
September 26, 2010

Melissa by Precious Sims

Download at Precious Sims


  1. Same old generic Sim, different custom content.


  2. Nice sim. I won't download it, but I'll surely look at the CC used.

  3. Thanks Joe! Ive had alot of downloads for this one already.

  4. Lot of downloads doesn't mean your shit is good. Exhibit A - TSR. I've seen custom content at TSR get over 5,000 downloads, sometimes even 10,000 or more, and the content be poorly made or have major technical problems. For instance, those horrid boots that were enabled for naked and cause babies to be born wearing them got THOUSANDS of downloads.

  5. Please Joe, I'm begging you here, stop posting her sims. She just creates more and more clones thinking they are actually great. I can't even visit the Sims section at the Cave because she spams it with her clones.

  6. I agree with the simscave, but she has toned it down there. She is not getting allot of replys and if she does half of them are hers.

    I dont mind the sims so much as i mind the spamming of them. Simscave should put a stop to her. Her sims are not requested there.

    This sim looks better than some of her other sims tho ill give her credit for that.
    She has her blogg she should use that and not the cave we dont want them there, we know where to find them if we want the sims she makes.

    If she just stopped the cave spamming I would be happy.

  7. ^the reason she's toned it down at simscave is because she's uploaded her sims to tsr, and is now making people pay for her clones.

  8. ^LMFAO, no way will I believe even the idiots at TSR were stupid enough to make her a pay artist. If she started uploading there, I'm sure they are all free...unless of course they were set to pay if she was using Newsea pay hairs or other pay content from there. That's what happened with that one thief who stole Tamo's Sim.

    But yeah, I agree with the other poster. I rarely visit the SimsCave now because of her spamming. I got tired of seeing every new post be hers. She ruined that place.

  9. yeah, maybe it was because of the pay hairs

  10. Precious has reached "Bitch Status" in my book. If she's expecting people to pay for her stuff, then she's off her rocker.

  11. shit i can give your original looking sims with the same cc and even more cc for free. lol

  12. Went on her blog, and it says under the stuff she used:

    Eyeliner: Maybe this

    Oh gawd. You seriously have no idea what you download? No wonder you're a spammer.

  13. ^ Not everyone can keep up with the things they download. I have a ton of CC from over a year of downloads. I don't know where most of it is from unless it has a custom thumbnail or the creator was just really memorable enough for me to remember.

  14. "^ Not everyone can keep up with the things they download. I have a ton of CC from over a year of downloads. I don't know where most of it is from unless it has a custom thumbnail or the creator was just really memorable enough for me to remember."

    This excuse is alright...if you AREN'T uploading stuff for others to use.

    However, Precious Sims/bunnybite clearly is. Thus, she should keep up with all the custom content she uses or else only use content that she knows for sure. One, you need to properly credit the creators for ALL the stuff you use. Two, you need to be able to tell people exactly the custom content you used or they will not be able to get your Sim to look exactly like s/he does in the pictures. Also, if something is wrong, having a full custom content list allows people to be able to eliminate a piece of bad or otherwise problematic (like categorized incorrectly) custom content that perhaps the creator didn't know about at the time.

    Or, a more practical method would be for her to stop downloading every piece of custom content that comes out and slapping it on a "new" Sim. That's just unnecessary. You can always guarantee that when a new hair, lipstick, or set of contacts come out, you'll see it on her recycled Sim in the Cave within 24 hours. It's her own damn fault if she forgets when she downloads so fucking much in the first place.

  15. People are not sharing their sims for making money and it's true that you don't always get something that looks exactly same as it in advertisement. It's not nice to ask people to do things in your way if they don't make profit. Most people are sharing their stuff for fun, it shouldn't be so strick that people have to do this and that before sharing. It's always good to give people as much infomation of the CCs they used as possible but it's not compulsory to download and it's not compulsory for the uploader to do anything you ask or anything you feel necessary.凸- -凸

  16. ^^Then whats the point in offering the sim to download if you can't provide locations to cc, because as you everyone knows these sims are loaded with cc and look worse then bin sims without it

  17. " It's always good to give people as much infomation of the CCs they used as possible but it's not compulsory to download and it's not compulsory for the uploader to do anything you ask or anything you feel necessary.凸- -凸"

    Once again, moron (oh, real mature with 'flipping the bird' motion), creators who create custom content DESERVE to be credited. If you are going to use the product that someone put their hard work and time into, you damn well better make sure to credit them. And as I said before, also, you need to list custom content so people will be able to delete OR AVOID altogether anything that might be bad. It's both a protective, precautionary measure for the downloader as well as giving credit where credit is due. If you can't be arsed to remember a particular piece of content, then guess what? Don't use it. Use something that you can definitely link back to instead.

    But continue to make excuses instead of listening to logic and reason.

  18. "Most people are sharing their stuff for fun, it shouldn't be so strick that people have to do this and that before sharing."

    Yes, it should be. Why do you think you deserve credit for something you make if you won't give credit for something someone else made that YOU'RE using to make your creation in the first place?

  19. " It's always good to give people as much infomation of the CCs they used as possible but it's not compulsory to download and it's not compulsory for the uploader to do anything you ask or anything you feel necessary.凸- -凸"

    Arrrrgggg, do you not realize that having sims but not all the CC can cause crashing when you try to open them in CAS.

    Besides that, people choose to download the sims based on how they look when the creator presents them. So it only makes sense for the to want the CC used.
    And on top of all that, the creators deserve credit.

    Furthermore why do anything half-assed?

  20. ^ I agree, that's why I do not upload Sims. I'm afraid that I might leave something out and crash someone's game, or give credit to the wrong creator.

  21. all her sims are UGLY, LOOK THE SAME, and it annoys me when igo to sims cave her ugly sims pop up there just ugly shouldnt even try,

  22. "all her sims are UGLY, LOOK THE SAME, and it annoys me when igo to sims cave her ugly sims pop up there just ugly shouldnt even try,"

    That's a bit mean, I don't think they're ugly. And if you look on her site not ALL of them look the same, just the large majority. And Sims Cave sometimes has different sims up... atm there's a few new sims not by Bunny. Two at least lol record.

  23. I actually think all (most) her sims look like slutty pre-teens.

  24. It's one of her better sims, to be certain. She actually looks like a plausible human being, conceivably over the age of 12.

  25. i hate the hair but the sim is a cutie

  26. She looks good with this hair. :D

  27. Why do the same creator's sims get featured all the time. It's gets pretty boring when all this site does is feature sims by the same people.

    There are lots of sims out there, that never get a mention.

    Just saying

  28. Bland but pretty. Not really worthy of download or feature, even if it's not bad.

  29. "Why do the same creator's sims get featured all the time. It's gets pretty boring when all this site does is feature sims by the same people.

    There are lots of sims out there, that never get a mention.

    Just saying"

    Then perhaps we need to let Joe know who those people are?

  30. In addition to that:

    We should also be a bit more concious about those comments, it can make it sound like it's the creators fault. Yeah, Precious asks for her stuff to get uploaded, but some of the others don't. When they do get their stuff featured, they get comments like "why is this getting featured, there are better creators out there..." It's not their fault.

    Not personally attacking you, I'm pointing this out in reference to all the comments like this of late. I know it's fun to have a go at them and see how they react, but honestly give it a break.

  31. "conceivably over the age of 12"

    But certainly not out of high school, probably not even middle school. Looks too young for an adult sim.
