
September 02, 2010

New Things by Camille

Keep Calm posters here

 Patterns here and here

Gucci/LV and IT bag here and here

More at PodeSim


  1. The patterns are amazing.

  2. It certainly appears that they are amazing. They are some of the best I've seen. However, I've run into issues beforehand where I downloaded a pattern that seemed to be amazing and it didn't recolor properly in-game. So do these recolor properly as well?

  3. ^ Only one way to find out!

    There's a lot of cool stuff here.

  4. "Não são recoloravéis"

    I believe that means not recolorable in portuguese

  5. Yupp^ The first set looks like they're recolourable, but the second set is 100% NOT recolourable.

  6. Have anyone realized that all the patterns of the 1st set has an iStockphoto watermark?

  7. ^ LOL I see it now.

  8. these aren't recolorable, i've written in the blog, but in this last i forgot to write it too. even if they have the istock mark i tested them in game and the mark doesn't appear. That's why i posted. I'm sorry if I made you disappointed, but as they are good in my game and i really like them a lot I thought of sharing them with you. :(

  9. I really wanted some of those textures cause they look amazing, but since they are not recolorable I'm not going to download.

    It's nice that you shared them with us, but this is not TS2 and not being able to recolor something is like going back to that game again.

  10. I just went to try to make this last set recolorable and it's impossible with the Istock thing on it! It gets whiter and shows up very much =p
    I know how you are disappointed, me too I love to be able to recolor. I'll put more effort in the next ones to make them recolorable! :)

  11. I like them, and have DL'ed even though they aren't recolor-able. I really like the colors they are in anyway.

  12. Your pastell pattern are beautiful. They are the best i can found. Thank you so much.

  13. Bags and pretty patterns, oh my! Great work on those I'm downloading right away.

  14. where's the bed from?

  15. These items are lovely. I love the patterns. It seems I can never have enough of them. Good work and thanks for sharing.

  16. yeah I am downloading regardless of recoloring. Hell never in a million years would I even want to change the color of the teal paisley. It's already in my color :)

  17. the bed is from the store, here:

  18. DLed the patterns and the Gucci purse because even if they aren't CASTable? They are still absolutely lovely.

  19. ^^^The teal can be changed if you wish, they do have ONE recolorable channel. And for some of the patterns that is ok. In the case of the teal paisley there are only 2 color channels (teal and white) to begin. However, I'm sorry to report that the istock watermark is visible in game and that is more of an issue than there only being one recolorable channel.

  20. I just made more crappy textures that you can't recolor here:

  21. Awww. I was so excited but it's disappointing that they're not CAStable. :( I look forward to your next set though, I'm sure you can find textures just as pretty and make them recolorable. :)

  22. I tried to make this last set recolorable, but I don't know why they don't keep the same quality of the real pic. The polka dots ones for example, those should be really easy to make but when I put them into channels they become of an awful quality like if I had made the picture a lot bigger than I could.. I don't know if you see what I mean. I'm trying some tutorials, but it seems I'm doing everything the way they say. =/ I left the pictures in the file, so if someone wants to make them recolorable they'll be able to :)

  23. The patterns are gorgeous. While I do wish they were recolorable, I will download then anyway because I love them. Thank you.

  24. Wish they were recolorable, but I still like a few so I will dl...

  25. Camille, I don't understand why you're apologizing for something you took time to create. If someone doesnt like what you've provided they already know that they don't have to download them. I for one was thrilled to find your site alone and am usually too lazy to recolor anything anyway. :P You should be proud.

    I wish others could keep in mind that you're still learning. Be nice folks. ^_^
