10. ^^^ Yeah, if no-one has noticed Vampire whatever her name is and Briddy are buddies, so of course she's going to supply some criticism, she's always gonna be like that, she can't just sit back and say something is perfect unless it's hers lol but anon has a point, get the fuck over Briddy, she's only one creator. How about you talk about this creator on this creator's thread.
    In my humble opinion these eyes are nice, and I agree again with above anon, they would be perfect if a little bigger. Handpainting FTW!!!

  11. Well my eyes are that small, so there is nothing wrong with them. I really really like them.

  12. If they're friends, why wasn't the criticism offered during the creation? The issue with Briddy is that by constantly finding something wrong with everyone else's stuff, she's making it look like she needs to put other people's work down all the time.
    At this point everyone who makes eyes knows Briddy does it better, and has advice for them, so perhaps she'd be better off and better liked if she just waited for them to come to her if they want her help.

  13. At this point everyone who makes eyes knows Briddy does it better
    *snort* Seriously? Most of her eyes still have issues, just like anyone elses eyes. No one is perfect. No one is better when it comes to making eyes. It all depends on your tastes and if you like the eyes/creator or not.

    Everyone offers criticism on eyes. That doesn't mean we're the best at it or should wait for people to come to us for advice. Just because she's a creator and tells people how to improve their stuff doesn't make her different from us anons who give EXACTLY the same advice.

  14. Hi, my name is Rebecca and I'm new to creating, I've just started posting and I'm wondering what you all think I should do about how I act in the community. I've been reading some of the posts here and they've made me a little scared... is it best to just post up creations and not say anything?

  15. I wouldn't worry about that, Freckles. Just ignore the people who are being mean just to be mean, and respond to who you feel like responding to.
    There's often some very legitimate, helpful criticisms to be found.
    However, if it's something that's going to cause you RL pain or upset, there's no harm in simply not reading the comments, either.
    Welcome, and thank you for becoming a creator - I saw your eyes over at GOS and thought they were a nice start into sharing your things.

    To the Anon above me, yes, to a point - but there does come a time when someone constantly offering to tell other people how to "fix" their things starts coming across as superior and patronizing. Depending on the person, it's sooner or later. Unfortunately, imho, Briddy tends to be fairly abrasive and came across as condescending and negative much sooner.

  16. Thankyou for your kind words on my creation, I would really love some feedback so I know what to fix, I'm not sure how to make my eyes better and some help would really be appreciated.
    Sorry, Vampire Aninyosaloh, I have commented on your thread without talking about your eyes! I really really love all your eyes and you inspired me to try handpainting my eyes as a start. I hope to be as good as you one day at creating.

    I just want to say that I'm really afraid to make comments about anyone's work because it seems that positive criticism isn't allowed here, people always seem to get really upset when someone mentions that something could improve... I'm not talking about Briddy's posts either. I just really want a guide as to how would be the best way to reply to posts... only say nice things about them? I'm really confused... I thought Briddy's post on Vampire Aninyosaloh's profile wasn't condescending and negative at all... Or have I just got a really open mind when it comes to positive criticism? :(

  17. The reason why people don't like Briddy is because she offers constructive criticism, but tosses in something negative.
    For example, when Fashion Twist's new hair was featured here, Briddy went on about how she thought it was perfect, and then said, "And guess what? I retextured it and it looks almost exactly like yours!"
    She may not have meant to be insulting, but it clearly looked like that.
    Then she told THIS very creator that her eyes were "nothing special" when her eyes could be dubbed the same, and told her that they looked like she copied and pasted them.
    Basically, she acts like she knows everything about everything, therefore her opinion matters more, when really, most of the Anons know more smack than she can hold in that narrow-minded brain of hers.

  18. Just be yourself, 'Freckles'. If you think someone needs improvement, tell them how they can improve (e.g. make the eyes bigger, center the iris, change the proportion of the pupil to iris, etc). Don't try to add in comments like what the above anon mentioned that suggests your stuff is better or people will see you as full of yourself.

    On the other hand, if you think the eyes are nice, just say you think you're nice. If it's something minor that needs improvement, it might not be worth it to mention it as every creation some some minor flaw(s) in it.

  19. Thanks so much for your guidance, I can understand why people were upset with Briddy. I think it would be safest for me to never suggest to anyone anything, especially on here, but I will still come here and see peoples' work and admire good creators. And please, you don't have to call me Freckles, obviously you don't like that because you put it in quotation marks, do you think I should change it? My real name is Rebecca. You could call me Beckie if you like :) I only called myself Freckles because I love freckles so much in the Sims 3, it's like an addiction hahaha

  20. If my suspicions are correct, you know why I used quotations. If not, then sorry for the randomness.

  21. People are probably picking on Briddy not because of what she said but the way she said it, or rather, the sentiment behind her words. The other anons who say the same thing are probably giving their opinion only, but the way Briddy gloats about herself and her work means that her "criticism" is actually filled with arrogance:

    "Saying that my textures were amazing was extremely arrogant, but I'm extremely proud of these textures because I designed them myself, and didn't steal them from another creator. I am an extremely arrogant person, and I didn't start out humble, you just never got to see that side of me when I started out."

    Just a note, Briddy, but saying you are extremely arrogant translates to being extremely insecure. Friends with Vampire or not, arrogant people are ALWAYS in competition. It doesn't matter whether someone is friends or family. Their criticism isn't said to help, but they have to point out some flaw and try to disguise it as "constructive" because of their own insecurities about themselves. That's the difference between constructive criticism from a general commenter and constructive criticism from an arrogant bitch who is full of herself.

  22. Don't worry about it Beckie, I can understand why you're worried. My advice is not to come here unless you post as anonymous, because if you say something someone doesn't like it will get you into trouble. I was burned myself a very long time ago and have only ever posted as anonymous since, and I didn't even do half the shit that stupid ass Briddy did. But don't worry honey, you're nothing like me or Briddy, you're obviously very modest. My advice would just to be posting as anonymous if you're scared. I think that people here look for someone new and small like you to rip apart.

  23. Yeah, they called Briddy a coward because she said she'd no longer post in her name, but very few people do that here anymore, and they were just pissed because if they didn't know it was her they couldn't bag her out more. I ain't siding with Briddy or anything, I think she dug her own grave, but I've seen really mean shit go down here for no reason. Just make sure you're one of the nicer anons, like me, and you'll enjoy your stay here. It's the trolls and the people who have been stalking Briddy that make this blog less attractive. I love it how they swear they don't stalk her. They are still talking about her. Don't we all wish we all got as much publicity as Briddy_G? lmfao I wish I did.

  24. Oh dear... this is such a big issue... I'm so sorry to bring it up, I was just worried I'd need to know the rules of posting here just in case I ended up hurting someone's feelings and ending up like Briddy. I don't think that posting as anonymous is the right way to go. I think that I should have the guts to use my own name if I have something to say. I just think that if I have something to say I should send it via PM instead of comment publicly. I doubt I'll ever have anything critical worth saying, I've only just made my second eye set today, but I think that I have just as much right as everyone else to give praise to other creators and enjoy this blog. Thanks to everyone that commented, and please, if you like, call me Beckie :)
