
September 02, 2010

New Things at The Sims 3 Store

Loud, Fast, Clash! – Bedroom + Attire

Check out this ripped, spiked, loud and downright defiant clothing and bedroom set. Rad.

37 items are included in this set

1,800 points

Oktoberfest Celebration

No Oktoberfest is complete without Lederhosen and Dirndls. Don’t forget the kids! There are enough to go around for your Bavarian babes.

8 items are included in this set

500 points

Speedy Styles

Celebrate The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff! These aerodynamic hairstyles might even make you drive faster than you already do.

4 items are included in this set


More Halloween Treats New

Scare your neighbors and friends with these frightening hairs and decorations.

5 items are included in this set


Buccaneer's Bounty

Calling all scallywags! These treasures be yours for the taking, assuming you have enough courage, truth and a map.

16 items are included in this set

500 points - Thanks, Anon:)

Gift Set 1

Free - Thank, Anon:)

Gift Set 2



  1. Yay on the Halloween stuff.
    As for that first punk set: How '80s. That ripped shirt, the hat and the punk rocker's outfit and hair are all SO 1980s! Not sure if I love the set or hate it. I do like some of it.

  2. i hate the idea of new pay stuff with the release of the sp so soon...

  3. I just downloaded the new Halloween set. It is 24 MB!!!!! Holy crap. The old set was only a little over 1 MB (1.3, actually).

    Also, I just noticed that the '80s punk set includes a TV that's sitting on top of plastic milk crates. I love that! That one item is a must-have for me.

  4. Oh. Some things looks nice. Can't wait to find it somewhere.

  5. Bride Of Frankenstein, FTW!!

    Have to pass on Oktoberfest, reminds me of sauerkraut. Yuck! :P

    I am impressed with the Punk stuff. Most impressed with the baggypants on the teen. Dang, don't really want the hair, but when arring, can't pick and choose. LOL!

  6. I like that spikey hair with side fringe. The female top looks really 80's (love it!)
    The kid pigtails are actually really cute! ^-^

  7. There's also a pirate set for sale for 500 points at the in game store.

    LOVE the first set. One of the hairs reminds me of one worn by some Japanese band. And it's nice that they set it up for adults and teens, because the teens always need more stuff.

  8. Smack me upside the head! That stereo! It is perfect for a teen room, or YA in a starter.

    What's up EA, are you following the community and seeing what the fans want?

  9. Here is the link to the new pirate set. You don't have to buy it in-game only.

  10. Oh yes I forget I can ARR it. Screw the 1800 sim points. I'm getting that first set. I wonder how quickly it will be available.

  11. OMG 2nd last pic, it's JEDWARD.

  12. Oh...Everything is so nice this time...must have!)

  13. 3rd last pic. The post has been updated.


    OMFG it's Jedward.

  14. I actually like it all,YAY!

  15. Those ripped shirts were awful even in the 80s. LOL. I like the set as a whole, though.

    I can do without pirate clothing.

  16. On a side note, the kids pirate outfits, the telescope and the chess board are FRIGGIN' ADORABLE.

  17. The chess board has sea creatures crawling on it. Maybe if you sprayed the chess board with RAID, it would kill the starfish and other little ocean monsters. Then the chess board would be cool. With dead sea animals surrounding it.

  18. I guess you are right Emmie, I would use the chessboard and telescope. Might use the decorations, but I know I don't want the clothes.

    RAID, FTW!

  19. There are also these free items:

  20. I like the female pirate dresses, They're both cute and would be useful for non-pirate stuff. Not really impressed by the male pirate outfit though.

  21. And.... wtf is up with the gift set hair? It looks like that 'Fox' person's hair on tsr. xP

  22. You could possibly make the female pirate dresses boho or gypsy,but I do have more use for chessboard etc.

  23. LOL! Yeah, EA hair sucks bad stuff.

  24. Oh I like that free shirt in the last pic. Thanks for the update.

  25. What does that hair look like from the back, or in CAS? *doesn't have access to TS3 for a few hours or would check herself*

  26. Uh oh it says "Page not found" for the free top. :( (In the last pic)

  27. New links?

  28. I've just got the Pirate set and packaged it for my game use. Of course, I've used s3rc to strip out all the unnecessary crap, and combined it, so it's all good to go.

    I've shoved it up here for anyone who wants it:

    Because I'm just really nice and do stuff like that. ;D

    Over and out.

  29. The link is wrong (on the blog) for the second one. The first one comes up fine.

    It is still

    I just think maybe Gift 2 maybe has a typo in the link?

  30. "And.... wtf is up with the gift set hair?"

