
September 20, 2010

The Sims 3 Late Night Expansion Pack - with Bonus!

Pre-order The Sims 3 Late Night Expansion Pack by Oct 25 at 11am CST with overnight shipping and get guaranteed delivery on the street date of Oct 26! If your product does not arrive on the street date, we will fully refund your shipping charge. Continental United States only. Must have Overnight Service available in your area. Offer void if you are unable to accept a delivery that was attempted. Not responsible for orders delayed due to inclement weather, incorrect address or credit card information.

Pre-order The Sims™ 3 Late Night Expansion Pack today and receive a code to unlock special items. You’ll get two additional locations—a dance warehouse and a local dive bar—plus two new hairstyles to get your Sims ready for a night on the town. - GameStop -


  1. Well, I can safely say I wouldn't preorder this on the basis of those hairstyles.

  2. Judging by the first picture, I'd say there's still no multi-story lighting.

  3. ^Other than the rabbit holes, but I mean player-made buildings.

  4. The second looks like a badly done first hair........ Not surprising because EA's hairs are actually really bad looking beyond just opinions of style and textures, they're full of mesh flaws!

  5. Beautiful beautiful city pictures. Can't wait!

  6. Potty mouth! Something really needs to be done about these comments.

  7. "Potty mouth! Something really needs to be done about these comments. "

    This is not a daycare. I fail to see why other people should censor themselves because you don't like it.

  8. omg i love the guys hair.

  9. MS3B should lock this thread now.

  10. Why?
    The guy's hair looks very like hair available already as CC.

  11. I mean, why lock it? No worries on wanting it.

  12. oh my god the guy is wearing a blazer over a hoodie

    oh god

    so many boners

  13. A lot of games have incentives to preorder. This is no different.

    I won't preorder though, or even buy it when it comes out. I'm waiting at least a month if not longer, for mods to update and to see what kind of issues pop up from this expansion. There are always problems.

    Plus I'm sure there's a way to get those two extra clubs (and the hair) without preorder. Someone will probably upload them somewhere so that everyone can use them.

  14. "so many boners"

    Lock these comments NOW or else I'm never coming back to this blog.

  15. That first hair is from Garden of Shadows-- strangely, EA did a better job.

    That second hair looks like a total goatfuck.

    Since I'm too lazy to build extra lots, I'll put my 5 on it.

    You got me, EA. You got me.

  16. "Lock these comments NOW or else I'm never coming back to this blog."

    Whose loss would that be? :P

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Erica I thought I recognized that hair.

    I don't get them saying the whole pay for overnight shipping and you will get it on the street date... Um duh, overnight from the 25th is the 26th or am I missing something. They are making it sound like it is some grand promotional effort.

    I seriously want this game.

  19. It IS a grand promotional effort. They are GUARANTEEING that you get it ON STREET DATE with overnight shipping. "Street date" means "The day it is released", meaning "all the stores already have their copies".

    Shipping places? They have the copies, but they don't ship them UNTIL they'll arrive on or after the street date. Even with overnight shipping, it's very rare to get a game the actual day it releases instead of the day after (because they'll often ship it the day it releases). So guaranteeing that you'll get it on the street date with the incentive of paid shipping if you don't is a good deal- because most other sites wouldn't manage to get it to you on street date with overnight shipping, meaning you win either way. You either get it a day earlier than you would elsewhere or your shipping is free.

  20. Lock these comments NOW or else I'm never coming back to this blog.
    Who the hell are you to tell the blog owner what to do? Joe manages the place just fine, but if you cannot handle occasional salty language, perhaps you could avert your eyes from the comments.
    You don't have to read the comments, you prissy little baby.

  21. you know i pre ordered ambitions and got it on the 'the street date' i'll probably be able to get it at like 12 am at an overnight walmart even muhahahahahahahahaha ha..

    but yea this blows, i think they should instead say. pre order today and get FREE SIMPOINTS! Watch sales go through the roof........but honestly i am afraid im wasting another 40 bucks on something i'll be bored with in a month. And refund on shipping is what? 6 to 10 bucks back?

