
September 05, 2010

Smart Casual Everyday Wear by leesester

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I saw this earlier and I like it, but I'd like it even better if the pants weren't the bootcut style. I hate those pants in game and they've ruined this outfit for me.

  2. I actually like these. Way better than a lot of CC and especially the crap with the base game.

  3. Damn they are bootcut. :/ Oh well I'll still download cuz I need more guy stuff.

  4. Nice outfit, however I just wish people would make the pants longer...or do you wear yours like that in RL. If it is skinny jeans then that is fine but when it comes to bootcut it just looks ridiculous having them too short.

    Creators tend to make the tshirts/tops too short as well and it is a pity as there is some really nice clothing out there including these but the length just cancels it out for me.

    Excellent first try though and please don't take this as negative criticism as it was not intended that way and as awwboo said I will also download as I need more guy stuff.

    Keep it up.

  5. Dude it's not the creators making tshirts and tops too short. Not everyone can mesh, it's difficult, all we are left with is to use the game meshes. Unfortunately the game meshes are basically too short shirts and pants.

  6. the last pic looks like a scene from the full monty.

  7. I love the presentation. This is better than I hoped for. Thanks.

    Agreed with LFB, the original game meshes make the tops and pants too short. For longer meshes, check out Aikea Guinea's baseball shirts, and replacement tops. New One makes her male tops on AG's meshes.

    Once meshing becomes more comfortable for the creators, you will see more. :D

  8. ^ Or if people figure out easy ways to share meshes for people to do things with, like it was in Sims 2. In order to extract meshes now, you have to know your way around a 3D program. Liana does it, but she only has the format that the TSR meshing program uses. If people could release CTU versions, that'd be awesome.

  9. .........Now that is a "The Full Monty" moment waiting to happen.
