
October 06, 2010

Fast Lane Stuff Hairs: Retextures by aWT

Download at aWT's Stuff

File names:





  1. It's a shame EA makes such GOD-awful hair meshes... but these retextures look nice. :)

  2. I was gonna say the texture looked really weird, until I realized that those were EA hairs... nothing you can do about it.

  3. EA hairs disgusts me, wish someone make something to remove all them from my game. It's nice to see that someone is trying to make them look better though. But honestly, EA hairs are a lost cause.

  4. I think there are a couple EA hairs worth keeping...but they are extremely few and far between, and even the somewhat acceptable ones only work on some sims.

    That said, they look a lot better with better textures, even though I don't have a need for these particular styles.

  5. You would expect EA to make something like this. Their hairstyles are so ugly. I never use any of them. You would think a gaming company with their knowledge and expertise could make a decent hair style. I only use downloaded hair.

  6. "You would think a gaming company with their knowledge and expertise could make a decent hair style."


    EA has NEVER done a good job with hair and fashion. It's not their shtick. Hoping for otherwise is pretty much futile.

    The thing is, they don't HAVE to produce good-looking content for Sims. The Sim community has proven time and time again that they are willing to shill out big bucks to a company which lays out the framework of the game essentially leaves the rest of the work to modders like Pescado who fix their busticated bits, and the innumerable talented CC-creators who take one look at the hideous in-game content and resolve to share their own. From a business standpoint, it doesn't make much sense to put more time, money and work into something that other people will do for them for free.

    Case in point, these retextures are much nicer than the originals. The overall styles aren't particularly appealing, but they are still an improvement.

  7. That last hair is actually perfect for one of my Sims, do I need Fast Lane to use them?

  8. ^yeah, unfortunately.

    I love the male hair to death. This hair and the rolls royce made me torre-... I mean legitimately buy Fast Lane stuff.

  9. Aw, I would torre--I mean, uh, legally obtain, Fast Lane, but I really don't want to make my game run slower for one hair =(

  10. That male hair reminds me of Bill Kaulitzs(Tokio Hotel) old hair. Idkw.

  11. ^^^ Actually I think the last hair is a store hair. Or am I mixing it up with another? It looks the same to me, but I don't have Fast Lane.

  12. I think there's 2 versions of that last hair, one from the store and one from the EP.

  13. I think I'm the only person on Earth that actualy likes EA Hairs/clothes. I don't have any CC hair or clothes. Lot's of other CC though. :)

  14. ^There are probably two or three of you out there.


  15. I like some EA hairs and clothes, and I only download CC that doesn't look out of place in the EA world. So, no obviously photoskinned stuff.

  16. The Mod community should make their own game. Instead of focusing their effort on fixing the same problems over and over with every EP that actively makes old mods need revision, we should be making out own from scratch. Screw you EA.

  17. Yeah, EA's hair meshing has really gone downhill. I wish I could hide most of the hairs that came with Ambitions. Eugh. The store hairs aren't even worth paying for. They're rather consistent in making quality clothes and objects, though.

    As for CC, I'm not too picky about hair as long as it's got a nice texture and the mesh isn't weird-looking. Custom skin tones and eyes are a MUST. I'm the most picky over objects and clothes. I don't put overly photoskinned and skintight clothes in my game. Objects have to fit in with the rest of the game's furniture, not something that looks like it came out of Second Life.

    Oops. I rambled.

  18. Ever since Sims 1 modders have been making far better content than EA. You'd think they would have hired some of them by now.

  19. The first hair is not so bad, but not worth buying the expansion for. What dress is that in the first picture, the black dress the girl with the black hair is wearing? Is it from Fast Lane Stuff?

  20. Oh nvm, I found it, it seems to be from Fast Lane Stuff. Still not worth buying for :D

  21. The male hair is from the Store.

  22. One of the things that make Sims games successful is what the community creates and able to put in the game. What originally comes with the game is nice, but players like me want to see what the community imagination will bring to the game. Always been that way for me.

    I know EA has to try making things for the game that will not be high in polys or break the game, but those first two hairs are shameful. Might as well make them right or leave it alone. Can't get away with flat looking curls. Sheesh!

  23. Yeah, I love FL but the hairs were utterly disappointing... I guess ya can't improve crap. Nice try aWT

  24. I don't know, I think Maxis hair designers are stuck in the old ear or something. There are some hairs that are good to keep, but the most are simply horribly made.

    In our current generation meshing is becoming easier and easier for 3D Designers, I mean, now we have Tesselation, a feature of DX11 which is incredible if implemented with success;
    EA doesn't seem to keep up with the technology, The Sims 3 came in a time where, graphically speaking, is below the default.
    And it's not about money, because I believe EA win thousands of cash with just the Store.

    I don't know if it's that they want to keep doing hairs this way, with a low polycount in order to make it more reliable on low-end users. Or their meshes are lazy enough to make them look just a bit better.

    But let's be realistic, in our times, even though The Sims is a more casual game, who have a low-end machine? I refer to Pentium, or other old 32-bit plataform processors.

    Shame on you, EA.

  25. Btw, the male hair have two versions, one from the Store, which was released before the launch of FL.
    And this one, which is in the stuff pack;

  26. Couldn't agree with you more, EA DOES live on the past, nothing new there.
    But you can expect great hairstyles for The Sims 3 in The Sims 6.

  27. You can get the cockatiel hair from the store. I'm kinda fond of it. My sim always looks interested in the world with this hair.

  28. It's not that they're low poly, there are some fantastic low-poly custom meshes out there.

    EA hairs are really bad, if you take a second to actually examine their hairs closely you will see all kinds of graphical issues

  29. I dunno, I wish I could have the first two hairs without having to buy FL. I rather like the "retro"-ness.

  30. Oh thanks for the info. I have that last hair and I don't have Fast Lane so I was a bit confused. I must have the store one and your retexture, aWT.