  22. You guys do know the troll has taken new form right? And you guys just keeping feeding it. When will you learn?

  23. i asked this earlier but the comments seemed to be dead. so i just downloaded a few of caleros non default skins and they arent being recognized as package files and they arent showing up in my game. can anyone tell me why/explain how i can fix it?
    (what it looks like as a file)


  24. Not to mention it's EAs fault that outfit is so sexy.

  25. The clubs are really nice.

  26. The girls hair is hilarious.

  27. lol...does anyone else think the two sims look like they belong on Jersey Shore? haha

  28. the pineapple shaped jersey shore girl should run for president of hell.

  29. Dang it, I want these items, but I hate pre-ordering with a passion. l

    Why IS the guy wearing a pinstriped jacket over a hoodie??????

  30. "Lock these comments NOW or else I'm never coming back to this blog."

    Geez ... we'll really miss you.

  31. I really have a problem with the last hair.

  32. Dammit. I really wish I had money or I'd preorder this just for the bonus stuff. Curse you EA marketing!

  33. I look forward to pirating the 2 "bonus locations", but that hair is laughable at best. Even pirating that would be an insult to my hard drive.

  34. ^ Agreed. Although I have a good feeling these additional locations won't offer anything new (hence they won't be worth it anyway).

  35. The best kind of preorder bonuses are the ones that don't offer anything new.

    Preorder bonuses that give you special access to special stuff are bullshit.

  36. You should change the title of this to The Sims 3 Late Night Expansion Pack - with Shivar!


  38. i'll just order off of amazon

  39. Will ts3 ever be as good as ts2?

  40. ^^ I think TS3 is on its way but its gonna take a while. They've already spoken about the difficulties with weather and things like that. Plus, they have SOOO many glitches with Ambitions that they still have not fixed yet. Give it some time and it might be up to the quality that TS2 was. However, TS2 in my own opinion wasn't that fantastic until the very last expansion. TS3 by FAR beats TS2 in terms of animation and the CAS options.

    Does anybody else feel like TS3 is way more glitchy than TS2 was? I honestly can't remember having as many game issues before? :S

  41. ^ Despite the fact I have never played TS2 before, I agree with you about the glitches and giving it some time.

    IMO, the expansion packs become better and better. Hopefully Late Night will fix all these glitches and not create new ones... and fix the store bug ._.

  42. I never had many issues in TS2. But I haven't had many issues in TS3 yet either, despite what others say.

    I think it all just depends on opinion. I liked TS2, but never got into it. I can play TS3 far longer than I could ever play TS2. After a few more essential expansions (Seasons, Pets, etc), I think TS3 will have more people turned to it... maybe.

  43. Why are people complaining? I've preordered Sims 2 stuff before in the past and I've only received 1 shitty car or picture.

    This deal by far beats any Sims 2 preorder.

  44. Oh,and I've had less problems with the Sims 3 than I have ever had with the Sims 2,the Sims 2 still has bugs/glitches that will never be fixed.

    And when the Sims 2 was out I remember forum after forum bitching about,guess what? Bugs and glitches,especially after Bon Voyage was released.

  45. I will probably preorder, but I will not go for overnight shipping. I'm not paying extra. I can wait a few days. For those who can't preorder, don't worry too much. Those "special" items will be available elsewhere. (Although not offered by me so EA don't get your panties in a wad.)

    I loved TS2 and I love TS3. I can't say which I prefer. I don't play TS2 anymore now that I have TS3, but I miss having pets and weather. (Especially pets! This crazy cat lady needs her cats dammit!) I love TS3 for CAP/CAS and a few other reasons (Ambitions was a fun expansion pack for me as I love the Stylist & Ghost hunting careers).

    As far as which has more glitches - I have to go with TS3. I've had many more problems with TS3 than TS2. The crashes have been extarodinary to say the least.

