
September 22, 2010

Sims 3 Animator by rothn

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I couldn't figure this out. Will we be seeing poseboxes for sims 3??



  3. ^My sentiments exactly, anon!

  4. This made my day. Yayz!

  5. Holy crap!!! I'm so excited...this is gonna be awesome :)

  6. Best thing I've seen in a while. Can't wait to use it.

  7. Ooh, does this mean our Sims will soon be able to have sexytiems?

  8. OMG finally we have something to try out

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Would it be possible to move this to the front page so more people see it? It's a ts3 milestone after all!

    I'm so glad they figured this out. I hate being on a mac concerning the sims because all of these funky programs I could use to retexture or mesh or utilize in general are unavailable. Still, at least they're out there now! Great work!

  11. lol is this for real..holy

  12. Awesome! ...Now we're that much closer to working Bunk Beds, and other stuff.

  13. So this really works? Anybody know for sure?

    Can't help but be cautious about this... because if this works, this IS the BIGGEST NEWS TO HIT THE MOD TS3 SCENE!!! :DD

  14. It's really not that new, the discoveries behind this have been being worked on for months now, there was a tutorial written in May I think......

    Hopefully what this means is that people will start gaining more interest in interactions, from what I've gleaned S3 animations are a lot more complex then TS2.

    Can't wait for interactions to start to become more common!!!!

  15. The tutorial from may is about REPLACING ANIMATIONS WITH EXISTING ONES, dumbass. Do you ever say anything that you have the slightest idea about?

  16. Anyone else having problems getting MTS or sexysims to load now? Everything was working just fine earlier until an hour or so ago.

    I tried on my Blackberry and the site would load. But I tried loading MTS in multiple browsers and even proxies and all give the "page cannot be found" message.

  17. ^

  18. MTS isn't working for me either.

    But I'm excited about this! I won't be able to use it at all but I'm pumped to see what others come up with. :D

  19. The site is down according to both and

  20. Yes, this is Sims 3 milestone news. I haven't seen anything about animations before this mod, I mean creating new animations and hopefully poses.

    Can't wait to see what comes from this. When MTS comes up, I will try to read up on this.

  21. I'm so sorry that my mistake insulted you so much! I don't really follow modding discussions except for the occasional glance through that forum.

    Chill out!

  22. Funny how you claim not to follow the community that much when the reason the anon is pissed it because you like to pretend like you do. In fact you come off as quite the arrogant "know it all" little shit.

    "It's really not that new, the discoveries behind this have been being worked on for months now, there was a tutorial written in May "

    "I don't really follow modding discussions except for the occasional glance through that forum."

    Ohh yeah, I can the errr's, ummmm's, and what I ment was..., right between those lines.

    Foooooot in mmmmooouthhh

  23. Robodl95 doesn't have the faintest idea what he's talking about? Now THAT is nothing new! :P

  24. lol... Isn't robodl ALWAYS the first to chime-in pretending he's 'in the know', then ends up looking like an ass every time?

    Annnnyway, this really is incredibly groundbreaking!! The floodgates are open. TS3 CC WILL FINALLY BE ANIMATED.

  25. ^^^^ is mrs crumplebottom amassing an army of clones or something. chill out. people make mistakes, you can stop frothing at the mouth with glee now. save some for others. lol.

  26. Seriously, people eat each other alive here, it's nuts lol

  27. So I assume this means we are going to have new animations for our Sims 3 now? If so may I just say...


    Use these powers for good and not evil, children! (Oh who the hell am I kidding. Go crazy!)

  28. Ok, just glad I'm not the only one who sees robodl as a less smart and less cute Hermione.

  29. That anon was me, btw. I'm curious to know if people would be agreeing with "them" if I had bothered to log in. :p

    You're right though. If you don't follow modding discussion, don't go around going "Oh well this major breakthrough is not a big deal because it already happened dur dur" as if you do.

  30. I'm confused. is this just for creators or everyone? add new animation? that seems impossible for regular players. the site is down so unfortunately i cant get more info but all of u seem to know way than me about wth is so important.

  31. Rothn? i love you!! :O
    you put into motion the process of making sims3 poses :D
    for that you get a cookie -gives cookie-
    :D :D
