
September 09, 2010

Slider Hack (Updated Patch v1.15.34) by aWT

Download at aWT's Stuff


This means, if you have another CORE mod like Awesomemod it will not work due to a conflict with UI.DLL.

What this hack will do:

* Increase the range between minimum and maximum of the Fat/Muscle sliders;
* Increase the range between minimum and maximum of other sliders;
* Increase the number of sliders available;


  1. Hey Joe, thanks for posting it! ;)

    Btw, there are some people that use Rez's mod to use non-default skins.
    This mod will conflict with it.

    So I created a compatible version.
    I will upload it and add a button to it in a moment!

  2. This is the compatible version, right?

    I have been searching for a mod that will extend the range of sliders, without having to play around with the master controller before going into CAS. Sometimes that is not possible. Will give this a try, since I don't use AwesomeMod.

  3. Cool! Tks.
    Jonha takes ages to update his. Glad you create this too!

  4. But it does conflict with awesomemod, right?

  5. ^ If you have to ask at this point, you REALLY shouldn't be using Awesomemod in the first place.

  6. ^I never had any problem with it. Only asked because it's up for fast lane and not sure awesomemod already is. But thanks for your generous words.

  7. Yay! I've been missing a slider hack!

  8. Is this the same as Johna's because if it is I will download! My game keeps constantly reminding me that I have mods that are not updated! :)

  9. Can someone please make a slider hack WITHOUT the range feature? I hate when I try to adjust my sim's eyes and they pop out their faces -.-'

  10. "Can someone please make a slider hack WITHOUT the range feature? I hate when I try to adjust my sim's eyes and they pop out their faces -.-'"

    Jonha's slider hack does not include the over/underslide range feature. But for those of us who make celebrity or otherwise realistic Sims, we NEED that range feature. I keep mine on triple.

    You just need to learn how to use more control of your mouse when adjusting because what you describe should not be happening accidentally.

  11. Ok, thanks Anon. But Jonha's slider is not available for the new update... and I need a slider hack a.s.a.p.
