
September 15, 2010

Rose Lip Balm by Lemon Leaf

Download at Lemon Leaf's Sims Cafe


  1. I love it reminds me of bruno sims 2 stuff.

  2. STFU, 1 2 3 4 anon!

  3. Reminds me of the lipstick tifa did

  4. Very nice, but not liking the overexaggerated lip line thingy

  5. Oh, and if I may, that Lemon troll failed... Lemon is CHINESE not JAPANESE. ._.

  6. I love the models. Wish I could make something like that..

  7. It looks like the man had a tragic chopstick accident and stabbed a hole through his lip, and then put on some manly pink lipgloss.

  8. ^ It looks like the man had a tragic chopstick accident and stabbed a hole through his lip, and then put on some manly pink lipgloss.

    I smirked a little.

  9. ^ As did it.

    The lipgloss is okay. Won't be downloading it.

  10. I lol'd @ chopstick accident comment.

    The lipstick looks weird, pass.

  11. Hey, neat! It's the lipgloss Tife made, but competently done!

  12. I love it for kids! Downloading ^-^

  13. I like it for childreen, but for men... It looks like a little vagina ^^"

  14. She constantly touts her symbiotic bond with her fans, the “little monsters”, who she inspires to “love themselves” as if they are damaged goods in need of her therapeutic repair. “You’re a superstar, no matter who you are!” She earnestly tells them from the stage, while their cash ends up in her pockets. She told a magazine with messianic fervour: “I love my fans more than any artist who has ever lived.” She claims to have changed the lives of the disabled, thrilled by her jewelled parody crutches in the Paparazzi video.

    Furthermore, despite showing acres of pallid flesh in the fetish-bondage garb of urban prostitution, Gaga isn’t sexy at all – she’s like a gangly marionette or plasticised android. How could a figure so calculated and artificial, so clinical and strangely antiseptic, so stripped of genuine eroticism have become the icon of her generation? Can it be that Gaga represents the exhausted end of the sexual revolution? In Gaga’s manic miming of persona after persona, over-conceptualised and claustrophobic, we may have reached the limit of an era…

  15. Great, now we have a crazy Gaga troll.

  16. Well GaGa is an awesome singer and crazy cool celebrity, so she deserves her own troll, even when she's not being mentioned! ♥

  17. Hate to be all Doomy, but I won't be surprised if Gaga pulls a Marilyn Monroe or a Jim Morrison soon.

  18. Well... in my opinion GaGa is awesome... but perhaps she's starting to lose her fire a little. Gaga is all about emotions. Her music too, believe it or not. But those emotions are becoming exhausted now. She's got very little energy left. She tries to hide it, but we're seeing through it.

  19. I don't think it resembles a vagina, but it does really look like there's a hole in the lip, which is unfortunate.

  20. Wow, excellent post about Lady Gaga, Anonymous. Shame you don't have a blog unlike all these other idiots complaining about lipstick (which doesn't even look bad in the first place). I'd actually take a look at it...

  21. Very pretty. Not for the guys, but I want it for the ladies. DLing.

  22. Anon copied something from someone else's blog. I'm not even sure if this is the original post, but here is a link to what seems to be the complete article.

  23. Oops. Missed the source link at the bottom of that.

  24. Cute! I like it :) Great for kids, good on women, bad for men. I only give my men 'lipstick' if it's plain and simple.
