
September 26, 2010

Two Sims by Ariz

Download at Ariz, Larz and Cholez Sims3 Blog


  1. Some might say these sims are unique. And I agree that some of them are. But these two are cery, very... well, messed up. They don't look like humans,, or sims or anything of the sort. I do not like to bash sims, but this is scary. These sims have extreme features that only look so great with buckets of custom content.

  2. all ariz sims look same

  3. I do like the second one. The upper lip is a bit too big, but I still like her.

    The nose is exaggerated on the first Sim. If the bridge weren't as wide, she might not be too bad.

  4. What's up with the ogre eyes? And the lips... Yuck...

  5. I hate the idea that people seem to have that what makes a sim ~uniquely pretty~ is one or two oversized facial features. Everybody seems to be doing it now and as a result this kind of sim is the NEW generic sim.

  6. Dammit :D I love your noses (and lips) so MUCH! ♥
    They are going into my game right here, right now!

  7. They don't look like humans
    What, exactly, planet are you from? What is it that you think humans look like?
    I mean, I got no issue with simply not liking the sims, but it's a special kind of idiotic to attempt to assert these two don't look human. They're not kumquats. Geezus.
    I kinda like the first. Not a fan of the second. She looks a bit myopic and I keep thinking - maybe a bit inbred.

  8. Do you people mean unique as in unique sims or unique looking people? I see so many people due to my job and I swear I never see anyone unique looking lol. I don't see any sims that are unique looking either. Maybe it's just me. These sims look nice, like anyone else walking down the street. Big deal?

  9. "I hate the idea that people seem to have that what makes a sim ~uniquely pretty~ is one or two oversized facial features. Everybody seems to be doing it now and as a result this kind of sim is the NEW generic sim."

    Truer words were never spoken. People replaced one type of generic with another. These Sims aren't generic in the sense that they are 'straight-from-the-Sim-bin' or pudding-faced, but they are generic in that everyone seems to be trying to go for the oversized/overexaggerated features. Now instead of people going for the same old perfect-proportion pretty Sims, people are going for the same old "oversized lips/nose" Sims. It defeats the whole purpose of being unique if so many are doing the same thing. There should be a balance instead of repetitive extremes.

    I also agree with Fender that the second looks inbred.

  10. Is this hair retextured by Anubis or the "original" one from TSR?

    And if it is from Anubis, where the author got them?

  11. There is just so much pressure to create "unique" Sims so you aren't accused of making something in "five minutes" and that is the reason why now it seems like every other Sim on this blog has either a huge nose, huge mouth, or large square jaw - sometimes a combination of all of them. So now what was once unique is actually pretty commonplace around here now.

  12. I don't know why people keep making the upper lip oversized. It looks bad. :(

  13. "I don't know why people keep making the upper lip oversized. It looks bad. :("

    Because of all the screams of "GENERIC! GENERIC! THIS SIM ISN'T UNIQUE ENOUGH!"

    As others have already said, when everyone starts doing the same thing, it's no longer unique. There seems to very little middle ground these days.

  14. Because of all the screams of "GENERIC! GENERIC! THIS SIM ISN'T UNIQUE ENOUGH!"
    BS. If so, they're simply grossly misunderstanding, as are you.
    This creator's always made somewhat unique sims.
    The only one screaming, my dear, is you, anyway.

    Heaven forbid anyone have any, you know, preferences or a willingness to state them. Someone might start hyperventilating and immediately push someone else's personal preference into extremes in their own head.

  15. Oh shut the fuck up, Fender. You have this pretentious, know-it-all, condescending attitude like no one is ever right but you. All you do is expose yourself for the imbecile that you are.

    Many of us have been around from the inception of this blog. And yes, there were plenty of people shouting down creators because their Sims weren't unique enough o were very generic. It has not let up for months and months. Perhaps instead of you trying to correct someone, you'd do some research. Just click on the Sims label and start reading the comments.

  16. Fender is the new Claeric. Both of them love shoving their foot in their moouth when it's clear neither of them have any clue what they are talking about.

  17. I agree with the one anon that said that they don't look completely human. Like, their features are so wildly overexaggerated that they're just really off.

    I feel like the first one would be much nicer with a smaller nose. Not necessarily a teeny little button nose, but smaller. The second one just creeps me out. She looks like a drug addict or something, idk

  18. "This creator's always made somewhat unique sims."

    In YOUR opinion. From what I've seen of this creator, most of her Sims either have huge lips or a huge nose. That's not unique and to me is no different from someone who repeatedly pumps out Sims that only have perfect features.

