
September 08, 2010

Fast Lane Stuff load screen Replacement and Tutorial by Shivar

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher

This is a simple replacement. If FAST LANE STUFF is installed, and no newer expansions/packs are installed, it will replace the load screen with the Base Game load screen.


  1. so why would you want to replace it?

  2. Because not everyone likes every load screen. There's also a tutorial to replace it with any other load screen as long as you have the game installed.

    The Fast Lane load screen has a checkered flag on it, the colors are weird, the bright lights around the plumbob are hard to see, and I don't like the logo. Therefore, I'd prefer the original base game logo. I am playing The Sims 3, not THe Sims 3 Fast Lane.

  3. i like the checkered flag

  4. I don't really mind load screens, since I'm usually doing other stuff while it loads. But it's a neat idea for those who don't like how bright the fast lane screen is.

  5. ^ Calm down, anon ;) No need to get worked up over something stupid. Some people will like it and some don't. I personally don't.

  6. It's not the first time shit like this has been featured. Other loading screens by him have been too.

    Kinda pointless imo, since it doesn't even take a minute to load.

  7. I have read, on several blogs, that a lot of simmers loathe the new start up. I don't personally care since it has nothing to do with gameplay. Thanks for the option:)

  8. I suspect the real reason why there is so much venom aimed at this mod is because a lot of people seem to hate Claeric/Shivar.

    Had this mod been done by say, Peggy or NewSea, these hypocrites would've been fawning all over it.

  9. Shivary timbars, this is actually kinda nice.

  10. "I suspect the real reason why there is so much venom aimed at this mod is because a lot of people seem to hate Claeric/Shivar.

    Had this mod been done by say, Peggy or NewSea, these hypocrites would've been fawning all over it."

    Um, hardly, moron. People hate Newsea and Peggy, too, but for different reasons. There are several posts here where you can read people mocking both of their creations.

    The reason why people hate Shivar is the nasty, nasty attitude he has towards other creators. Before you run your mouth, take a gander at all his insults such as "shit creator" he directed at RD on her wall conversion set. That's only one incident of MANY.

  11. Peggy and NewSea? I agree with anon above, they're hardly loved in this community. Try aikea-guinea or anubis...

  12. Браво, ваше мнение пригодится
