
October 10, 2010

Beach Huts by Paty

Download at My Sim-Style


  1. Cute, but that's a whooole lotta CC for such a small place. Not a criticism, just a comment.

  2. There's no CC list, and this annoys me.

  3. Things without custom content lists should NOT be posted on this site. It's disrespectful to the creators who were not credited and a pain in the ass for downloaders (not to mention dangerous if there are bad files).

  4. Its been, a lot. And this has way too much CC to bother with. .

  5. "Things without custom content lists should NOT be posted on this site. "

    I disagree. Yes, it sucks, but this is a finds site. Sometimes great finds don't include CC lists, or include pay content, or any of the other innumerable things that piss off downloaders. It would be awesome if every find fit all our ideals, but they don't. I don't want to miss out on seeing something awesome just because it didn't have a list and didn't make the cut.

    That said, this lot doesn't fall into that category. It's just a very simple CC dump. Cute, but not worth downloading, even if I wanted to take the time to track everything down.