  46. Preorder incentives suck if you don't live in the continental US. :(

  47. I did this promo based on delivery promised by street release date, basically free overnight shipping or they refund you. I do not care about the free items, they are always dl at MATY at some point.
    I have a baby so this is easier than trekking out to the store with him and buying it. That way I can play while he naps:)on the release day

  48. Will ts3 ever be as good as ts2?
    I cannot go back to TS2. I cannot go back to having no power over the colors and patterns on my downloads. I cannot go back to being at a creator's mercy as to what my shower curtains might look like.
    I cannot go back to having my Sims' children and grandchildren go to school with the same children my Sim did.
    I like TS3 much better. I didn't think I would, but I do.

  49. ^Yeah, I was thinking about installing TS2 again in my other computer, just to be able to play with more options like weather and stuff, until I went to the Cave and saw a Sim... god those flat fake faces I used to love so much, now look horrible.

  50. What Fender said.

    I don't get why people insist on comparing a game that has been out a little over a year to a game that was released 6 years ago and that has 8 expansion packs. Even a couple months after the game was released, you had morons yelling, "This game doesn't have nearly as much as TS2!"

  51. I'd like the extra stuff, but I'm not paying a total of $50 for it (for overnight to get it on time). I don't want it THAT bad. I'll just order from Amazon and get it on time for free instead of with the extra costs.

    The biggest glitch from Ambitions that I'd really like them to freaking fix is the stuck in run-mode glitch. As it is, I see kids wanting to play tag (or someone with the childish trait) and I have to fight my urge to delete said sim for causing the rest of town to be bugged >_<

  52. ^I had two sims with the run bug and they never played tag or had the childish treat. So I guess that's not what it's causing it, I could be wrong though.

    To me the biggest glitch is not being able to complete missions in the investigator profession, cause the stakeout option is glitched. And, not only is annoying, but it makes it harder to advance.

  53. They're not really selling this to us EU players :|

  54. Ts2 sucks hard compared to TS3 and I was playing the sims since the sims 1. Seriously, ts2 is not a fun game anymore. My friend opened it up to try it out and immediately shut it down it was so boring, but I couldn't pull them away from TS3.

    Anyway, play the sims 2 if you want, who cares?

  55. That second hair looks like something fox from TSR made.

  56. make your own awesome club if you didnt pre-order it you dont really need the club they made any ways make your own be creative im not gunna pre-order this time like i did with ambitions it was wayy to much n i regret it cuz i was close to getting my tablet so.....lesson learned

  57. Like Fender said,I cannot get into the Sims 2 anymore,I hate having to download recolor after recolor to get some matching furniture,it just got old.

    I also initially hated the Sims 3,I was one of those idiots that refused to like it because I thought the Sims were uglier.

    Now I love it because the Sims are so much more alive,and not to mention the endless ways to customize them.

    And if the Anon above me was unimpressed by CC decked Sims 2 Sims,then imagine the horror of one with NO CC,I mean,just imagine.

  58. Intead of stressing about shipping...why not just do the digital download of it off of EA. Works great, you get it same day, no shipping cost, and save the car trip.

  59. Amen,now that I'm used to the new Sims I love them,especially the adult males.

  60. As someone else pointed out above, it seems that the lighting is still fucked. Nice going EA.

    Still at least they're not just screwing PC owners with crap lighting that refuses to cross floor/wall/lot boundaries. The console ports looked equally borked too in that regard if the recent screenshots are anything to go by.

  61. Pre-orders are all the same, get some new build or clothes, never gets my interest. I will buy the game when I am ready.

    About playing Sims 2, I never looked back after playing the "beta" release in May '09. I love the open neighborhood and everyone moving along without my intervention. I do miss some things and gameplay of Sims 2, but not enough to go back. I gave my Sims 2 games away, although that was before court rulings that my purchase was just "renting" and not having a say in where my purchase goes to. :/

  62. TBH, I've actually played Sims 2 on the PSP for quite a long time (my Sim went psycho and bankrupt but anyway...) but when I started TS3 I haven't gone back to it since.

  63. I like the hairs, they're actually shiny now.
