
September 05, 2010

Golden Sun -Summer Dress for Teen - Elders by Vampire_aninyosaloh

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Ok, this is her second creation since she vowed to stop creating. Maybe they were already in the upload queue, but I'm pretty sure I'm NOT a "cold hearted piece of shit"

    On Topic: The top bodice is nice, but you can see that the dress was cloned from the ruffle one. Thats an easily fixed issue as far as I know. Not really up to standard, but I won't say anything more than that

  2. ^ I'm not following. Did the creator get mad when people didn't like her work?

    I have to agree. At the risk of being called names, I just don't think this is very good. That said if she keeps creating she could get better so why stop?

  3. She could stop posting her creations for download, and instead just post them in the creator's feedback forum for advice, maybe?

  4. ^ Exactly what I said in the post on her first hair.

    It's not a bad dress compared to some things out there, but could use some work.

  5. It is fairly obvious that she just used the base game ruffle dress mesh, but it's no worse than the Nike dress a couple days ago.

  6. No, she got upset when trolls started posting comments like, "omg this hair is awful." Constructive criticism is not "this hair looks so bad, it'd look better if you moved the hair out of her face." It's, "It's really nice, but it would look better if you moved the hair out of her face."

  7. First of all, I'd like to clarify that I already said that I wasn't going to stop creating in my hair page here in MS3B, but then it was deleted 'cause I deleted the thread in MTS. But I'm not going to stop creating just because some people don't like my work.. Oh, and Alan_Gast, I don't know who called you "cold hearted piece of shit", but I really want to know why you said that I was copying Nico (Anubis), because I don't find a sense on those words..

    Btw I'm posting in #create for advice, as I did with that hair.. but whatever, I don't want bad stuff with anyone, so let's just forget that.

  8. No, she got upset when trolls started posting comments like, "omg this hair is awful." Constructive criticism is not "this hair looks so bad, it'd look better if you moved the hair out of her face." It's, "It's really nice, but it would look better if you moved the hair out of her face."
    Constructive Criticism -
    "criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions "

    It does not have to be polite, nor is it trolling when you say something looks bad. I'm not advocating being overly rude while pointing out where a creator can improve, but specific criticism is still constructive in nature. You shouldn't have to give a creator a handjob along with your critique for it to still be useful.

    And no one on this blog still seems to know what the fuck trolls are. If someone calls something crap and moves on, it's just being rude. If they show up, falsely claims that the creator stole their work, or make otherwise ridiculous and incendiary remarks, they are a troll. I believe the label you are looking for in regards to rude commenters is "jerks."

  9. You shouldn't have deleted that hair. It was ok for a first attempt. Yes, the black-ness needed to be fixed, and I'm sorry that I can't give you advice on how to fix that, but if it hadn't been for that one issue, I would have downloaded the hair myself, since it was cute and low-poly.

    As for this dress, it looks nice, but it does look like quite a few other dresses I have also seen, (There's at least two on GOS, one is called 'Vintage' and the other was by Random Noir) and not downloaded. The only dress I've ever downloaded made from this mesh was that Ruka dress made a while ago.

    But, I'm one of the 'picky' people, and I don't generally download any clothing unless it's a default replacement, or if it's very obviously an outfit that there isn't anything like in the store, or the game.

    Anyway, keep trying, and also consider looking back through the free sites to see what's already been released as far as clothing goes.. and don't try to do another variant of it, because people with long memories will recognize it, and be very happy to tell you exactly who did it and how long ago.

  10. Believe me, MySims3Blog ripped me apart too, and they still do, no matter the quality of my stuff. Keep going VA. You'll always find someone who doesn't like your stuff. Even Peggy and Liana have trouble sometimes pleasing the crowd. All you gotta do in the Sims 3 world is make what you WANT, and someone somewhere out there will want it. That's what creating is about. Sharing your talent, not bending to the wills of the crowd. You can't please everyone. And people going on and on about what you should be are useless. Forget them. You'll learn what you like and how to make that. I couldn't give a shit if no-one likes my favourite default eye set, I'll still post it up and get reamed here because that's what I'm about. Sharing. So what these dresses are a little bit like the EA dresses. They're yours. Don't go deleting shit because it doesn't match their tastes. Keep everything. Because every little bit of your creations represents you as a person, not just a creator.

    Love always,

    Briddy G

  11. I like this much better than I like Lianna's stuff! LOL I won't download it though because a few strapless dresses is enough. But its not that bad. At least it doesn't have those huge photoskinned wrinkles.

  12. I'm glad she used this mesh and not that one halter mesh that SO MANY creators (even pay) love to use. This mesh expands with the size of your Sim's chest but that dumb halter mesh that everyone seems to love compacts the boobs so the bust is always the same size, regardless of sliders. It's really fucking annoying. So I'd rather see a mesh like this than those.

  13. Now I want to create something so Briddy G will give me a blowjob too.

  14. Sorry, I don't give blowjobs unless they're earned. When you earn one, I'll give you one. Till then, you can go without ;)

  15. Well.. you did make a bob hair quite soon after Anubis and even gave it a similar name. ("stylish hair" or whatevs.)

    And now you've made a dress similar to his "midnight glow" dress. Also, on MTS, you uploaded a lot called "life in a boat" like, a few days after a lot called "life in a schoolbus" was picked. And after qbuilderz's 10x10 lot was featured, you uploaded a 10x10 lot.

    This is the last time I log in when leaving critism because some people took what a stranger on the internet said to heart. God, just get over it. Listen, I think you're a great & talented creator (love your contacts) but you need to toughen up a lil.' ;)

  16. First of all, I made a bob hair because it's the easiest to do when you're learning, and IMO it didn't have anything to do with Nico's hair. Secondly, I don't get what my dress has to do with his, but for the reason that it's strapless.

    About the boat and the bus thing, I noticed the title was really similar when I had already uploaded it and I didn't feel like changing all the pics. But I didn't do it because I saw a bus, I did it because I saw many boats in the community and a few in MTS, and I wanted to challenge myself.

    And about the 10x10 lot, I have to tell that Q's lot gave me the idea, because i had never thought in making a house in a 10x10 lot, and I wanted to challenge myself, is that a crime?

    Whatever, as I've said before, I don't want bad stuff with anyone, so let's leave this :)

  17. Ok! I really didn't mean to make yous sad personally or whatevs. I honestly don't like the feeling of being in an argument so thanks so much for being mature. :)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Got to admit, the creator has potential. Hair is just not for her yet.
