
October 31, 2010

Chinese Style Arched Door by Susan

Download at Susan's World


  1. Isn't this Susan from TSR? Yay more creators becoming free!

    *crosses fingers for Cyclonesue*

  2. Is that glass or metal on the door?

  3. If it is, I hope to see more stuff from her, 'cause I love Asian themed stuff.

  4. Has anyone figured out how to download this? I can't understand the site and I love the arch!

  5. ^ Her site works the same way as Lemon Leaf's. Click the picture to download (IT SAYS THAT IN ENGLISH), then when you get to Vdisk, wait for the blue buttons in the middle to load. Then click the 2nd button. Ta-dah.

  6. Very pretty!

    "Isn't this Susan from TSR? Yay more creators becoming free!

    *crosses fingers for Cyclonesue*"

    I doubt it's a case of "pay creators becoming free." There are plenty of pay creators at TSR who also put out the occasional free thing on their own site or someone else's (perfect example, look at Hasel, Simsimay, and more recently Saliwa at Liana and Lorandia's sites). But they still shell out a ton of stuff for TSR, too (and often the best stuff there).

  7. If you can answer my questions above I will be able to give you more specific help.
    bifold doors