    You dont get the hair, you get the top.

    Also those "gifts" are actually SimPoint incentives (the 2000 and 4000 points to be exact) that somehow ended up being set as free so grab them before EA realizes the mistake and fix it,

  31. Does the punk stuff remind anyone of the college set for the Sims 1? With the beer bottle statue and the cinder block bookshelf? :D I love it.

  32. ^^ Yep I grabbed the gifts and it does say they are incentives so be quick quick like a bunny. :)

  33. YOU DO get the hair. And the shirt. Those are the two items in the 'set'. Wouldn't be a 'set' if it were one item.

    Anyone willing to show the hair? As I said, I can't because I don't have TS3 installed on this comp.

  34. Thanks for fixing the link, Joe. You are FAST.

  35. the oktoberfest set brings back memories of high school german club.

  36. Grab it fast,Simmers! The shirt and free pirate set just stink of being Sim Point rewards!

  37. I grabbed the Hair+Top set. The top looks really nice, but the hair...

    In-game issues:

    Uninstalling now :P

  38. I downloaded the Femme Hawk Fatale hair. It actually looks really good in game

  39. Figured that on the hair, I had already uninstalled the hair.

    Now uninstalling the pirate clothes.

  40. Cool stuff! The Oktoberfest stuff looks really good! And the punk stuff has some nice clothing.

    Ich liebe deutsch <3 kein Beir fuer mich obwohl...... :P

  41. I just installed the female top and picture set,my launcher told me that it just installed the $20.00 and $40.00 Sim Point bundle!

    This won't last now,LOL

  42. Can't wait to grab my hands on those cool spikey hairs! X)

  43. "this is what the Femme Hawk looks like in game."

    Hmm... I liked it.. but man, I can't stand EA's texture on hairs! Am I the only one?

  44. Thanks a lot for the pirate stuff!!! Hugs!
    And the free hair texture is really awfull, but the hairstyle itself'd look good in retextured version. Dunno if it's allowed to do though

  45. Aww, that's too bad about the girl's Store hair. I thought it was actually a pretty cool style.
    But I can live without it. You gotta hurry and grab those gift set items, they go by fast!

  46. ^ By the way, I was talking about the ingame issues, that's what's too bad about the hair.

  47. I hate EA wethead textures, but I absolutely love the new styles. Especially the Agyness Deyn hat hair.

    All the punk stuff looks brilliant.

    I just wish EA styles were retextured more often.

  48. aWT said...

    "Hmm... I liked it.. but man, I can't stand EA's texture on hairs! Am I the only one?"

    No, you are not alone. I don't make highlights and tips of a different color with EA hair. All one color. I really dislike EA's controls.

  49. I kinda like the texture, it makes it look messy. When retextured, I can guarantee you a hair like that will lose its messiness. The way it is now it looks like it was brushed when it was highlighted, and then they messed it up, but retextures usually make hair look like it was colored after being styled. Does that make sense?

    Has anyone gotten the punk set yet, btw? That's the only one I'm particularly interested in. I just love those junky furniture.

  50. Shivar, I quite don't get what you meant. But I think only some of the hairs look with EA's texture.

    I did a retexture of Ambitions hairs a while ago, if you ever opened an EAxis hair diffuse in Photoshop you would see what I am talking about. There are some "strokes" in them.

    BlackSweety, I don't think Store retextures are "forbidden", as long you don't upload within the file the mesh itself, but only the new textures, it's okay I guess.

  51. That Femme Hawk hair looks nice. Love the color and the way you highlighted it.

    That's a keeper, but I liked the picture of it anyway. That free gift hair sucks.

    Haven't seen the punk set yet, but will be getting that. I do want the furniture.

  52. I will try to retexture that hair from "Speedy Styles" to see what it would look like. I will post pics in a moment.

  53. The free gift hair actually isn't half as bad as I thought it would be from that preview picture. The transparency issues suck, but they were not as visible as they usually are.

  54. Someone uploaded the Buccaneer's Bounty set at MATY:,18888.msg551219.html#msg551219

  55. gift hair doesn't look too bad in game

  56. "I just installed the female top and picture set,my launcher told me that it just installed the $20.00 and $40.00 Sim Point bundle!"

    Crap! They must've already fixed it because when I tried, it just showed the items available and not SimPoints :(

  57. Here, It still looks meh I guess... should I bother? "/


    Blonde tone

  58. What does 'arr' mean?

  59. I really hate the mesh but the retexture looks good!

  60. Due to the anti German comment made by an anonymous commentor as well as links to pirated copyrighted products and or goods this blog has been reported.

