
October 02, 2010

Maggie by Ariz

Download at Ariz, Larz and Cholez Sims3 Blog


  1. I like her more than the last sims released by this blog. She looks more average/normal.

    But I don't feel compelled to download.

  2. Same as last anon.

  3. She has very pretty facial structure and coloring.

  4. non generic sims are starting to look generic....

  5. Although this sim looks pretty, I think that if the creators took better pictures (as in showing the sim's personality), I'd feel more compelled to download.

  6. Where can I get a degree to graduate as a Professional Sim-Esthetic critical you all have?

  7. Ehh, shes nothing special. Shes not even pretty.

  8. "Ehh, shes nothing special. Shes not even pretty."

    I agree.

  9. "Ehh, shes nothing special. Shes not even pretty."

    "I agree."

    I third that!

  10. I am tired of people making sims... why can't they make something better?

  11. What's wrong with you, guys? The comments I read on MS3B these days are awful...
    I think this sim is very pretty!

  12. I like her. She has an innocent quality without looking five years old.

  13. "Where can I get a degree to graduate as a Professional Sim-Esthetic critical you all have?"

    Come off it. People have opinions and they have the right to express them. Of course, it would be nice if more people put some thought into the things they say when they express them, but still...

    Also, that sentence made no fucking sense anyway.

  14. "What's wrong with you, guys? The comments I read on MS3B these days are awful...
    I think this sim is very pretty!"

    People have a right to express their opinions. Just like you think she is pretty, others will think she isn't. It really isn't a big deal when someone's opinion differs from yours. I don't know why some people feel it threatens their very existence when someone doesn't like something they like, as if it makes you have bad taste or something. It's not about you. Like what you like regardless of whether others like it as well.

  15. She's almost perfect, just those fucking lips. They aren't nice at all, and pretty similar to her other sims. But she's gorgeous without having DD's and huge blue eyes. :)

    "I am tired of people making sims... why can't they make something better?"

    Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot people only created things to please you alone. Maybe YOU should make "something better" and stop complaining about how others spend their time.

  16. Her face isn't all that perfect but she does look like someone you'd see IRL. I like her.

  17. Hey look, David Duchovny has a twin sister!

  18. She's absolutely gorgeous! It's funny... she looks a tiny bit like my female models lol I'm going to have to download, alter and adore :D Thanks Ariz, I love all your Sims.

  19. ^ She looks like your models after they suffered an abortion, maybe. Stop making everything about yourself.

  20. Thanks everyone!

    "Ehh, shes nothing special. Shes not even pretty."

    Well I think she's pretty, but like I've said before; It's all about preference. And she isn't supposed to be special or glamorous. Just a normal, down to earth girl.


  21. Does she actually have graying hair or is it just my eyes playing tricks on me?

  22. "She looks like your models after they suffered an abortion, maybe. Stop making everything about yourself."

    I'm sorry that I mentioned myself in a post, I won't do it again. And I agree, my models are not as good as hers. Sorry.

  23. Good lord... many of you sad-sacks sitting on this blog all day need to take more anti-depressants. :(

  24. ^ Yeeeah... or you know, get out of the house once in awhile and have a life.

    I promise then you'd see a lot less of these negative posts constantly.

  25. I don't know why, but something about her reminds me of Amy Sedaris. And then at the same time reminds me of Jennfer Grey...

  26. I LOVE her Ariz; she's very natural looking while not over-the-top in any way (which is very difficult to pull off!). Cute but believable. Perfect IMO.

    And lol @ the few people who whined about her not being pretty. Why on earth do all sims HAVE to be pretty? People on this blog sure do have issues.

  27. Love her cheeks <3

  28. Nice Sim. I dislike her facial structure but that's just my preference. :P

  29. Reminds me of Kate Moss.

  30. I don't know why, but when I saw her I fell in love with her. I usually don't feel that excited by a sim, but I absolutely adore her. Thank you, Ariz! She'll be my new favorite! :)

  31. She's really cute.

  32. I love her! She's pretty but not perfect. Plus she doesn't have ginormous eyes so she looks less cartoony than most sims.