    Don't get your panties in a bunch just because someone doesn't share your own views of what is unique or not, you crotchety old bitch.

  19. "I agree with the one anon that said that they don't look completely human. Like, their features are so wildly overexaggerated that they're just really off."

    Careful. Fender here will only try to insult you for not having any idea what actual humans look like.

    Clearly, we must all march lockstep with Fender. She knows all. If she says these Sims look human, then DAMN IT, they look human!

  20. "The only one screaming, my dear, is you, anyway."

    omg, can you, like, please stop, raping the, comma please,?

    "Heaven forbid anyone have any, you know, preferences or a willingness to state them. Someone might start hyperventilating and immediately push someone else's personal preference into extremes in their own head."

    Lmao, like you did maybe ten comments ago? The first anonymous was like, "they don't look human," and you were like "OMG THEY'RE HUMANS NOT KUMQUATS!!1!" or whatever. Clearly the person thought they looked off, and there you go, shooting down their opinion.

    I could be totally wrong with what I just said, though, because you're so obnoxiously long-winded that your actual point is garbled as shit.

  21. I don't think you should compare Fender to Claeric. If I had a name, you would probably compare me to Claeric too, just because I post a lot. Just because you can identify someone, and because they post a lot, doesn't make them bad. *sadface*

    I've never liked this person's sims. Some people do, fine. But, I don't know.. if they're making sims like this to make them 'unique' they should stop, and just start making ones that make them happy.

    And I still would prefer it if MS3B would stop posting sims period.

  22. "I don't think you should compare Fender to Claeric. If I had a name, you would probably compare me to Claeric too, just because I post a lot. Just because you can identify someone, and because they post a lot, doesn't make them bad. *sadface*"

    I doubt anyone was comparing Fender to Claeric because she posts a lot. There are several registered users who post a lot. However, Fender and Claeric both have condescending, know-it-all attitudes and the tendency to try to talk down to anyone that doesn't agree with them.

  23. "The first anonymous was like, "they don't look human," and you were like "OMG THEY'RE HUMANS NOT KUMQUATS!!1!" or whatever. Clearly the person thought they looked off, and there you go, shooting down their opinion."

    What I find even more disturbing is that someone who claims to be old and mature like Fender does spends so much time arguing with anonymous posters who are probably half her age. What a miserable, old goat she must be.

  24. Maybe it's just how you read what they write? It's really hard to judge attitude online. While Claeric is a bit of a nutcase, Fender doesn't seem like she is trying to put others down. And both are funny. The reactions to them are even funnier.

  25. ^ you hit the nail on the head, anon.

    there are quite a few registered users that i like a lot, like actonthat, nicole, b, and some others. i actually haven't seen them much lately, but back in the day they would post a lot and most people didn't have a problem.

    so i doubt it has to do with post quantity.

  26. Usually I enjoy the exaggerated features, but the nose on that first sim is just awful.

    I do like the second sim though. I'd make her upper lip thinner, but other than that, she's appealing in a weird way.

  27. "And I still would prefer it if MS3B would stop posting sims period."

    I agree with this. Sims are easier to make than most stuff on here. :S I think links should still be left on the sidebar, but just no more sims on MS3B posts. Oh well, not my blog so I guess I'll just have to ignore it from now on.

    As for the sims themselves, I like the second one except for the lips. If you cover them up (especially her first picture) she's really pretty. Otherwise it just looks like she's abused botox. X_X

  28. "there are quite a few registered users that i like a lot, like actonthat, nicole, b, and some others. i actually haven't seen them much lately, but back in the day they would post a lot and most people didn't have a problem."

    Exactly. I've never seen any of them attack other people for their own perceptions. But day in and day out, I've seen Fender do this ever since she registered. Some people just get off on putting down others. I can understand when people start with you, but Fender likes to pick fights when people aren't even addressing shit to her.

  29. Now I wonder in what world Fender lives in, since apparently we live in another planet.

    I'd never seen people with noses like this one, and yes I've seen lots of huge horrible noses. And the lips? Not even Angelina Jolie has that kinda lips, ffs.

    And just because you use a hundred words to say what you can say with 5, doesn't make you any more right. Stop your raging paragraphs already.

  30. ^I actually don't mind Fender's paragraphs. The more she writes, the more she reveals herself to be an ignorant, pompous piece of shit who thinks that she knows better than anyone else on this blog.

    If you think you are going to intimidate people into not having their own opinions that violate your own delicate little perceptions, Fender, then you've got another thing coming. I don't care whether you are 20, 50, or anywhere in between.