  61. LAWL at Shivar. It does!

  62. aWT, your retexture has greatly improved that hair style. Very nice.

    If the top part wasn't so high, it would make a proper pompadour, for a R&B group in the 60's.

    "Due to the anti German comment made by an anonymous commentor as well as links to pirated copyrighted products and or goods this blog has been reported."

    LOL Whut?! So you got butthurt and now you think reporting will hurt somebody? Are we suppose to care?

    I swear... some people...

  63. Eeeee! Run and hide! This blog has been reported to the POLICE!!!

  64. Because you're the first person that has felt offended in this blog! LOL!
    Never pay attention to that kind of comment, here and everywhere. You know it's not true, so what's the matter?

  65. I am German myself, but I don't care about what other people think in general, this blog IS filled with bunch of trolls, and as in every forum or popular blog there are some.
    But it is one of the great Sims 3 blogs out there.
    What good would it do if you report it?

    And if you feel offended, GET OVER IT! Geez...

  66. Saying the n-word makes you feel better? I didn't see an anti-German comment anyway, but if you are German and saying the n-word made you feel better, should I make a general assumption of all German descent think I am a n*****?

    There have been lots of hatefilled words passed by the trolls and misfits in this blog for a long time now. I will not waste my time trying to find someone to report the whole site so it will go away cause I might have butthurt. That is childish.

    It was okay to be hateful to others but don't say anything against Germans. Geesh!

  67. Actually, now that we have a snitch here reporting the site, we really don't need to be posting links to pirated material here. It will force the blogger guys to disallow comments. Then we won't have any fun here, any more.

  68. ^ Seriously, B, you speak the truth. I can't believe people would get that stirred up on a sims 3 blog of all places. I mean how can you even take what's being said here seriously? It's like a bunch of underage kids who don't have a clue about what they're talking about in the first place.

  69. Ignorance here is abundant. Are you all so foolish as to think EA does not have their own "trolls"? Wake up. Oh and just because many people choose to spread hatred on any public forum does not make it right. Yes, you can choose to ignore it, but there should really be a disclaimer on this site stating it contains this kind of content. More comments on this site are of a hateful or abusive nature rather than the Sims game. This is why I won't choose to come here anymore. Not crying about it, not mad, just gone.

  70. schvartzas

    "shvartzer", "shvartzeh" :

    "From German : "schwarz" : 'black'

    1. 'black'

    2. 'a n*gro', 'a n*gro servant or employee'

    3. 'unfortunate', 'unhappy', 'ill-starred'

    4. 'ominous', 'gloomy', 'boding no good'

    5. 'unskilled'

    6. 'contraband'

    "The Joys of Yiddish", Leo Rosten

    Ooo, I see what you did there. LOL!

    This can be applied to anyone, just as any put down someone may say.

    Anonymous said...

    "Actually, now that we have a snitch here reporting the site, we really don't need to be posting links to pirated material here. It will force the blogger guys to disallow comments. Then we won't have any fun here, any more."

    This is why we can't have nice things.

  71. Ugh,don't tell me THIS comments section turned ugly,I mean,I stepped out for some late lunch and I came back to see this racial crap.

    We were all having fun,geesh.

  72. AS with anything officially released, it's more about what creative types wind up doing with it than with the original quality, so I'm pretty stoked with all this! Plus, the Bride of Frankenstein hair would make a great 60s beehive, and the Oktoberfest stuff means I can do "Sound Of Music" Sims!

  73. Oh, no! Some butthurt German reported us to the Cyber Police! We should all hide now. LOL

  74. Sometimes I think some people don't like humor/happiness,this comments section was actually going in a positive direction,and then bam!

    Here comes the racist troll,out to disrupt our fun.

    Anyway,back to the topic,the high male hair with the free set is so cool,can't wait to actually use it.

    And I can't wait to use the other headgear on my insane sims.

  75. I love this blog, seriously.

  76. Hey, I was trolling first, it's not fair. I will go and tell daddy :(

  77. The trolls have trolls now!!!!!!! This is insanity!!!!

  78. Who you gonna call?

  79. Troll wannabes. Be an original troll instead of copying another.

  80. I do agree that no one should post links to pirated crap here. We don't want the people who run the web site to get in trouble over something that's not their fault.

  81. Links to gay porn? Yikes. I missed that.

  82. iz diz oreginal enuf 4 u? :c

  83. this blog needs some moderation... *sigh*

  84. Just click on the troll's B,it will take you to a site called Hotmale instead of the normal profile view.

    And no,the "male"ain't like in hot"mail".

