
September 07, 2010

Kristen by Ariz

Download at Ariz, Larz and Cholez Sims3 Blog


  1. Beautiful and EXTREMELY realistic Sim. She might just be the most realistic Sim I've seen on this blog, other than the celebrity Sims that actually looked like the celebs in question.

  2. I L-O-V-E her!!! I really lover her & I usually hate that blog.

  3. LOL thanks KeKe ^^
    and thank you Anon <3


  4. tbqh, I wouldn't say that she's realistic, per se, but this is a really nice sim.

  5. I think she's ugly and anyone could design a face like hers. She only looks 'nice' because of the CC used.

  6. ^Someone's got a rage boner for Ariz. What's up with that? Ariz seems reasonable and responds well to criticism, so being a dick is just unnecessary.

  7. it seems no one ever appreciates anything coming from this blog. maybe they know something i dont?...i like her

  8. My comment has nothing to do with Ariz. I honestly don't even know who the fuck Ariz is, apart from the creator of this Sim. WTF is your problem? I was talking about the Sim, not the creator. Obviously Ariz is a good creator if you're standing up for them. But seriously, take the CC off this Sim and you get a generic face. And not one that is beautiful in my opinion. Sure, she's not UGLY as such, I went overboard there, but just not my 'thing'. Happy now? Fuck.

  9. I actually agree with the anon, she's nothing special. She looks nice and pretty and Ariz used well the CC to make her look like that, but the face is quite commmon/pudding. The only thing I don't like it's the nose.

  10. I have to agree... I don't see the "realistic" part of her... She's pretty, don't get me wrong, but still, a lot of other simmers could easily make her.

  11. I love her. She looks a lot like Scarlett Johansson now that I think about it.

    And she absolutely is realistic, compared to a vast amount of cc-sims out there. Well done.

  12. ^ Wow, you're right! She actually DOES look exactly like a brunette Scarlett Johansson!

    She looks great too. Anyone who says she isn't realistic must not have seen 99% of the other sims put out there.

  13. It's funny how now if you don't use 10000x sliders, and actually want a normal looking face, it's considered "pudding".

    I think she's pretty.

  14. Actually sliders are useless, my sims still look like shit even with them lol

  15. She is really pretty:)

  16. but isn't CC there so the sim doesn't look pudding.....tbh without cc a lot of sims look rubbish.

    I love her Ariz especially her nose I think it adds a heap load of character!

  17. Thanks all. I was going for a realistic look with Kristen, so I'm glad some of you got that from her.
    And she does look a bit like Scarlett Johansson. Only her nose is a bit off. XD. Me and my big nose fetish. LOL.


  18. CC is supposed to enhance your game. I see how the use of CC allowed this creator to make a lovely sim. I see no issue with the use of CC. Seriously people, isn't that the main objective of this blog? To feature CC??
    She is lovely, thank you for sharing her.

  19. She pretty and all that but frankly I'm tired of pretty sims. You see so many of them these days. I don't even make pretty sims myself anymore.

  20. I really like this blog. Ariz responds really well to critisism and dosn't have a fit and say things like "OMG LIEK!!! U CUDN'T DO BETAR LOL JK!!11!1!" whenever a piece of critisism is posted, and I think she should be respected for that. :)

    This sim is cute, but a little to pretty for my taste. *goes and fucks up her nose and eyes a little more*

    I love how she gives her sims realistic noses, and not those tiny little "pretty" noses. I love interesting features. :)

  21. I don't think she looks realistic at all, but she's still a pretty sim. I like the lip gloss. :)

  22. *her lips

    LOL. The gloss is nice as well.

  23. For all those who think she's not realistic-looking whatsoever, I dare you to blow me away with at least a few sims that are truly far MORE realistic.

    This isn't the most realistic sim I've ever seen, but it's up there.

  24. Actually she's more realistic than she is "pretty". Either way though, she's unique, and well crafted, so nicely done!

    And she definitely looks like Scarlett Johansson too. Thanks for sharing!

  25. For all those who think she's not realistic-looking whatsoever, I dare you to blow me away with at least a few sims that are truly far MORE realistic.

    So just because we don't think a Sim is realistic, we have to prove it to you by making more realistic Sims? Right. Then that means no one can say that anything isn't *insert adjective* if they can't make something more *insert adjective*? o.o

  26. I feel like if the bridge of the nose wasn't as wide, she would look very generically pretty.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: sure, their blog has nice sims... but I don't understand why their creations seem to be so prized by Joe. To be clear, many blogs have nice sims... yet whenever these three update, they're pretty much automatically guaranteed a featured spot. Why is that?

  27. You kids and your pixel fights... whatever happened to actual fighting?

  28. "God you people bitch and moan

    Says one who is moaning at the ones who are moaning over the Sim ;)"

    ... ... ... good point lol

  29. "God you people bitch and moan

    Says one who is moaning at the ones who are moaning over the Sim ;)"

    ... ... ... good point lol

