
October 04, 2010

CAST yourself a painting! by armiel

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I actually think this is pretty ingenious. I'm surprised it was never thought of before.

  2. ^Actually, someone did it at TSR, but it was TSR, so... you know.

  3. ^Ahhh, I must have missed it from TSR. I don't browse there much anyway and if it was subscription only I would have just ignored it most likely. Still love them though.

  4. There's several at TSR, but I don't think they're tileable like this one is.

  5. This was a great idea :)

    I have been looking for something like this too!

  6. This item was originally done by EA,it came with one of the store sets.

  7. It's located in decorative,misc.,it is called Abstract by BahHaus,it also accepts any pattern in the game.

    So this is neither a new or original idea,I may end up downloading them though because the concept is pretty amazing.

  8. Yeah, I was gonna say it's been done before by someone on TSR. But the one on TSR, which is the wall hanging that has 9 squares (3x3) is really clunky looking. The mesh is thick (thickness from the wall, facing out) and huge; when patterns are applied, they're very stretched because of the proportions. This looks a whole lot cleaner/classier.

  9. Camille_Stefford did this already about a month ago. I can't remember what site she is at but I don't think it was TSR. It was posted on here also.


    Isn't this the same thing?


    Looks like the same thing to me.

  12. I actually had wall art that was recolorable and not from TSR a LONG time ago. I THINK it was from Simply Styling. Living Room 3, I think is the set it was from. The idea has been out there, but this is a very nice, versatile and clean execution of it.

  13. Hello.

    I wanna thank MS3B for yet another feature.

    What comes to the questions/suspects you have, I can only say that this was an original idea, FOR ME. I only use MTS and TSS, and very rarely some other sites, but never those mentioned.

    Those pictures in the links are nothing like mine, I cant see any resemblance, but the shape.

    For the nice comments and thanks I wanna say thanks back :)

  14. They are just jealous of your pure awesomeness *love*

  15. I, personally, haven't seen anything like this before. I don't recall a recolor-able painting in game.

    So thanks Armiel!

  16. The whole "this isn't a new idea" deal is getting old. The game is not new anymore so many good ideas are bound to be recycled, whether the creators are aware of the earlier works or not. You can't expect everyone to keep tabs on every piece of content out there just to avoid repeats. Besides, it allows for versions being better/different and preferred by different people. It's a good thing, IMO.

  17. While I did download Camille's version so I have seen something like this before and I want to give credit where credit is due, I still love the idea and I'm thrilled to have this as well. It is different, and I will enjoy using it. Thanks :)

  18. I had the one at TSR, which as Shower Screams described, is too large, chunky, and sits oddly on the wall. Took it out after looking at that picture in the game. I have seen others, but the textures look horrible.

    I will try this and hope they are fabulous as in the preview. Looks like a great job.

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