  85. Funny how most of the 100 comments are from trolls. Aw, typical MS3B.

    I like the punk set by the way :D

  86. Some little pervert pretending to be me? Ugh, sorry, B.

  87. ^ You saw it too, didn't you?

  88. I hope you know that exposing children to porn is a form of abuse and against the law.

  89. Why don't you stop hiding under Anonymous, Shivar?

  90. I've discovered the root of Jenipunch's aggression. It all started when Claeric stole her panties. For crying out loud, just give back the panties!


    I like the ghost and pumpkin that come with the halloween set.

  92. The top is decent. Just remove that necklace and I'll be okay with it.

  93. And to further encourage on topicness,did anyone see if EA took down the "free"items that are clearly Sim Point bundle rewards?

    I downloaded mine with no problem,just wanted to see if everyone got theirs.

  94. I long for the day when EA hires some truly talented people who know a thing or two about fashion and design.

  95. B said...
    "Some little pervert pretending to be me? Ugh, sorry, B."

    Oh, thank goodness! I didn't think it was you, normally you link to a sims3 site.

    Yep, got mine at MATY. Guess they got wind of the freebee fest going on in the community.

  96. I don't know. I'm surprised EA hasn't partnered with Disney yet.

  97. Ha ha,I knew the Sim Point fluke items woulden't last,I got all the Dr.Pepper items one time off the store because they were accidently released.

  98. I got to download the top and hair set for free. (Hey, the site let me, so it wasn't illegal ... there was a big "download" button, so I pushed it! Who was I to say no?!) It didn't give me any free SimPoints, though.

  99. WTF with "I like this, I like that". Dont you guys think all this things should included in the stuff pack?

  100. "Loud, Fast, Clash! – Bedroom + Attire" available @ MATY,18888.msg551245.html#msg551245

  101. You don't seem to understand what a stuff pack is.

    A stuff pack is not some special amazing deal. A stuff pack is just the sims 3 store, "people who dont have the internet" edition.

    The only reason stuff packs even exist is to give some content to people who can't get stuff from the store. If everyone in the world had a credit card and the internet, they wouldn't make stuff packs.

    And if all this stuff was put into the stuff pack, it'd cost way more money.

    AND you'd be forced to buy stuff you didn't want just for the sets you DO want.

    There's no reason to want this stuff in the stuff pack.

  102. Anubis, I can't get the punk set to decrapify. If you can manage it, could you upload it?

  103. ^^^^^^yeah. it's like all this pirate stuff was made to attract the little boys. it matches their sheets.

  104. 1800 points? yikes.

  105. I like most of it; I love the punk set the most though!

  106. Kayla/Jenipunch, get a life/grow up.

  107. is there a way i can use it without updating my game, otherwise it wont install for me?

  108. o noes the stoopid trollz r outta control i cant stand it u knoe

  109. "is there a way i can use it without updating my game, otherwise it wont install for me?"

    Why don't you just go ahead and update your game? Most things now at the Store require that you have the latest updates and it's only going to get worse with not only store stuff, but custom content as well. Also, if you don't update your game, you won't be able to use expansion packs.

  110. Wow, Kayla is about as low class as she can get.

  111. "Why don't you just go ahead and update your game? Most things now at the Store require that you have the latest updates and it's only going to get worse with not only store stuff, but custom content as well. Also, if you don't update your game, you won't be able to use expansion packs."

    i literally cant even load my game when i update, i have ambitions and it freezes while loading.

    i have non updated sims 3 ambitions, i never updated after i first installed, because i am not able to play if i do....

  112. @Anubis...I can't locate what you posted on maty. It shows nothing but some talk...

  113. All of this madness aside...
    Clicked on the links provided for the free sim bundle stuff and found myself unable to access any of it. I guess EA realized the mistake and set to correcting it? If anyone has a working link, or is able to upload, lemme know. <3

  114. I'm the one who called you a boy, and I'm a female. If you don't want to be mistaken for some horny, immature little kid, then stop acting like one.


    At MATY, Pudding Factory, The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here

    pg. 16 bottom of page, The LoudFast set.

  116. ^^That's not sexuality. That's sick, immature and indecent, especially for kids to see.

  117. Thank you for the link, Anubis! Notice how he doesn't fear for his life after being REPORTED. *Screams in terror and hides under the bed*

  118. Ugh, I'm trying to download the Loudfast set but mediafire isn't working for me. Anyone else having this problem?

  119. I love how Kayla thinks that "flaunting her sexuality" is telling us on a gaming forum that her vag is bleeding.

  120. ^^ It worked fine for me. I'm guessing too many people are trying at once. Just keep at it.

    Remember these need to be decrapified to work.

