
September 13, 2010

The Sims 3 Late Night Preview

Thanks, Anubis:)


  1. siiiick cant frickin wait

  2. That's such a cool way to be turned into a Vamp!! Can't wait for this to come out!!! :D

  3. Seeing a rooftop hangout and an apartment in action, even this blurry and with that obnoxious music over it, gives you this weird nostalgic feeling, and anticipation. Most of us have been playing this game since we were 10. Some even younger. Either way, most of us have been playing for 10 years. It's awesome that they can still do things that give you that kind of feeling.

  4. It rocks so much. Vampires. Yesh ... my Precious ...

  5. Although I did stop watching the second I saw the inside of an apartment. That's something you wanna experience the first time in person.

  6. Screw vampires, I'm most excited about the band aspect. I noticed they kept the same crappy drumming animation from Sims 2, but made it a little more intense so it looks better. Nice.
    Also rooftop swimming pools ftw.

  7. One of those rare few times i agree with Shivar.

  8. I can't wait!...this EP is gonna ROCK! :)

  9. Gonna cry there, Shivar?

  10. sO um because of true blood i am soo excited. this ep is gonna allow me to have a real true blood story. damn i looves that show.

  11. Fuck everything else in this EP. I'm excited about the sandwich truck.

  12. Was neck biting too sensual for EA? ...oh well.

  13. Why no neck bite? That makes me kind of sad.

    The sandwich truck is cool, though.

  14. Hmmm,no neck biting? Oh well,I guess they wanted to make things different from The Sims 2,everything else looks like awesome perfection and I can't wait for this one.

  15. if a vamp has a closer relationship with another sim then they can bite on the neck.

  16. The author of this blog should do away with anon. posting.

  17. I cant' wait until this game ahhhhhhhhhh

  18. It doesn't matter if the bloggers do away with anonymous posting or not. People will just post with someone else's name if forced to give a name. Look at how many people pretend to post as Shivar or Jenipunch. It's like once a week. Doing away with anonymous posting wouldn't do shit.

  19. There's different bites for different relationships

  20. Yes, True Blood is gonna happen in my game as well.... can't wait!

  21. Thanks for the small video, this has really peaked my interest. I am not that into the vampires, but may play one to see if I will enjoy the gameplay.

    What I find cool is the sandwich truck driving around the city. Can't wait to see what the community creators come up to replace that truck. I know they will. :D

  22. Look at how many people pretend to post as Shivar or Jenipunch. It's like once a week. Doing away with anonymous posting wouldn't do shit.

    That's a form of anonymous posting. Non-anonymous posting would mean everyone would have their own account, and it would be easy to tell if someone was faking.

    Was neck biting too sensual for EA? ...oh well.

    We've known for weeks that they specifically made it MORE sensual than it normally would be, so that they can use it with higher relationships. They purposely made it sexy and a romantic thing.

  23. I see you shiver with antici... (say it! say it! )pation

    can't wait...

  24. Haha, I'm also one of the people waiting patiently for this EP so I can do a True Blood storyline. Gonna build my own Fangtasia, yeah!

    Thanks for clearing that up about the neck biting thing. I would have been disappointed too.

    I wonder if you can give vampires the "Eye candy" trait. Then we'll have a bunch of sparkling vampires which will make all the TwiHards happy.

    Also, SO excited that we will have hot tubs again. I keep hoping for a pool table....

  25. I try to avoid the teasers... but this is a def purchase for me. Been playing since 2000 (incl lame Sims Online haha) and this EP seems like it may surpass the former EPs...

  26. ... I'm going to make a creepy ice creme truck out of that thing. /plots

    But come on, October needs to get here faster!

  27. Most of us have been playing this game since we were 10.
    *cough* yeah, I was... uh... 5.

    I didn't get WA, then didn't get Ambitions because I want to have them in order and still didn't feel like getting WA, but now I think the time has come to get the expansions.

    And this is my anonymous profile. It's really not hard.

  28. who maked hair? want too!

  29. omg omg omg omg omg. im so flipping excited for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  30. Thanx for the info on neck biting Shiva. Saving it for relationships is a great idea. I didn't know.

  31. Yeah, it is a pretty clever way to do it.

    Plus even though it's mostly a generic vampire animation (It's more sexualized, but you get what I mean, neck biting is the default vampire action), that means that they actually made it MORE SEXUAL- by limiting it to higher relationships- without making it "more sexual" to the ESRB. Knowing EA it'll probably be pretty damn over the top for a T-rated game- like the sims 2 makeout animation, where the only thing that kept it from being dry-humping was that their crotches weren't touching.

  32. @Caliena, I am sure someone in the community will find a way to apply that "eye candy" sparkle to the Vampires. Just wait and see. :)

    I am more excited to see the new mods and CC from this EP.

  33. I read somewhere that vampire sims would have to ask to bite someone :O which would just be stupid - what vampires "ask" to bite their victims?

    Plus there's been a lot of talk about how apartments in this EP are not going to be like the ones from Apartment Life, but rather just one "penthouse apartment" on the top floor where only one household can actually live in the entire block, which defeats the whole purpose of having an apartment as it might as well just be another house made to look like an apartment.

  34. before anyone says anything, yes I know it says in the video about "asking" to be a vampire, but it seems this is going to be the only way - can't wait for a mod for this, after all we can't have polite vampires, they might as well be "sparkly" ones if they're going to be like that :P

  35. ^Well, it's good they have it that way. I couldn't care less about vampires and don't want them automatically affecting my Sims.

    Not everyone is obsessed with vampire culture and I'm glad EA has enough sense to recognize this.

  36. ^ I can understand what you're saying about this, (and I'm not that into vampire stuff my self either), I just think it would be so much more fun if you were playing a vampire that you could bite your victims unawares (but ones you weren't playing didn't automatically do this).
