
October 24, 2010

Flat Leather Sandals by Greennoodle

Download at Imaginarium of Green


  1. I like them, they remind me of a pair I saw once.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. They are nice but I don't need them. But the meshing is wonderful, along with the texture. Wonderful work.

  3. They are nice but I don't need them. But the meshing is wonderful, along with the texture. Wonderful work.

  4. Hot. These are fantastic. Thanks!

  5. I really love everything Greennoodle does :)These are so well done, considering the Sims 3 engine.

  6. ^Actually they are not IN anymore, great sandals nonetheless.

  7. the mesh is pretty good being that it's his/her first one. i think he/she will only improve over time. besides that i don't really like the texture or look of them

  8. this is 1st item from this site that is decent

  9. It's like I'm really in Konohagakure!

  10. I think the shoes are cute :) It's definitely something I couldn't do.

  11. this gave me a frightening '80s flashback

  12. These look like shit. What person in their right mind would put this on their sim? You must really hate your sims if you make them wear these. They look like a homeless lady got her foot caught in a weave basket!

  13. To the person who said these shoes are not IN anymore. You're kind of an idiot. They still are IN where I live. Many girls wear this style.

  14. ^ You must live in a cave, on a deserted island on the other side of the world.

  15. They're pretty popular where I'm from, too.

  16. haha! Similar shoes were popular in ancient Rome. They have not lived in caves: P. These sandals were fashionable one or two years ago but some people still wear these.

    Texture .. yea, I still have to work on my uv map. Thanks :)

  17. I dunno about everyone else here, but I tend to see styles on the street for a few years after they leave the runway. I do live well outside a major center of fashion, but I also have a feeling that's true about *most* simmers. If you live in a place where fashion trends are always on the cutting edge and have the time and money to style yourself like a true fashionista, that's all well and good. It's fair to say that these are a bit outdated. But if you feel the need to give the rest of us (who might enjoy these) a hard time, you need to grow up and find something better to do with your time.

    Fashion forward or not, these are nicely done. I agree that the textures aren't 100% perfect but they are still quite good.

    Thanks, greennoodle.
