
October 03, 2010

Even More Pokemon CC Miss Skitty

Download at Miss Skitty's Custom Content


  1. Never can have enough Pokemon T's. And as usual, these are very well-done/professionally-made. Any chance of ever doing a Shroomish and/or Sunflora shirt?

    Thank you! :)

  2. I'm always amazed at how quality your t-shirts look. Plus you made 2 Psyduck shirts... so I love you.

  3. Will Pokemon ever go away? I'm not judging your interests, people can like whatever they want. I just don't understand why it's still around. Like herpes.

    The shirts look good. I'd get them if I gave a flying fuck about Pokemon.

  4. ^^ Shroomish & Sunflora! No problem. What age/gender did you want them for?

    As for the other comment, Pokemon forever! Haha. I am just hopeless addicted to it. Plus I made a Pokemon specific request thread so that's why I have posted a lot of it.

    Thank you again for the comments, and I love you too!!


    Your shirts look absolutely fantastic, it makes me wonder why Pokemon hasn't hired you to make these for actual humans!

  6. I don't get the Pokemon thing but I've been addicted to Gargoyles, TMNT and anything X-Men since childhood, so I guess I shouldn't judge hahaha...

    The shirts are a cute option for kids.

  7. Hmmm, TMNT you say.... I think I just got some ideas!


  9. These are nice, but I have too many tee shirts. I would like to see something different for kids to wear. Like cute tops for girls. Tees are kind of boring.

  10. I mentioned Shroomish and Sunflora! Personally YA/A I'd like most, secondly children if you got around to it. Thank you so much again; it's nice to see creators so eager to please!

    As for Pokemon itself, I never cared for the anime/manga, but I've played the games for quite awhile now and still do. Incase you thought Pokemon was dead, the current games are STILL breaking new sales records today. It's a bit of a guilty pleasure for me, but I love it and can't help myself. :)

  11. I hate pokemon of today, but LOVE the old-school ones you're making shirts for... especially the less popular guys like snorelax lol. Thank you for sharing these!

  12. "Incase you thought Pokemon was dead, the current games are STILL breaking new sales records today."

    Oh, I know. That's exactly what I don't get.

    Cute shirts though.

  13. ^^ It's because the games are pretty decent+addictive (if you don't mind overly-cutesy things and repetitive gameplay elements). But they obviously follow a pretty solid formula, otherwise it wouldn't still sell so incredibly well after all these years.

    And as usual, fantastic work on the T's, Miss Skitty. EA wishes the corporate shirts they charge money for looked this good!

  14. Love it. As many have already said, they look just as any other professional shirts out there do. Very nice work.

    And I definitely wouldn't stop you if you considered shirts featuring characters from the 90's-version TMNT cartoon either... in fact, I'd loooove that! :P

  15. They all look great! I miss the days when it was just the original 150. :(

  16. Hey I love your stuff so much, but I was wondering if you could do the adult version on the T-shirt mesh instead?

  17. ^ With the adult versions, I can try to add them to the EA mesh, but I don't know how well they will translate. I made these on a longer mesh, so part of them might get cut out.

    I made this TShirt file originally for myself, because I don't really like the normal one. It seems too...short for me. I like when they overhang a little bit. I understand if you don't. I'll add it to the running list!

  18. If anyone comes back, I posted some TMNT stuff over at the blog. :)

  19. have you ever considered using fanworks for your tees? they could be just as awesome as these (rabid gengar-centric fan hurr)!

  20. OMG I love Gengar too! I plan on doing a set for him alone XD

    Am I lame that I keep coming back to this thread to see if anyone ask/said/requested anything?

    ...I probably shouldn't have asked that.

  21. ^No, you're the creator. It's nice when you come back to check on things. :)

    These tees look great but I'm even more excited about the TMNT ones!

  22. Please please make a chansey and snorlax one for MALE ADULTS - I happen to have a strange sim that needs this type of thing. Thanks so much x x
