
September 05, 2010

New Patterns by Camille

Download at PodeSim


  1. Seriously, these patterns are extraordinary. This is now my favorite pattern website.

  2. Wow, lovely patterns. I couldn't want for more beautiful patterns in my game, these are gorgeous!

  3. 'Cannot be recoloured'

    Dammnit. These were so lovely too. T_T

  4. I'd prefer they were recolorable, but if they are pretty enough I will download them anyway. These are def going in my game.

  5. These are great! I'm pretty sure these aren't completely non-recolorable, they probably just have one channel that recolors instead of multiple. That's better than none, will be downloading.

  6. I don't want patterns in my game that cannot be recolored no matter how pretty they are. If you think about it, there is nothing amazing about these patterns - anyone could google to find pretty patterns, make them seamless, and then slap them into the game. The work comes into making sure they are recolorable.

    What would be amazing about these patterns would be if the creator had made them recolorable. Otherwise, anyone else could do them.

  7. ^ And that is your choice. I choose to download them. Its all good.

  8. Saying you will just accept anything that can't be recolored at this point in the game just because it looks nice basically opens the floodgates for creators to not even try to improve...because they know that people will download them no matter what.

    It also is a bit of a slap in the face to other pattern creators when this one gets so much praise for non-recolorable patterns when many people who put the extra hard work into making their patterns recolorable barely get a comment or two. The reason you don't see patterns like this on a daily basis isn't because this creator has amazing talent, but because it is relatively easy to do something like this - the harder part comes into making them CASTable.

    Go ahead. Try it yourself. You could easily make these types of patterns yourselves with any image you want if you don't plan on making the pattern CASTable.

  9. On several of these and a few of her last set, you can clearly still see the WATERMARK on these patterns in multiple areas -, which is the place she got them from. Come on now.

    She didn't even bother to remove them. That is PURE laziness and hardly deserving of praise.

    But hey, if you want WATERMARKED, non-recolorable patterns then rock on.

  10. ^ I think you are taking this way too seriously. Chill.

  11. Yeah, that watermark is pretty noticeable on some of the patterns. Not all, though.

  12. "anyone could google to find pretty patterns, make them seamless, and then slap them into the game."

    Actually, I don't even think she took the time to make them seamless. Type "seamless pattern" in Google images and a ton come up. Basically, all she did was resize and package them up for the game. That's why you will still see the watermark for some.

    In fact, some of these same patterns she's made come up:

  13. Ok then so why don't one of you (or someone reading this) take these pretties, get rid of the watermark, and make them recolorable? Then share them with us and we'll all be happy. Problem solved. :)

  14. ^Dude/dudette, the watermarks and them not being recolorable are not the biggest problem. It's the fact that this creator is getting praised for doing NOTHING but googling for seamless patterns and then packaging them up for the game. Creators here get ripped apart all the time for doing things half-assed and I've seen actual creators who did put hard work into items get ripped apart if the work doesn't look good.

    As I said, if you follow that Google link I posted, you will see many of the patterns that she's made available. All she did was resize them (when necessary) and package them up. This blog is supposed to be about featuring people's best work, not something anyone can do. She didn't try to follow any type of pattern tutorial or anything. She just yanked "seamless patterns" off the internet.

  15. Stfu, awwboo, why are you all hellbent on praising this undeserving creator? Obviously she didn't put that much effort into it, so stop whiteknighting like a retard.

  16. Half assed or not I still like them ; )

    However since they're not re-colorable, I think I'll only be downloading a few (like that lovely Eiffel Tower pattern).

  17. If you take the time to traduce you would see why those are non-recolorable
    Hello, here I am again bringing more things that can not be recolored for you. I honestly do not know what happens to me, I have some screwed up mind, but can not make these textures recolorable. I must be skipping some fundamental step in the process because the two tools with wich i'm trying to make textures, they always come out poorly, never get near the quality of the original figure. However, inside the folder are the figures I used, and if someone feels motivated to do them recolorable, feel free. I took some pictures so you can see what you get in the game. I liked it very much. Inside the file are contained the images with numbers, so you'll know which is which if you want to install only a few. The name is also quite easy to find if you need to delete. Well ... I sincerely hope you enjoy. Have a taste of sims2!
    Be Welcome to download my crappy non-recolorable patterns!

  18. "Stfu, awwboo, why are you all hellbent on praising this undeserving creator? Obviously she didn't put that much effort into it, so stop whiteknighting like a retard."

    I agree. I can't believe she got away with this the first time.

  19. ^ I get it, and you have a valid point. I'm just not as concerned. Keep in mind all I said is that they were pretty, and that I was going to download them.