  31. These sims are well not my cup of tea, but why be so mean.
    This creator is not annoying in anny way, neither is she/he/them uploading sims that looks like the same sim straight out of the pudding bin several times a day.

    There is no pleasing the simmers today.


  33. It's such a nice feeling to find out that tons of people hate the person you hate.

    Fender, I recommend that you get a different name and/or stop being such an asshat asap

    Because really, posting in the future under the name Fender will probs just stir up a shitstorm, js

  34. "And I still would prefer it if MS3B would stop posting sims period."

    I agree with this. Sims are easier to make than most stuff on here. :S I think links should still be left on the sidebar, but just no more sims on MS3B posts. Oh well, not my blog so I guess I'll just have to ignore it from now on."

    Well, also, half the sim-uploaders don't even bother posting CC lists. Or they upload sims with non-default skins, which you're not supposed to do.... Or they're lazy and tell you it's a 'peggy hair' or the clothes are 'TSR' but Peggy and TSR have so much crap, how the heck can you find it?

    And the few times I've downloaded a sim, they don't look anything in game like they did in the pictures, even when I got the content list right. ;_;

  35. It's such a nice feeling to find out that tons of people hate the person you hate.

    Fender, I recommend that you get a different name and/or stop being such an asshat asap

    Because really, posting in the future under the name Fender will probs just stir up a shitstorm, js

  36. "I think some of the people on here are just racist, the only reason why people are saying they don't like the big lips and noses is because it reminds them of a black person and everyone is just to scared to admit it."

    Are you fucking KIDDING me with the race card?

    Honey, I'm black. I love how you just assume that people are ZOMG!RACIST because they think that over-exaggerated lips and noses don't look good on these particular Sims. Basically, your statement could be seen as racist since not all black people have big lips and big noses anyway. The way these Sims' features were exaggerated make some people think that the features don't look very human, period. It has nothing to do with not liking black people and I love how you just assumed the races of posters here. Try harder next time to grasp at straws.

  37. "I think some of the people on here are just racist, the only reason why people are saying they don't like the big lips and noses is because it reminds them of a black person and everyone is just to scared to admit it."

    Interesting theory, but I don't think so. For one, there are different kinds of big noses. The one featured here is ogreish and can be found on any type of person. Blacks stereotypically have flatter, wider noses, which I tend to like.

    I also love big lips, but I'm turned off of these because it freaks me out when the upper lip is that much huger than the bottom lip. Plus, they look chapped and red, blegh.

    Nice try tho

  38. I do feel like Fender tries to talk down to people and feels his opinion is superior to others. I have seen him or her or multiple occassions attempt to "correct" peoples opinions and he dismisses everything anyone else says.

    Many people do feel that every sim that is not odd looking is called generic, while sims like these are the only thing that will get past the judges like Fender.

    And he does seem like Claeric/Shivar and maybe he is because both just go on and on like they are they only one making sense or with a valid opinion :)

  39. That annoyed me too. :/ .. Her facial features are not black. They're just... odd. If she had 'generic' black facial features she'd look nicer.

  40. So.... Big noses are a black only thing huh?

    Didn't know Helen Thomas was black. >>

    Also, I would totally like to see someone TRY to sim her. XD

  41. African facial features? Don't see any. Besides, I'm not scared of black people, I'm scared of ogres. They killed my party =(

  42. I'm still here, anon. I just don't post much because of the rampant trolling on here nowadays.

    Anyway, I sort of like the second sim. The lips really need to be thinned out, though. They look almost comical.

  43. "I just don't post much because of the rampant trolling on here nowadays."

    Look at the maturity displayed in that comment. TAKE NOTE, FENDER.

  44. Fender, my love. Ignore the rantings and ravings of such children. You are above them.

  45. I am here too, although I don't find much to post about now-a-day.

    I like the first sim, and I see what Ariz might be going for, but it's too big. Almost like what a healing, broken nose would look like. No problem, easy to fix in my game.

    I like the second sim, I can always fix the upper lip if I want, but she has potential for my game.

    Thank you for sharing.

  46. I agree with B, I just toy with bits in my game if I want them to look different. I like Ariz's stuff because it is 'Ariz'. You can always tell it's by her at first glance :)

  47. Fender stop leaving yourself anonymous comments.

  48. I've yet to leave myself any anonymous comments. You guys are a riot, though.
    "They don't look human" remains an asinine comment. They are clearly human. Welcome to earth, there are homely humans here.
    *rolls eyes*
    As for the comma raping, I used only the commas required and used them appropriately. Lern to grammar.
    I love that there's basically two anons here too chickenshit to put a name on their posts, yet ranting and raving about me, and assuming I am raving about anything.
    There are some comments made too stupid to overlook, but by and large I don't look down on anyone here. That would be in your heads, dear anons who have such a boner for me.
    You really, really amuse me. If you don't want to get called stupid for saying stupid things, don't say stupid things. It's really not that hard.