  121. Yeah that should have been ^^^^ now

  122. I only see one of the male pirate outfits, and that's the third one. I feel retarded for having to ask, but where are the first and second? I can't seem to find them under the outfits tab.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. I did download the set from MATY, but only see one of the outfits. All the other files are working fine though. Am I just blind?

  125. I deleted my comment because I realized it wasn't what you were asking. I don't have the pirate set so I can't answer.

  126. Aww. Thanks anyways! All else fails, I'll just re-download it and decrapify it again. I'm always paranoid I've accidentally deleted something by doing so.

  127. ^ Hopefully someone who does have the set will come along and can help you out soon. I would if I could. :) I do know that I've had a few items disappear after I decrapified sets in the past, and actually had to redo them myself.

  128. ^This is exactly why you should only be decrapifying if you insist on installing items through the Launcher. For everything else, the safest method is to just recompress and recompress ONLY.

  129. I turned the 80s punk set into package files, but I'm not able to convert them into a single package with S3pe. I keep getting an error. Any thoughts on this?

  130. ^^ Care to enlighten me on how that is done? Perhaps a link to a webpage? I'm only familiar with the decrapify method.

  131. Instructions were given on the store set comment below:

    You basically just run the file over s3rc.exe without decrapifying at all.

  132. ^ Ah ha. Got it. Thank you - I will do that in the future.

  133. I am loving this B person.

    Anyway, MATY doesn't have the punk/goth/poor whatever you call it set yet. Anybody got it in a package to share?

    Keep in mind, I actually feel guilty now. EA temporarily lowered their price for simpoints by 15%, and the bedroom set is only 8 or 9 hundred points. I'm conflicted. lol Help me make up my mind by waving a link in front of my face. :)

  134. Oh I forgot to refresh and read the later posts, I've had this window open for an hour while brushing my sick kitteh.

  135. Invisible Pirate anon here:

    I actually did run it through s3pe first, but it didn't show up in my game. I ran a separate copy through the decrapifier, and seem to have some files missing. Sigh. Do you think running the untouched copy through it again would work?

  136. im liking that we are getting more free stuff, bout damn time

  137. He licked a hot pepper covered in mozeralla cheese. poor baby. Now he's drinking pomagranit tea. He thinks he's a people.

    I need a package... pretend I'm stupid and we'll get along fine. lol

  138. "I actually did run it through s3pe first, but it didn't show up in my game. I ran a separate copy through the decrapifier, and seem to have some files missing. Sigh. Do you think running the untouched copy through it again would work?"

    It should. Run the untouched copy over s3rc. Then use Delphy's tool to extract the .package files to the folder you wish. You can either combine all the files into one big package using s3pe or you can leave them in that particular folder.

    I have never had any files missing because I have never decrapified. The only reason you need to decrapify is if you want to install things through the Launcher. So if you have any store sets that don't have counters, you should be fine just recompressing and using .package files. However, counters do not seem to like being ripped out of .sims3packs as packages and thus won't connect/recolor properly unless they are left in their .sims3pack format.

  139. Someone on MATY has posted the entirety of todays update as a .package file. Works flawlessly.

    The pirate and punk stuff work together well. And apart from fridge, bathroom, and counters, you can furnish a whole house with the punk stuff. It's awesome.

  140. i have waited an eternity for that hair for my Rhianna sim<3

  141. the links on maty looks like they were organized by a troll. could it be more cluttered?

  142. For once I actullay like some EA hairstyles! Retexture someone...? Please...

  143. Oh I love the 80s set. My 13 year old daughter recently watched Pretty In Pink, so she told me I had to make a Ducky sim. She thought it was a dumb ending when Ducky ended up without the girl. I had to explain to her that all the 80s movies ended that way. She thinks Ducky was the better choice, and I remember feeling that way when I watched it at her age. I need to find a good substitute for his shoes now!

  144. ^ Actually, you get a fucking clue.
    I don't think Agyness Deyn made that style popular, but she certainly revived it for younger generations who aren't familiar with its origins.
    So gtfo and stop presuming to know what people mean. I'm not gonna write a fucking essay about a hairstyle, so I went to the most recent popular reference.

  145. how might i re texture these?

  146. I really want that last hair from that gift set. someone halp!

  147. Think I'm gonna wait to play until the next ep comes out and get a new graphic card. This makes the fourth reinstall for me. Perhaps the launcher will unbroken itself.

    Game is too buggy, doubt if I finish the series...

  148. And now TrollFest 2010 is officially over. Thanks for participating, everyone. :)

  149. FINALLY an off the shoulder shirt!! <3 80s stuff :D

  150. What's the package file on MATY?