    It really is hard for me to take this sort of thing that seriously. So I'll leave this discussion for people who are more involved.

  20. I think they are really pretty, as others have said. However, a 30 second google/internet search for seamless patterns with the watermarks left intact is laziness and should not be tolerated on a blog that showcases people's best finds. People are right - she basically did no work other than putting these patterns into a game. There's a reason why you can't just find an image on the net and make a pattern from it for the game, and she did just that.

  21. Stfu, awwboo, why are you all hellbent on praising this undeserving creator? Obviously she didn't put that much effort into it, so stop whiteknighting like a retard.

    Would you kindly read the comments? All I said is they were pretty, and that I was going to download them. Several anons were praising her. I never praised anyone. How in the world is that "white knighting"?

    And my request to have them remade was serious. I thought it would be nice if someone could take them and make them the proper way and share them. So sorry it offended you.

    Honestly I don't know why people get so worked up about this stuff. :/

  22. "Honestly I don't know why people get so worked up about this stuff. :/"

    Because this blog has always been a finds blog, not a "whatever you can get off the net and put into your game" blog. That's what separates MS3B from the Exchange.

    Not being recolorable and the watermarks were bad enough, but I was actually giving her credit at first for making them at least seamless until I googled for "seamless patterns" and found out that she basically didn't even take that step.

  23. ^ Then your complaint is with Joe, and you are doing exactly the right thing by voicing your opinion. I don't have a problem with that at all. As I said you do have a valid point.

    However when the namecalling and rudeness starts that is when it goes too far. It really is unnecessary.

  24. some of these are really cool. I will download a few

  25. some of these are really cool. I will download a few

  26. These are gorgeous patterns but the watermark is a problem. Apologies in advance, but for me it is not good enough to say "do it yourself". I have done in the past and intend to do so in the future, but whether one does or does not the complaint is no less valid. I think it fair to expect the original creator of any content to do it right the first time. The same way just about everyone here expects the original creator of a flawed hair mesh to do it right the first time and complain about it here when they don't.

  27. Anyone know where the beds in the pictures are from?

  28. the bed is from Jonesi

  29. Anon
    Be Welcome to download my crappy non-recolorable patterns!

    I personally have no problem with them not being recolourable, but I draw the line at the watermark.

  30. ""

    The bed looks really nice. Does it animate correctly, though?

  31. cute patterns,and so many of them, too bad is not recolorable TT.TT but still i will donwload it

  32. Where are the blanket and pillows from? I see them on two different beds.

  33. a couple of cute ones i can't resist and some glitter patterns i want to try out. perhaps not recolorable but cute all the same

  34. You can post comments on her blog. If you like her patterns but wish they were recolorable then say so. I personally am going to download but I'm going to leave her a note about attempting to make them recolorable.

  35. "You can post comments on her blog. If you like her patterns but wish they were recolorable then say so. I personally am going to download but I'm going to leave her a note about attempting to make them recolorable."

    Why bother when all she did was surf the net for seamless patterns and throw these into the game. She didn't even remove the watermarks from the sites where she got them. So it's not like she put hard work into them but just couldn't make them recolorable...she put in minimal effort (and most of that was spent surfing for seamless patterns already) and didn't attempt to even clean these up so they could be like typical patterns for TS3. She basically had all her work done for her already.

  36. Sorry if you write something wrong, my tongue is Portuguese.
    The patterns are lovely, the few items that I will definitely keep in my game
    and sincerely see no need to recolor, as they are beautiful.

  37. I love the patterns from this cute!!

  38. OMG! this are the most beautiful patterns I ever seen.

  39. I agree, watermark should have been removed prior to release. Colorable, non colorable... tomato tomahto.... creative preference

  40. Wow non-recolorable, non-seamless and watermark still present. Some of you have seriously low standards.

  41. No I can't make anything btw and yes I do appreciate those who can. :) But I still wouldn't inflict this crap on anybody.

  42. I do not intend to be insensitive (since I am a new fan of this creator's patterns), but she really needs to ask for assistance on making these recolourable (or even learn how to vector to remove the damned watermark). Sure, it's perfectly fine to tint the whole pattern, but its not as fun.

  43. this person is incompetent and incapable. non CASTable textures is unacceptable.
    she is a parasite she uploads free stuff from simpossible, simply style, lilisims and other free pages on her slow google server and when she creates by her own, she doesnot know even how to remove a watermark . go to hell, Moron

  44. LOVE IT! It's so... girly :D

  45. I dl'ed them and they look fine in my game... no drama, just like them.