  49. ^^ LOL GO FENDER!!! WOOT

  50. Omg these are hideous!

  51. It's more than two anons. Admit you are becoming disliked just as the new Shivar title suits you.

  52. sheesh, get a hobby and take some pills, freaking anons

  53. It's always the SAME anon that rips people apart on this site, I think her name is Sheena.

  54. "They are clearly human."

    They are clearly pixels on a monitor.

  55. There's definitely more than two anons that rip people apart. I imagine a lot of them are even some of the blogger account people posting things they're too scared to under an account. Also the creators to give credit to themselves.

  56. the above anon has it correct: Yes, OBVIOUSLY they are human. However, their features are so exaggerated that it makes them look off.

    not necessarily "inhuman" just very unrealistic

    and if you visit this person's blog you will see they have a thing for huge noses and lips..their style so to speak

  57. ^true. i don't agree with fender but i don't understand the intense hatred.

  58. I find them interesting enough to like! This is Ariz's style, she has made that claim many times before.

    Thanks for sharing them Ariz!

  59. I just stopped by to see the trolling.

    I actually like that second Sim a lot. She's adorable. I guess I'm just a person who likes full mouths on their Sims. No thin-lipped Sims for me!

  60. The second sim looks like she has Downs Syndrome

  61. i just started posting some of the sims ive made and im wondering if theyre not pudding faced/ok enough to put up for download

  62. @Bubba. They're interesting, and fairly varied, but I'm not seeing anything I'd be willing to download. Here are my reasons:

    A- No CC list.
    B- Simspack format. .Sim file please.
    C- No In-Game shots.

    I'd also suggest you crank your graphics all the way up for the shots. Get a slider hack if you don't already have one to get more freedom to vary your sims' features.

    I also personally look for more realism. Smaller eyes, ect, but that doesn't seem to be your style, and certainly is not everybody's.

    If you are too lazy to do CC lists, or can't find the content, it's OK to strip the sims of content completely, show what they look like without it, (and even with it as an example of a makeover) and upload them CC free.

    I hope that helps you.

  63. The reddish haired sim kind of looks like Ashley from the Real World

  64. I like both these sims. I think the nose on the first one, just the bridge area could be a bit smaller (IMO). But I still don't think its horrible looking or unrealistic looking.

  65. Gawd, so many anons! Ha, I saw like 70 comments and thought a comment war broke out.

    The sims both have gorgeous eyes! Really nicely shaped.

    On the first sim, (how can I talk, but anyway) the nose is weirdy shaped in the first pic, its all bunched up looking, but thats probably one of those batshit animations. And I agree that the bridge is a little too wide. She's very pretty though. :)

    I LIEK LUV THE 2ND 1 LOLOLOL!!!!!111!! But the upper lip is pretty crazy. Its larger than her lower lip, which is pretty rare IRL. But aside from the lip and the peggy hair that gives her a huge forehead, she's gawguss. :) /suckArizsdick

  66. @anon, thank you for the tips. not quite sure how to retrieve/remember all the cc i used because i am obviously a nub at creating sims and putting them up for download, but ill try to figure it out.

    also ive been trying to make my sims look different but ive learned over time that i may have a small preference for freckles and pale skin lol

  67. that is Shiloh Jolie Pitt :)

  68. The first one got punched in the nose; the second got punched in the mouth.

  69. I think both of them could be used in my game, but I admit I'd change a few things. I'd definitely change the 1st one's nose. The bridge is just too wide. I'm not sure I'd DL her. Now the second one I really like, but I'd change her mouth. I agree the upper lip should not be that large. Otherwise I think she's adorable. I'll probably DL her.

  70. Actually the 1st one was really catching my eye and I finally figured out why. With a smaller bridge of the nose, she looks A LOT like someone I once knew. Same exact face. Now I have to DL her.

  71. @anon above, that time of the month already?

  72. ^Aw, a menstruation joke. Truly the epitome of gender-specific comedy.

  73. I'm not normally one to recommend plastic surgery, but that thing could crush her in her sleep.

  74. lol. No, I've just been making more mensuration jokes lately cause we're doing the menstrual cycle in science. Good (immature) times.
